Home server: http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/295182-lamp-lees-all-mods-pack (for more info)
Lighting the Way....:
0.8.10 video....
Sight Options Demo:
Default Sights (see Demo above)
NOTE: There are several other sight options in the pack.
Krieg's Crosshairs (a sight option in the pack)
- XVM Mod 5.1.0 latest nightly (using Ded_Shalfey's xvm (now using his new version but modified to look like the old, and with changes by lee)
- TAIPAN Crosshairs by Dicky93 (has enemy armor indicator with scope, now with Armor Penetration Dot) and Kriegstreiber's ArtyCrosshairs UPDATED 0.8.11.v4
(NOTE go into game settings to change styles to get the red pen dot, etc.)
- 7 other of the best Crosshair and Arty sights to choose from..... (you can pick the sight you like)
- Gun Traverse Indicator for SPG and TD
- Gun Constraints for TD & Arty, two styles to choose
- MeltyMaps Armor Indicator NEW 0.8.11v2
- 60x zoom level.... instead of 30x NEW 0.8.11v1
- SPG Shell travel time
- Old Server Side Reticle
- Max Zoom In & Out Arcade + Arty
- Arty Sniper Zoom NEW 0.8.11.v4 (press the "T" Key on Keyboard to activate)
- Fire Alarm Sound, Visual and Text Notification
- Custom SixthSense + Audio
- Custom Icons modules, shells and consumables
- Colored messages
- MiniMap + Laser
- Battle Messenger SPAM/Bad word Filter (blocks sentences you don't want/need to see) NEW 0.8.11v1
- Railway and Trains Colored NEW 0.8.11v2
- Colored Icons Tanks (H. M, L, TD, A)
- Clock in Battle Loading
- Extra statistic information in Battle Reports, Service Record and new Gadget
- Chance to win & more
- White_Dead_Tanks & White Damaged Tracks NEW 0.8.11v2
- Kiskami-paintball (red for hit, green for ricochet)
- Custom Tank icons
- Custom Consumable icons and Tank Men Medals
- Multi-RowTank Carousel
- Platooning Battle Tier indication.
- No_Intro Videos
- Damage indicator v2
- Direction-guns-enemies-on-the-minimap
- Zayaz_BattleInterface (replaced HitLog with my advanced detailed version)
- Webium-killcounter-locastan-timer-Customizable radial menu (see Install below how to edit radial menu)
- InfoPanelEnglish(masheene)
- Zoom in, out, no gun shake, server side recticle
- Messenger V3 by Yasen Krasen
- Ingame_Skulls
- Chat_Scrolling UPDATED 0.8.11.v4 (turned out to be a fake)
- Battle Loading Background screens (map strategy)
- Extra Server side Rectical variations in colors and design (you choose the style you like).
- Extra Sixth Sense options images and audio (you choose the icon and sound).
- SafeShot (helps prevent shooting teammates and dead tanks, blocks firing when gun illuminates tank) Updated v0.8.11
- No Zooming of Arty Aiming Box on Minimap NEW 0.8.11.v2
- Colored Lettering & Numbers on the Minimap Border NEW 0.8.11.v2
- Auto-Telescope (auto loads and unloads Binos, Camo, & Toolbox in that order of avail. slots, now remembers manual selected item and will load automatically afterwards) UPDATED 0.8.11.v4
- Server Selection Fix (your selected server is remembered, fixes Wargaming bug) NEW 0.8.11.v3
- ColorBlind Map Border NEW 0.8.11.v3
- Enemy Reloading Indicator on the Mini-Map NEW 0.8.11.v3
- Free Camera Mode NEW 0.8.11.v4 (WARNING use only during Replays, banned mod in Battle Mode, press "Delete" key to activate)
- I'm Spotted Mod NEW 0.8.11.v4 (improved version, now low-spam)
- BalCalcMod NEW 0.8.11.v4 (see Install info below)
This mod pack will be continually updated....
Why would you want my pack over others....? Because it has basically all the important stuff other mod packs have, but MUCH MORE.... and it's clean, readable, etc.
Essentially, if you thought other packs didn't look right, weren't readable, were missing things, or had just useless stuff, then this pack is for you.
NOTE: All thanks go to the original Mod author's..... All credit go's to them for providing great mods I can put in this pack and customize some to make nice for all. Thanks especially to Ded_Shalfey for his nice xvm and the original work of AIOMOD. (Rkphantom).. Learned much from his pack, I've basically taken his pack or ideas and made it even better. Thanks also to Webium for his improvement to Zaya's damage panel, timer & kill announcer. Thanks also to H8M3 for his help in things and anyone else who have helped me.
I highly recommend AIOMOD's Memories Music/sounds pack and other mods. His sound/music pack makes my mod pack perfect. (note, I lower the tank sounds a little to make it just right)
Also, for a change of pace, I REALLY love the "Star Wars Laser Guns" sound pack..... It's just like you're in the movie! :)
And here's the Star Wars Music: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/65253-081-nobleplatoons-music-and-voice-mods/
There are various "hidden" features also you don't discover accept when playing, makes it cool.
For example you can access the Large Mini-Map by Cap's Lock, and the quick access damage panel menu by pressing the CTRL key.
Design is for 1920x1080 resolution and 17 inch screensize, I have no idea if it works in other resolutions and screen sizes.
Bigger likely okay, smaller you will likely have to make some x y adjustments in some of the config files for the positioning of the Hitlog and the Armor Indicator, think that's it?
0.8.11v5 205MB http://www.mediafire.com/download/nbx35jx0t21fxec/Lees_ALL_MODS_Pack_0.8.11.v5.zip
If you don't know how to install a mod then "no soup for you".... haa haa, just joking!!!
1. Go to WOT root directory
2. Make sure nothing inside res_mods folder
3. Extract/Drag and Drop res and res_mods folder from the zip into WOT root directory.
4. When in the HANGAR (don't change in battle) go to Settings and make sure the "Server Reticle" is checked and the show "Tier" option is unchecked. (DON'T check Server Reticle if you don't want to use it)
5. For those who DON'T want to use the Server Reticle, you MUST ALSO go to \World_of_Tanks\res_mods\0.8.11\gui\ ServerCross.xml (open with only Notepad ++) and change EVERY serverGunMarker setting (4 of them) to "FALSE".
6. Install Fonts (to install fonts double click each font file, hit INSTALL), for example if some text doesn't show, shows as lines or boxes, such as on the minimap or above the tanks in the Markers. Or you can put all files into your "Windows" FONT folder.
7. To NOT see "sentences" with Bad Words so the mod works (it seems), "uncheck" the bad word filter option in the game Settings.
8. Also in Game settings go into "Controls" and change your "F" key to another non-used key. "F" is the BalCalcMod.
You can of course change the BalCalcMod used key, see scripts\client\mods\ folder for xml config.
9. Play game and enjoy....
To get the large map simply press the Caps Lock Key on your keyboard. If you want to change it to a different key simply go to minimap.xc and the setting is there. NOTE, CTRL activates the Damage Panel quick menu, so be aware if you decide to use ctrl.
If you don't like the way something functions, please be aware there are several ways you can change things.
In the install, .xml, .cfg, & .xc files (which are just text files) primarily control various functions, especially in the GUI and ScaleForm folders. Use Notepad ++ or similar UTF-8 editor to change settings (don't use Wordpad OR Notepad, for some reason notepad even doesn't work on some files, messes up coding).
- NOTE:.... The "Auto-Telescope" mod "unloads all currently loaded Binos, Camo, Toolbox in that order and loads them back when you play the tank. Saves manual selections.
- Want mouse scroll instead of Shift Key to go into zoom or change the default distance or have no default zoom distance (remembered instead), edit NoScroll.xml.
- Want different zoom distances, edit ZoomX.xml, etc.
- Don't like the tank icons, then simply replace them with someone elses..... in xvm\res\contour\
- Don't want the Auto-Login simply go into World_of_Tanks\res_mods\xvm\configs\Ded_Shalfey\Elegant\ and edit login.xc.
- Want to change your # of Rows with the Multilined Tank Carousel edit file /res_mods/0.8.11/gui/flash/TankCarousel.cfg with Notepad ++, and set desired number of lines
- Want to change the Custom Radial Menu options, edit \res_mods\0.8.11\scripts\client\gui\scaleform\ RadialMenu.xml (NOTE, use the editor below to make it easy)
Get familar with the files in LAMP, what things do and are.....
Those who have smaller screens, you will likely want to edit various X Y position settings to change the positioning of certain objects.
In the XVM folder Hitlog.xc, or in the scaleform folder the InfoPanel.xml or DPData.xml files.
How To:BalCalcMod "explained"....
See link to "try" and understand how the mod works. It's a bit difficult to understand, and it only helps a little, but, it can be useful. I'm still trying to figure it myself.
Best I can figure so far is it stops the Sniper Reticle from dropping when a tank moves or you're leading, helps anyway. So that's all I can say on it.
The "F" key is the mods activation key. You must go into the Game Settings Controls and change the current "F" key to something else.
Or you can change the mods key to something else, so into Scripts\Client\Mods\ folder for .xml file.
How To:Edit the Customizable Radial Menu....
NOTE.... If you have an "error" when opening the radial file, just say OK or whatever. Only change made seems a similar small formating change. Think okay.
Thanks to Beals for this instructional video.
03/01/2014 - 0.8.11.v5.... Bug fix version. Removed the old style chat scroll so the Spam filter would work again. Added a more detail "bad word" list. Fixed sniper zoom levels, were not working fully and ideally. Made a couple of other small adjustments. This release should finally be a near perfect final release for 8.11.
02/28/2014 - 0.8.11.v4....Auto-Telescope mod improved, now remembers manual selections, so what you want loaded will now load. Added Arty Sniper Zoom and Free Camera Mode (WARNING, free camera must only be used during replays. Updated Tank hangar icons. Added I'm Spotted Mod (low spam version). Added BalCalcMod, improves accuracy for distance tanks. Put the Chat Scroll back in, nicer. Added an Armor Penetration Dot to Taipans default game sights.
02/24/2014 - 0.8.11v3.....Updated Hangar Carousel to 1.4. Added AutoTelescope mod which auto-populates empty consumables with Binos, Camo, & Toolbox in that order per available slots, unloads after play. Added new Hangar clock. Added Server selection fix, so your selection is remembered. Added No Intro Video. Added large map border colorblind mod. Updated addon sight Jimbos to 1.37. Added Enemy reloading indicator on the Mini-Map. Other small fixes and changes.
02/17/2014 - 0.8.11v2..... Fixed all known bugs, RadialMenu wasn't working, sniper shadow, etc., Added White damaged Tracks. Added Meltymaps armor indicator. Added Colored Railcars. Added colored lettering & numbering on Minimap border. Added file that stops arty sight box on minimap from zooming. Think I for sure finally fixed the disappearing base issue on minimap due to the enemy gun direction mod. Well, it's almost 100% working, but not quite.... ugh! Adjusted some coloring and functioning of things. Everything seems working perfect now. Only thing missing is one of the Intro videos still show, don't have the python file for that yet, not updated..
02/13/2014 - 0.8.11v1...... Updated nearly all mods, namely the ones that used .pyc files. A couple of small cosmetic things still need to be adjusted/added, but we have the full mod pack we know and love. Had to downgrade to x60 zoom because the original mod author not yet updated. The enemy gun direction indicator "disappearing bases" issue might be fixed, let me know if not (difficult to understand the Russian, so not sure if that's what the guy said that updated the pyc.)
01/15/2014 - 0.8.10.v5..... Change the tank icon folder location so the issue with the tank icons in the Team Battle section being mirrored (i.e reversed) is now fixed. Upated to latest XVM nightly, and apparently the sometimes missing stats (other than the normal issue) has been fixed.
01/12/2014 - 0.8.10.v4..... Made primarily textual changes and other small fixes, not a priority update. Also fixed the CAPS LOCK key minimap zoom not working, simple setting in hotkeys.xc.
01/09/2014 - 0.8.10.v3..... New backend Ded_Shalfey xvm, everything basically the same front end. New version of Messenger V3 by Yasen Krasen. Removed Angle Indicator, but still can be had as an option. Removed the Damage Announcer 1.7 in the chat box, was too spammy. For those who like it it can still be gotten down below in my BattlePanel download. New Mastery badges in Tree and Tank Carousel. New View Range Circle that auto-calculates distance per tank and I believe also skills.
Another new feature is.... 100 x over zoom level.... instead of 30x. I've currently have it set for 88x max zoom level. Getting much over that and it doesn't work well with the gun accuracy wise. Again, you can can set the zoom levels you want in ZoomX.xml. Other small corrections/changes.
12/26/2013 - 0.8.10.v2..... Bug fix version only for SafeShot not working.... Download Patch only for those who have v1 already.... so you don't need to download entire pack.
12/23/2013 - 0.8.10v1..... First version for the new update, includes the below changes with all updated, everything looks like it works. One thing is when I very first went into a battle, the game crashed, so don't know if there is another XVM bug as happened with the last version, or it's one of the updates. Will further test. Hasn't happened since that first run.
12/20/2013 - 0.8.10.CTv1.... Version created for the test server, only major function not included is "Messenger by Yasen Krasen", but it and a couple other non-noticable things will be updated when game version officially released. This version also includes an updated Zayaz Damage Panel, and a new feature "SafeShot", which helps prevent you from shooting dead tanks and teammates.
12/9/2013 - v2.2..... Added tank Tier above the tank markers in game, added new options for sixth sense, added Gun Constraints and another variation to choose, added clock in hangar, removed premium hangars (will create a separate upload with the very best hangars), edited some of the info and folder structure. Deleted the the original version download.
11/30/2013 - 2.1 BugFix..... No need to re-download, just go into the Sight49 folder in Alt_Sights of my download and copy the "strategic" files and replace those files in the game directory.
I accidentally didn't replace the right files......
11/28/2013 - v2.0 Cleaned up various instructions, addons, and folders, reduced file size for Battle Loading maps, changed default arcade & sniper scope to Taipan scope, added Hangar options, translated most Russian to English for various scopes, added Jimbo's sights as option. You will want to download this, other version was thrown together.
11/23/2013 - New Version with all wanted features V1... (MUST HAVE DOWNLOAD, you will love it!!!)
11/22/2013 - 4.2 Bug fix... Removed the Scope shadow remover code from the Server Side rectical xml, enabling the bino caused conflict with the rectical, game would freeze, also added some additional useful information and files. It is thus the reason for the below arty bug... You'll want to re-download.
11/21/2013 - v4.1 changed Arty sight, turned out to be buggy for me (issue only I seem to be having, see forum, the 2 others who downloaded before this should be fine)
11/21/2013 - v4 Initial release with XVM 5.0.1 test 3 for WOT 8.9
Known Bugs:
- Wargaming has introducd a "bug" in 0.8.10 in which while playing arty the aiming square on the minimap now "zooms"..... this is a terrible feature, messes up the great aiming square because it get's so tiny and make it hard to track. Not sure when or if fixable. Fixed in 0.8.11v2
- Bases on the MiniMap sometime "disappear", it's been confirmed that it's the "Enemy Gun Directions" mod that causes it. All versions cause it, it's an error in the python file for the mod, Still trying to find a working version.
- In the Team Battle section of the Hangar the tank icons are mirrored, long known issue with the game and XVM, not fixable yet. Fixed 0.8.10.v5
- If you use the TAIPAN Arty site (replacing default) it's missing the green circles and the center two letters are still in Russian, can't edit the Actionscript, decompilers I've tried won't save or edit right. It's really too bad, this is likely the best arty sight of all if it was fully working and translated. Although, I need to look into Sword of Damocles again, I might be able to fix some things with it now, and maybe I'll have that as a or the default sight.
That's the only thing I know of....
Things still want to do:
- Would like to add the BattleMessenger chat/spam filter, getting tired of the insults in chat, would like peace. However, Chat Scrolling uses the same battlemessenger.swf, so one would have to be combined into the other, here's to hoping it will happen one day.
- Would like to add top gun reload time to tank icons.
- Want to add the rainbow angle indicator to the Damage Panel.
Likely going to add the clock in the hanger, I realize now playing full screen that it's useful.
- Might still adjust the stats/names text and colors.... trying to get perfect.
- Debating on adding light mods, clear fog etc. , but if people want, they can just download those from AIOMOD, his stuff is great.
- Want more detailed Tank Icons, really none out there has the tank icon, and full detailed, and need right player panel to not switch icon they are used, because default system reverses the icon. Webium has something in his pack might want to use if I can get the switching thing fixed.
- Want to add floating up skull & crossbones, and the same on the enemy players panel, and seen and not seen light bulbs like Ded_Shalfey has in his older xvm config that comes with the XVM Mod download for examples.
- Some tanks don't seem to have view range, need to look into
- There are a couple of arty sights I want to use instead, but they seem buggy on my system, but not others (something wrong with my system need to fix), so I used a more simplier sight that doesn't cause the bug.
- Make the enemy "Ghosts" on the MiniMap actualy "Ghosts" i.e. "white".
Want to add the Victory Day hanger, but since 8.8 is seems it's got buggy and/or you have to mess with WOT game files, which don't want to do, so working on that still.
(working nice version found at AIOMOD's, you can download separate, I use it myself)...
Will likely add other hangers also as options, and create a separate download for all hangers.
- will add more I'm sure.....
If there's something cool you've found, or have an idea for improvement, let me know.
Understand I'm not a script man, but something already existing, I can try to make it work.
So, you have a good computer, and you wonder why your "FPS" is so low, like 30-40 when you really should be getting like 60, with or without mods?
I don't know what combo or amount fixed it for me, but I jumped 20 FPS average or so when in settings I put to:
- Full Screen
- Anti-Alias to FXAA
- Resolution to 1920x1080
I'm now playing between 50-60 fps average.
So, don't know what did it, but I was irritated having a new gaming laptop and not getting better fps. Apparently you simply have to get your settings right in the game.
Nearly all settings are max.
Think my "gaming stats" suck?
BTW, for those who need to know since I know some of you think it and say it, if you look at my stats and you think I "suck", well, some things I would like to point out.
About 80% of my games are not at all my actual game play. First, when I first got introduced to the game by my kids, they had a sucky computer, and I really could only play arty with it, because when I played a tank, it had such bad lag that I would always die easy, was simply unplayable. Then I got my own nice computer, ended up getting 3 different ones because for some reason had a crappy router and wireless was always dropping, and did lot's of troubleshooting using the game to do so. Then I got into mods, and so I would test various packs, started creating my own, would intentionally die to test things, had a computer issue which turned out looks like it was some driver issue, which would cause the game to freeze right in the middle of game play, so tried to test that, and I played light tanks for a long time as well, etc. etc. So anyway, about only 20% of my games are me really trying to play, and when I really play, I place within the top six generally, and if I have a good tank, I place within the top 4 generally. Of course, sometimes being human, I do the rare dumb thing, or try things out to see what works and doesn't work, but anyway, I play good when I'm really playing. The only stat that is pretty "close" to showing my real game play is my hit ratio, because usually when I shot, I shot to hit. But even it should be a bit higher for various reasons. Oh, and I've also tested various tanks, bought and sold over and over, tried things out etc. thus not really trying to play.
Anyway, I only mention this because people are retarded for thinking everyone that looks like they suck actually do suck per the poor stats etc. Not everyone simply fits that "paradigm". So let's be nice to each other. We are all human, fellow tankers. As well, the more I play, the more I realize that although most of the play is skill based, it's also just the luck of the play as well. Sometimes crap just happens. As well, Wargaming knows what they are doing, they put sucky tanks against good tanks to keep win rates as close to even as possible.
Game Updates IMPORTANT NOTE....
I will always "try" to get most if not everything working before the update by using the test server, so when the update is released you can have my pack all ready for you, but please be aware it may not be 100%. But rest assured, I have the time to keep this pack updated, and baring even worse circumstances than I'm already in, this mod pack will always stay updated and getting better for you.
***Please DONATE.....***
Am long term unemployed due to serious health issues, this game is my lifeline. Can't be there properly for my kids anymore and it rips me up to no end, so whatever help you can give and as often as you can will mean much. Thanks all.
Thanks to Ryan C., Pieter M., & GeuzeBruce A..... Donators for the month of Feb. Much appreciated.