
Let us play League of Legends, RP style! The rules here did not say that this is wrong. I will only use character names, some maps, and skills, so it will advertise less (please warn first if this is not allowed, sorry)

We will do it like this:

- each skill will have a cooldown of two turns. Meaning 1 skill = every other turn. There are skills with longer cooldown, but I will explain that later. There is also the ultimate which will take 5-10 turns each, depending on the skill.

I am AHRI, the nine tailed fox. I am a mage assassin who can dash through the whole adventure. I will also be the team captain, and will be with team Demacia

Demacia- the country of justice. This is where heroes are born, and they protect justice.

Kayle, the judicator- support, fighter

JarvanIV, the king of Demacia- fighter

Garen, the might of Demacia- fighter

Shyvana, the half dragon- fighter

Ashe, the frost archer- carry

Lux, the lady of Luminosity- mage support

Volibear, the thunder's wrath- fighter tank

Akali, the shadow- assassin stealth

Fiora, the grand duelist- carry

Karma, the enlightened one- support

Caitlyn, the sheriff of piltover- carry

Noxus- the arch enemy of Demacia, villains are born here and they want peace, but in a different way.

Katarina, the sinister blade- assassin

Morgana, the fallen angel- mage support

Cassiopeia, the serpent's embrace- mage

Evelynn, the widowmaker- assassin stealth

Singed, the mad chemist- fighter

Viktor, the machine herald- mage

Le blanc, the deceiver- mage assassin stealth

Kassadin, the rightwalker- assassin mage

Darius, the hand of Noxus- fighter

Kog'Maw, the mouth of the Abbyss- carry

Malzahar, the prophet of the void- mage

The abilities will be said after everyone picks, to prevent cheating. The main story line will be said then after. First come first serve.

P.S. It does not mean that the attributes are more they are stronger. Sometimes, single attributes are better

This is my first ever RP. Everyone may join, even uf you do not know anything about the game. Just pick a character and i shall explain

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