
Hi Unity forum!

I created a concept for a "game" for my art school graduation ...

Now im trying to realize the game, but its looking I cant get it done with my programming knowledge (novice).

Wanted to ask if somebody could help me out with this scripting/unity problem. Maybe its simple. ?

Ill try to explain:

So what the idea of the whole "game" is: Reading nodes from this external .xml file (title, item, category).

These need to trigger or make game objects in the game. Every "item" would create a piece of terrain.

Every "category" would place a object on that piece of terrain. These terrain pieces would build up the game world.

After looking around I found this tutorial project where data from a external .xml file is used in unity.

Im able to load my .xml file with this parsing method so that seems to work.

But now I have no idea how to script that unity would connect to my desired data (title, item, category)

and triggering placing objects on the playing field. If anyone would help me with the script adjustment

or any feedback I would be grateful.

Here you can find the original xml parsing project file and the bit adjusted one where my

knowledge stops, is here.


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