
Good morning everybody.

Pffff… I had a horrible night. First I woke up with a nose bleed. I think I must have done something wrong in my sleep. Than two hours later I woke up from a storm raging over the country. Normally I can easily sleep through the bad weather but we had an window open in the other room and it was making terrible noises.
I was happy the cat isn’t afraid of thunder storms so he slept through it without complaining.

All in all I don’t feel really well.

Did you all see the first set pics of The Rover? I’m not sure how I stand with those. I mean there is nothing more sexy than a dirty sweaty Rob… but the hair…Seriously it should be a crime to cut his hair like that. On one pic it looks like he is going bald!!


Brenda, I’m happy you are starting to feel better. Sleep is always the answer to a lot of health problems. Our bodies aren’t made to run on 4 hours sleep a day.
At the moment I’m afraid of sending out emails at all. I’m waiting for my manager to return so she can read them before I hit the send button.
Right not I’m trying to live by my own life moto, “Hakuna Matata”… it has been hard lately with the move and all but I’m getting back there.

Lynne, I was wondering the same thing as Jaclyn, I’m planning on buying one as a gift to a good friend of mine who is now traveling in Australia. She’ll be back by the time your book comes out. I’ll try to see if I can order it this weekend.
Hihi, I can so imagine Rob totally forgetting about wearing a helmet. I don’t think it’s a law in the UK. It sure isn’t in Holland. In Germany it’s only for kids. Rob must have been very surprised that they told him to wear a helmet.

Sean, it sounds like you should start thinking about moving south. To a place where it’s still warm in the winter. I’m really jealous of Amy and Joyce, they seem to have great weather.

Susie, did your old laptop die?

Pfff.. Okay, I’m off… need to get some work done.
See you all later.

Statistics: Posted by marielle — Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:57 am

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