
So I'm getting pretty heavy into this Unity stuff, I'm just wondering why there doesn't seem to be a "school" of sorts. It's obviously quite a popular development tool, but there's no real substantive learning tools for someone new to the concepts of 3D graphics and math. Kind of feels like an up hill battle. I mean, I've written whole programs... conceptually, programming is not an issue. Everything is just new to me. I still don't know what a Quaternion is. I feel as though learning the concepts for using the environment are going to take just as long as developing any kind of game.

Why do you think it is that 3D concepts are so inaccessible to a new, interested person? Perhaps there's a gap between what you need to understand about 3D graphics period to begin programming in 3D and the concepts of coding, entirely. I don't see a filler in that gap.

It almost makes me wonder if it's by design, since obviously game programming is a highly competitive business and there are obviously no benefits to producing a huge number of amateur builders. I suppose if you went to a school for game programming much of these concepts would be illuminated.

Then there's the issue of productive use of your time... knowing how to build games, would you spend your time going back and teaching people what you so painstakingly learned or would you invest in your ambitions? I think the question answers itself.

Still, I can't help but think there could be some kind of free resource for learning that isn't filled with misinformation. :p

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