For myself, I have been eagerly anticipating this launch since it was announced on (ironically enough), April 1st... I think CMoN and GG have my number.
Anyway, I was waffling here and there as more details came out, and was concerned that I would not like the changes to the Zombicide ruleset that I love so much. However, since getting to see the game-play video I have since let go of my need for Massive Darkness (MD) to be the same as Zombicide. With that, a renewed sense of optimism has replaced all doubts and I am genuinely excited for this game. I also feel that overall, CMoN is handling this kickstarter project better than some of their older ones. Which means less interesting SGs with a lot of gaps so far (I think one of them was 80K!?), but promises to be a better chance of delivering on schedule this time around.
So yeah, happy about this KS and cannot wait to play the game (in a year)... So I'm in.
cornixt wrote:
Why are half of the heroes looking at the ground? Did someone lose a contact lens?
Indeed, others have commented on this as well... I figure they are either tracking something (The contact lens theory is as good as any), or they are searching for traps--though personally, I find the ten-foot pole stratagem to be superior.
knightkrawler wrote:
I want the Spider. And that's it, really.
The spider is indeed pretty cool looking, though I also like Lilliarch (The multi-armed Demon thing).
StratosVX wrote:
Looks good, I just can't justify spending that much on a board game right now.
Understandable, there have been a lot of very interesting games competing for our collective [collector?] attention lately.
Anderas wrote:
Just took a look at the advertisement video. It seems to be massively borrowed from Zombicide, no? Detail changes, yes, but then....
I have some time right now and will s3e if the gameplay video looks alike.
So yes, the premise here since the original announcement back in April, is that Guillotine Games (GG), deliberately built their Dungeon-crawling system off of inspiration from their work on the Zombicide engine. I suspect that community interest in seeing the Zombicide Black Plague game include non-zombie monsters, was a possible inspiration there.
That said, the game appears to be different enough that the games are not directly compatible, though community efforts will certainly change that.
Ragnar IronFist wrote:
So what if one hasn't touched a game of zombicide...but has been curious about all it's hype and popularity. Would this perhaps be a worthy purchase instead of zombicide?
Edit: kinda hoping somebody talks me out of this (Talk me down! talk me down!) after splurging on Dungeon Saga:Dwarf King's Quest and all that...
Edit Edit: But dang this game looks pretty sexy. Love the skill tree cards and dashboards! (Talk me down, man! I gonna do it I swear!) Again, I've never even watched a gameplay vid on zombicide. Maybe just get that one instead?
Sorry, cannot in good conscience talk you (or anyone) down from this particular ledge. Primarily because the more pledges this gets the more stretch goals we'll get, and for me, this game will likely be my last (only really) "All-in" game of the year...*Chuckle*...
That said, Massive Darkness and Zombicide are actually, from what I have gathered and seen, fairly different games... Distant cousins perhaps, but different enough that it might be like comparing Hero Quest and Advanced Hero Quest, related yes, but not the same game at all.
Regardless, Zombicide (both Modern and Black Plague), are great games--if you can appreciate them for what they are; quick to play-ish, easy to teach and learn, monster slaying mayhem. There is very little depth but a fair amount of variety and a ton of replayability. If someone were only interested in jumping in on one, I'd suggest Black Plague as a smoother, better designed version of Zombicide, but they are all great. I suspect Massive Darkness will provide similar.
If you are on the fence I'd recommend going to your FLGS and seeing if anyone is playing Zcide of one flavor or another and sitting in on a game.
As to Massive Darkness, I cannot really recommend it because I have not yet played the game, however I can certainly encourage you to go ahead and take the jump... Off that edge... That you want me to talk you down from... Sorry.
Statistics: Posted by QorDaq — Today, 1:35 pm