
Greetings, I've put together a Mod-Pack with a selection of mods that i find useful, and fun to use for [8.10]...


I know it can be a real pain setting up mods after each new patch (i spent a few hours getting the mods below to play nicely with each other, but was worth it.) 


Demo Video's:

(Yes, i know the video shows Skin penetration zones, they aren't part of my ModPack. Also the 2 battles below were 2 random replays i found on WotReplays site, as i haven't had time to get any decent battles of my own since i spent a lot of time putting together this Modpack since 8.10 dropped.)





Check out the "source" links for more info about each mod.


Tech Hangar (Source: http://rghost.net/50715515)

Deegie's Sight Mod  (Source: http://theaces.ru/mods/mody-dlya-worldoftanks/priceli-dlya-worldoftanks/514-super-informativnyy-pricel-dlya-world-of-tanks-0810.html)

GnomeFathers engines V0.49_without_radio  (Source: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gnomefathers-mods/335468446575829)

HRMOD Gun Sounds v1.86  (Source: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Gnomefathers-mods/335468446575829)

[0.8.10] Color Messages and Session Stats  (Source: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/177899-0810-color-messages-and-session-stats/)

Clock in Hangar  (Source: http://worldof-tanks.com/clock-in-hangar-battle-angles/)

In-battle ping/lag meter and clock  (Source: http://worldof-tanks.com/new-ping-and-fps-status-mod/)

[0.8.10] locastans enh. HD minimap Gen 3  (Source: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/95330-0810-locastans-enh-hd-minimap-gen-3/#topmost)

Shooters Damage Panel v5.2 (w/ Bounce Indication)  (Source: http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/293320-shooters-damage-panel-v52-w-bounce-indication-089-11102013/)

[0.8.10] Multilined TankCarousel (locastans mod for 8.10) v1.0  (Source: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/297009-0810-multilined-tankcarousel-locastans-mod-for-810-v10/)

[0.8.10] Radial Menu v.2.5.7  (Source: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/184767-0810-radial-menu-v257-ut-announcer-pack/)

Zoom-out mod  (Source: http://mirtankov.net/mods/1639-zoom-patch.html)

Tank «SHOWROOM» For WOT 0.8.10  (lets you preview any tanks in the tech-tree in your hangar) (Source: http://tankswot.com/mod-showroom-for-wot-0-8-9/)

"Circonflexes / Jingles / Dreamteam" Voice Mod Pack  (Source: http://wotvoicemods.blogspot.de/2013/12/circonflexescs-voice-mod-ready.html)

XVM 5.0.2-test1 (nightly build: 3032)  (Source: http://nightly.modxvm.com/)

[0.8.10] J1mB0's Contour Icon Mod (Source: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/34259-0810-j1mb0s-contour-icon-mod/)


Other mods:


"Client and Server" reticle enabled.

Removed shaking/vibrations from Dynamic camera mode.

30x zoom.

Tank carousel shows Mastery/1st/2nd/3rd Badges next to each tank that has those achievements (part of the new XVM nightly)




[0.8.10] Paradox's Modpack (24.12.13) (Circonflexes+Jingles+Dreamteam Voice version)  (402 mb)


[0.8.10] Paradox's Modpack (24.12.13) (without engine or gun sounds)(Circonflexes+Jingles+Dreamteam Voice version) (209 mb)


[0.8.10] Paradox's Modpack (24.12.13) (without engine or gun sounds)(Circonflexes-only Voice version) (209mb)


[0.8.10] Paradox's Modpack (24.12.13) (without engine or gun sounds)(Jingles-only Voice version) (209mb)


Minor bug i noticed:


The Mission objective message at top of the screen in-battle overlaps one of the capture flag timers a bit.

Its probably one of 2 things that caused it:

(it might be because i tweaked the "Hitlog" position down the screen a bit so it didn't cover battle lag-meter).


(It might be the in-battle ping/lag meter pushed it down the screen a little)

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