Hi everyone!
I see a lot of RaspBMC users that are interested in XBMC test builds, therefor I started this thread.
This thread will contain test builds and not official XBMC versions for RaspBMC.
If you run into any trouble and wish to uninstall, SSH into Pi and ´rm .xbmc-current´ (delete .xbmc-current folder).
The first test build does not contain any RasppBMC extra features, only what is included in patches for RaspBMC nightlies as I use Sam´s buildfs and nightly patches.
The following is a test build of XBMC (Gotham) for RaspBMC, compiled from popcornmix´s newclock3 (compiled 18th Oct 2013), also known as "speed build" (see this).
I included libshairplay for better airplay performance.
Edit: This build requires firmware from Raspbmc September release or later.
To install:
SSH to Pi and:
cd .upgrade
wget -O xbmc-13-20131018-NEWCLOCK3-LIBSHAIRPLAY.tar.gz http://goo.gl/5j5wIO --no-check-certificate
mkdir -p xbmc-13-20131018-NEWCLOCK3-LIBSHAIRPLAY
sudo tar -xzf xbmc-13-20131018-NEWCLOCK3-LIBSHAIRPLAY.tar.gz -C xbmc-13-20131018-NEWCLOCK3-LIBSHAIRPLAY
cd xbmc-13-20131018-NEWCLOCK3-LIBSHAIRPLAY/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/lib
sudo mv libshairplay.a libshairplay.la libshairplay.so libshairplay.so.0 libshairplay.so.0.0.0 xbmc/system/
Then in Raspbmc, go into Raspbmc Settings/Nightly Build Configuration/Switch Between…", and choose new build + restart XBMC.
I use my dropbox at the moment, but if traffic will be to high I will look into alternatives.