
Have a question about Heroes of Dragon Age? Check this post first for the answer!

Where can I find the TOS?

English - http://tos.ea.com/legalapp/webterms/US/en/pc

French - http://tos.ea.com/legalapp/WEBTERMS/US/fr/PC/

German - http://tos.ea.com/legalapp/WEBTERMS/US/de/PC/

Spanish - http://tos.ea.com/legalapp/WEBTERMS/US/es/PC/

Russian - http://tos.ea.com/legalapp/WEBTERMS/US/ru/PC/


Where can I find the forum rules?

Please remember it is a privilege to post on the forums and interact with the community, and the dev team. Be respectful to everyone.

How can I change my forum or in-game name?

For Forum name changes, send a PM to the Community Manager. If you’d like your IGN changed, please submit a ticket to Customer Support, and include the name you would like to use.

What is the orange bar below my name on the forums?

The orange bar fills as your posts are liked; the more the bar is filled, the more likes your posts have received.

What about the status under my forum name? It says I’m a Common Hero.

The type of Hero will change as you post more on the forums. Once you cross a threshold, you’ll be “upgraded” to a different Hero category.

These used to be generic but the community wanted to theme them

What is the difference between Visitor Messages and Private Messages?

Visitor Messages are NOT private; only Private Messages are private. If you wish to have a private discussion with someone do so via the Private Message function.

I think I might have found a bug. What should I do?

First check the Feedback, Suggestions, and Bug Reports section to see if this is already a known issue. If it’s not listed under Bugs: Open Issues, start a thread and include as much info as you can.


Where can I find out about the various kinds of packs, and what each pack contains?

Details about the Champion and Grand Champion pack can be found in-game in the newsfeed. Additionally, tapping on each pack type in the store will provide more information about that pack. The staff keeps a public spreadsheet for the catalogs for each pack. For more detailed information, check out http://forums.capitalgames.com/forum...on-at-a-glance

How do Champion Pack and Grand Champion Pack guarantees work?

All Champion and Grand Champion Packs have a no-dupe policy in place. This means that all units you receive from a CP or GCP will be units you have never owned (not unlocked in the gallery). If you have had a Hero but since used it (forted, consumed) it still counts as being owned and thus will not be awarded from a CP or GCP until the catalogue is completed.

1* and 2*/3* Legendaries are in separate groups. This means owning all the 1*’s in the catalogue does not guarantee a new 2*/3* next. You will start receiving dupe 1*’s until you roll a 2*/3* pull which will then be new. 2* and 3* LC’s will NEVER dupe, a dupe 2*/3* pull will always be a non LC unit.

Legendary Wisps do not take the place of another Legendary, they replace an Epic.

There is a 2*/3* guarantee every 6th GCP or 80th CP (regardless of if you pull one earlier).

Every 2nd GCP or 20th CP will guarantee a featured Hero; every 4th CP will guarantee a Legendary.

Only one guarantee can occur at once for the CP, so if your 20th pack could drop both a featured guarantee and a 2*/3*, one will be given that pack; the other will be given the 21st pack (thus pushing back that guarantees counter 1 pack).

Wherever applicable, first the 2/3* guaranteed Legendary is pulled, then the featured guarantee Legendary and then any other Legendaries.

What does "Featured Heroes" mean?

Each week, we have 1-2 new heroes released. During the first week of a hero's release, they are considered "Featured" and have an increased chance to drop from the Champion and Grand Champion Packs. Additionally, older heroes that have recently been significantly updated may be included as part of the week's Featured Heroes, as a re-feature. The weekly Newsfeed Announcement for the pack will always indicate which heroes are Featured for the week. These heroes are Featured in both packs, meaning that triggering the Featured Guarantee in either pack will result in a drop from the pool of Featured Heroes, provided they have not already been acquired. Once all Featured Heroes for the week have been acquired, the Featured Guarantee reverts to being a regular Legendary drop, with no further guarantee in place to provide duplicates of the Featured Heroes, although the Featured Heroes will continue to have an increased drop chance when compared to other heroes in their star-rating category.

How can I know what my GCP/CP count is?

Currently there is not an in-game pack counter. Please send a ticket to Customer Support and they can look at your account.

How many Bloodstone/Iron Pack tokens can I have? Do they expire?

You can have as many as you like - there is no limit on the number of tokens you can have, and tokens never expire. Your saved tokens will still be available to use when timers are reset or when the pack contents are updated.

What happens when pack timers run out?

The dev team stays on top of the timers to make sure they don't ever actually run out. If the timer gets close, it will be extended. The exceptions are limited time packs, such as the CP, GCP, and Flash Packs.


How do I join a Guild?

From the Camp (Home) screen, on the left hand side there is a shield icon, which is for Guilds. Click on this to open the Guild interface where you may view a list of recommended guilds, or search for one. Pick one that appeals to you, or create your own, and then join!

Where can I find more information on Guilds?

Check this page: http://forums.capitalgames.com/forum...575-guilds-q-a


Why does my Hero's attack vary from their attack on the 'More Info' screen?

A Hero's attack can vary for a number of reasons:

There is a random variance of up to +/-25% power on each attack.

The Hero may have gained power by their own abilities or the abilities of allies or gear or they may have had their power drained by an opposing Hero.

A character who normally damages a row or column deals bonus damage when hitting a large creature.

The Hero may have the ability of dealing bonus damage to certain groups, or an ally may provide an aura that allows the toon to deal bonus damage to certain groups.

Is there a cap to damage resistance?

General damage resistance caps at 75%; anything more than that won't count. Specific damage resistance (against mages, blighted etc…) has no cap and can reach 100%.

What are the speed tiers?

There are three basic speed levels: Quick, Normal and Slow. All Heroes start in one of these three tiers.

A Hero’s speed can be improved with Runes, but max speed level is Quick +1.

Speed can be lowered through the Slow skills, this drops speed one tier. There is no cap to how low a units speed can get (slow -1 will move before slow -2 etc..). Heavy Slow ability equates to a -2 tier speed drop instead of the normal -1 from Slow.

Slow effects can be prevented through Slow resistances and Immunities. Resistances can be reduced through negative auras, but Immunities cannot be effected. A unit immune to Slow can never be slowed under any circumstance.

What are the limits on negative resistances? How do they work?

Stun resist cannot go below 0% stun resist

Slow resist cannot go below -50%

Power Drain resistance cannot go below -100%

How are units final stats calculated?

-Power = (Base Power * (1+ Event Bonus) + Fort Power) * (1+ Aura Bonus A + Aura Bonus B + ...) * (1+ Faction Bonus); and

Health = (Base Health * (1+ Event Bonus) + Fort Health) * (1+ Aura Bonus A + Aura Bonus B + ...) * (1+ Front Row Bonus)

Keep in mind attacks have a +/- 25% damage variance, meaning a base 1000 power attack can hit between 750-1250 damage. Critical Hits are not affected by this damage variance, Critical hits do exactly 2x that units power at the time of the hit.

Why does my banners per fight change?

You start at 25 max banners per win, every 400 banners you get your max banner per win increases by one to a max of 30. After you hit the max of 30 you will slowly drop back down in max banners. If you are unsure what your current max banner count is, look for fights that reward 270 gold, those are max banner fights.

Why does my Hero stats not match what they should be with the event bonus?

Event bonuses only apply to units base stats, not fortified stats. So an event bonus of 100% power will only boost your units power by 100% of its base value then add on the fortified power.

How does Matchmaking work in PVP and Proving Grounds?

Matchmaking in Proving Grounds and PVP Events is determined based on your current rank and trophy/banner count compared to those of other players. An opponent will be randomly selected for you from a pool of players within a certain rank of your own, which can be from above or below you, and not based on your squad strengths or level. Based on the difference in your trophy/banner counts, your award for winning or penalty for losing will be determined.


How many keys can I have and what happens when I reach that amount?

Keys do not expire. Keys cap at 99 max, if you have 99 of a color key you will be unable to collect anymore until you use them.

I just received a Tome of Ascension but can't find it in my Gear inventory. Where did it go?

Tomes of Ascension do not appear in your Gear inventory. Instead, when you have unlocked the fourth gear slot on a Legendary Hero, when you tap on the slot to apply a Tome, it will indicate on screen at that time how many Tomes you have available in your inventory.

Why is my Heroes of Dragon Age file so large?

Every update adds more assets for news, events, announcements etc… so over time it can add up to a very large file size. Make sure your account is linked to Google Play, Game Center or Facebook and then uninstall and reinstall.

We recently implemented a way to dramatically reduce the file size (without removing anything from the game).


I sent in a ticket to Customer Support and they haven’t gotten back to me yet. What should I do?

Please be patient, and refer to this post: http://forums.capitalgames.com/forum...stomer-support

Why don’t you answer my Customer Service issue?

The Community Manager, Moderators, and Devs on the forums cannot help you with CS tickets and issues. They are here to take suggestions, pass along information, and moderate the community on the forums. Any technical issues or account concerns must be handled via the CS ticket service in-game. Posting ticket information will not help your ticket get answered faster. That said, if you notice any bugs or are having issues feel free to post them in the Feedback, Suggestions, and Bug Reports section (as long as they haven’t already been noted).


Stuck in the Tutorial: http://forums.capitalgames.com/forum...e-s-what-to-do

Members of the Community Team (Devs, Mods, and game experts): http://forums.capitalgames.com/forum...s-hoda-experts

Creating a HoDA Forum Account (and Facebook Connection): http://forums.capitalgames.com/forum...quired-to-post

Signature and Avatar Help and Guidelines: http://forums.capitalgames.com/forum...ure-guidelines

Posting Pictures/Screenshots: http://forums.capitalgames.com/forum...n-posting-pics

Frequently Suggested Topics (check here before posting a suggestion): http://forums.capitalgames.com/forum...ons-hot-topics

Skills and Auras Explained: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1...tt-3dAh6s/edit

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