Hi ho clan recruiters.
I apologise in advance for what some might consider a wall of text, but I like to be thorough , so please consider this as my WoT CV.
I am looking for a clan to join long term.
My previous clan XIII were/are a fantastic bunch of guys and no bridges are burnt in terms of friendship or camaraderie but it is now time for me to move on after 677 days.
What am I looking for:
I have been playing for a couple of years now and I want to join a clan that could help me kick some better butt, harder. A clan where I can grow to be a better player, I want to learn more and iron out some of my bad habits and learn stuff from guys that have a good idea of what they are doing.
Stats are not the be all and end all for me, but I do not like having crappy stats. I want to stay on the better than plus side of average, who wouldn't? I seem to have reached a peak lately and have started to slip, something I want to reverse even though I know the more battles I play it becomes a series of diminishing returns.
Generally I would expect that many already in a clan I would join, including the leadership would be better than I am presently if I am to improve.
Count me in for all formats, CW (Friday to Sunday), Campaigns CB, 7 vs 7 , platoons etc. If there was ever a chance to do some ESL I would jump at that.
Zeg, the person:
I am a 47 year old, ex-army, English guy, living in Poland for the last 18 years, working as an English language teacher/trainer in companies and in adult/higher education.
I have a good sense of humour, am unflappable and realise that sh*t is often an unfortunate but integral part of life, but will not put up with fools or other miscreants.
I enjoy a good laugh, convivial chat and a few beers/vodkas/teas.
Zeg, the player:
Stats as of right now: 53.99WR / 1,511 WN8
I started playing in October 2011, 5 months after my registration date. I joined XIII a week or two after starting to play, loyalty to clan and clan loyalty is important.
XIII clan was primarily a social clan a place for interested tanker to hang their hat. Although we did some CW many of us including myself tended to play the vast majority of our battles solo in random.
I do not do drama, I would rather have a good laugh. I try to learn from my mistakes or losses and when I win, I like to win with grace.
I have played quite a bit of everything, a broad education but my prefence is TDs followed by Meds depending on tier. I have a curious liking for arty too.
All my vehicles have 100% + crews and are fully equipped.
My current top tiers are:
Med: Bat Chat 25 t, T-62a
Hvy: IS4, IS7
TD: Obj 268
Arty: Obj 261
Tier 10s researched but not purchased:
Med: E-50M
Hvy: T110E5
TD: Jagdpanzer E-100
Close to finishing research on E-100 and Maus.
I have 89 vehicles in my garage, all crewed and equipped, so I have pretty much something useful for every format
98.41% of battles solo/platoon (54.08% WR) with probably 95% of those solo rather than platoon.
0.72% of battles in CW (50% WR)
0.88% of battles in CB (47.4% WR)
I have tried to get an understanding of how every vehicle type from every nation in in every tier works so that I can know them better.
I always play a premium account, account finances are not an issue for me.
Due to my job and my timezone from Oct to July I am not usually available play (CW) Mon to Thurs. I start work at 08:00 CET, have a long break midday and then work again from 16:00 to 21:00 CET. Back home ready to play at 21:30 CET. During the summer and the many other holidays I have a lot more time and free evenings.
For references please feel free to contact any XIII officer.
Tech specs.
Last month I changed connection from 20Mbps / avg server ping 64 to a 250 Mbps / avg server ping 25 connection.
PC is more than adequate to run the game.
Mic and speaker, mic and headset, TS3 etc or other voice comms, both send and receive are a given whenever I am playing or online.
Well thats pretty much it, if there is anything I have missed or more you want to know just drop me a line. I am looking forwards to meeting/trialling with my new clan mates whoever they may be.