
Please i need to help

Please . can you add another moving average . Median .

Fore example : FastPeriod=10



Open order when moving average 10 cross moving average 100 .

Close last order when moving average 10 cross moving average 50 .


More explain :

When Fast MA crossed above slow MA so GO LONG . and when Fast MA crossed below slow MA so Exit Last Order And GO SHORT .

I Need to update it to :

add third MA . Median MA .

- When Fast MA crossed above slow MA so GO LONG . and when Fast MA crossed below Median MA so Exit Last Order . and when Fast MA crossed below slow MA so GO SHORT .

- when Fast MA crossed below slow MA so GO SHORT . and when Fast MA crossed above Median MA so Exit Last Order . When Fast MA crossed above slow MA so GO LONG .

thank you



//|                                                    GuruEx03.mq4 |

//|    Copyright © 2009, Marketing Dreams Ltd. All Rights Reserved. |

//|                                        trading-gurus |

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//| GuruTrader™ example 3                                            |

//| Version 1.0                                                      |

//|                                                                  |

//| A basic moving average crossover system                          |

//|                                                                  |

//| Wealth Warning! This expert is for educational purposes only.    |

//| It should NEVER be used on a live account. Past performance is  |

//| in no way indicative of future results!                          |


#property copyright "Copyright © 2009, Marketing Dreams Ltd."

#property link      "trading-gurus"

#define SLEEP_OK    250

#define SLEEP_ERR    250

//---- input parameters

extern int    Magic = 12347;

extern int    Slippage=30;

extern double  Lots=1.0;

extern int    FastPeriod=10;

extern int    SlowPeriod=100;

extern int    Hysteresis=4;

//---- static variables

static int    Dig;

static double  Points;

static bool    Initialized = FALSE;

static bool    Running = FALSE;

static bool    Long = FALSE;

static double  Fast;

static double  Slow;

static double  LastFast;

static double  LastSlow;

static int    OrderNumber;

static double  PositionSize;

static color  clBuy = DodgerBlue;

static color  clSell = Crimson;


//| Utility functions                                                |


#include <stdlib.mqh>

#include <stderror.mqh>

#include <WinUser32.mqh>


//| Expert helper functions                                          |



//| Closes an order at market                                        |


int CloseMarket(int Ticket)


int    Type, ErrorCode;

double Price, Quantity;

OrderSelect(Ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET);

Type = OrderType();

Quantity = OrderLots();

while (TRUE) {            // Keep trying until the order really is closed

if (Type == OP_BUY)


else if (Type == OP_SELL)



return (-1);

Print("CLOSE ", Ticket, ", ", Quantity, ", ", Price);

if (OrderClose(Ticket, Quantity, Price, Slippage, CLR_NONE) == TRUE) {


return (0);


else {

ErrorCode = GetLastError();

Print("Error closing order ", Ticket, ": ", ErrorDescription(ErrorCode),

" (", ErrorCode, ")", " size: ", Quantity, ", prices: ",

Price, ", ", Bid, ", ", Ask);





return (-1);



//| Places an order                                                  |


int Order(string symbol, int Type, double Entry, double Quantity,

double TargetPrice, double StopPrice, string comment="")


string TypeStr;

color  TypeCol;

int    ErrorCode, Ticket;

double Price, FillPrice;

Price = NormalizeDouble(Entry, Dig);

switch (Type) {

case OP_BUY:

TypeStr = "BUY";

TypeCol = clBuy;


case OP_SELL:

TypeStr = "SELL";

TypeCol = clSell;



Print("Unknown order type ", Type);



Ticket = OrderSend(symbol, Type, Quantity, Price, Slippage,

StopPrice, TargetPrice, comment, Magic, 0, TypeCol);

if (Ticket >= 0) {


if (OrderSelect(Ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET) == TRUE) {

FillPrice = OrderOpenPrice();

if (Entry != FillPrice) {


Print("Slippage on order ", Ticket, " - Requested = ",

Entry, ", Fill = ", FillPrice, ", Current Bid = ",

Bid, ", Current Ask = ", Ask);



else {

ErrorCode = GetLastError();

Print("Error selecting new order ", Ticket, ": ",

ErrorDescription(ErrorCode), " (", ErrorCode, ")");


return (Ticket);


ErrorCode = GetLastError();


Print("Error opening ", TypeStr, " order: ", ErrorDescription(ErrorCode),

" (", ErrorCode, ")", ", Entry = ", Price, ", Target = ",

TargetPrice, ", Stop = ", StopPrice, ", Current Bid = ", Bid,

", Current Ask = ", Ask);


return (-1);



//| Performs system initialisation                                  |


void InitSystem()


Running = FALSE;

PositionSize = Lots;


LastFast = iMA(Symbol(), 0, FastPeriod, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_MEDIAN, 0);

LastSlow = iMA(Symbol(), 0, SlowPeriod, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_MEDIAN, 0);

if (LastFast > LastSlow)

Long = TRUE;

Initialized = TRUE;



//| Checks for entry to a trade - Exits previous trade also          |


int CheckEntry(double Size)


if (!Long && (Fast > (Slow + Hysteresis * Points))) {

// Fast MA crossed above slow MA so GO LONG!

if (OrderNumber > 0)

CloseMarket(OrderNumber);  // Close previous short order

OrderNumber = Order(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Ask, Size, 0, 0);

if (OrderNumber > 0) {

Long = TRUE;




else if (Long && (Fast < (Slow - Hysteresis * Points))) {

// Fast MA crossed below slow MA so GO SHORT!

if (OrderNumber > 0)

CloseMarket(OrderNumber);  // Close previous long order

OrderNumber = Order(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Bid, Size, 0, 0);

if (OrderNumber > 0) {

Long = FALSE;







//| Expert initialization function                                  |


int init()


Dig = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS);

Points = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_POINT);

Print("Digits = ", Dig, ", Points = ", DoubleToStr(Points, 5));

if (!IsDemo() && !IsTesting()) {

MessageBox("Wealth Warning! This expert is for educational purposes only." +

" It should NEVER be used on a live account." +

" Past performance is in no way indicative of future results!");

Print("Initialization Failure");




Print("Initialized OK");




//| Expert deinitialization function                                |


int deinit()


Print("DeInitialized OK");




//| Expert start function                                            |

//| Executed on every tick                                          |


int start()


if (!Initialized) {



LastFast = Fast;

LastSlow = Slow;

Fast = iMA(Symbol(), 0, FastPeriod, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_MEDIAN, 0);

Slow = iMA(Symbol(), 0, SlowPeriod, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_MEDIAN, 0);

if (CheckEntry(PositionSize) > 0) { // Entered a trade?

Running = TRUE;                  // Yes - Indicate that we're in a trade




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