Hammerfist Clan | Hammerfist Gaming is currently accepting applications with our Templar Cabal on the Arcadia Dimension.
We are a small tight-knit community with dedicate nights for enjoying our TSW time (dungeon crawls, questing, leveling, issues, lairs, etc.). Team gaming times are generally around 7-8 EST to 1-3 EST, Wed-Sat. There are members on at other times, of course, but those are our peak times for group fun!
We are a social/casual-core guild, so do not dictate when team members play as we understand many are part-time gamers with full-time lives. We value our real life commitments as well as in-game ones; and as part of a multi-gaming guild, many of us play other games together as well.
We can get you a guest invite, chat or answer any questions. In-game contact: Law (Cabal Lead) or Tierick, Hafforr or Lyril (Officers). (An application is required for formal membership with HFC). http://www.hammerfistclan.com/forum/...cation-250072/
** While we are not a RP cabal/guild, we respect the environment and population usually associated with RP servers. **
About Hammerfist Gaming | Hammerfist Clan
HFC established in 2001 is an adult guild for mature members age 18+.
It's our goal to provide a friendly, stress free environment in which to enjoy our gaming time. If you are looking to join us, one thing to keep in mind, we value friendship, community and having fun with zero tolerance for squabbling over loot, elitism, nerd-raging and drama queens.
Guilds can be an excellent place to meet new friends; share good times and experiences that stay with you for years. So, leave the drama behind and enter a world of fantasy and fun with friends is what it's all about.
HFC was honored to be named a Founding Cabals in TSW at launch.
Voice chat: Mumble.
Forum: vbulletin style at hammerfistclan.com
(We encourage team members to use both!)