Hi siblings! I know, shocking that I'm back so quickly. Here is the promised giftie!
Very little new has happened for me in the last couple of days. We are working on Halloween costumes - the kids have been on board with me about non-store-bought, minimal cost costumes. My son will likely re-use his Dementor costume, and the girls want to be a scary mummy, a pretty medusa, and a pretty vampire (no I didn't exactly suggest it and yes the makeup will be somewhat Twi-inspired. But with fangs, a little blood, and no freaky eyes). I usually go simple - this year I'm contemplating a spiderweb shawl or batty headband.
Kris news - I was pleased to see actual pix of Kris that had nothing to do with her relationship with Rob, whatever it is right now. Yahoo was saying that she went out to a Florence and the Machine concert with her dad, and I'd glad to see she's working on staying close to her parents right now. Just because they've split doesn't mean they don't both love her. Also, the new French interview is interesting - poorly translated, but interesting.
Jaclyn - You are funny. Yes, at sometime we all get to old to party during the week! Thanks for the heads up about The Perks of Being a Wallflower, I had heard about it. I was thinking about taking my 13 yo son, what do you think? Pillow at the marathon is a great idea and I hope you don't mind me stealing it. I'll recommend it to Lulu and Amy too.
Lynne - I am grieving for your diamond. Still hopeful, but ... And I hope Little Man has a good day at school and his pelvis is truly ok. How long did it take you to do this most recent novel, a month? I know you have edits to do but that was fast. Good work!
Marielle - I laugh over the contradictory magazine covers the same way. I mean, really, this is insane. I am reading the pulled fic The Gentleman From Washington State right now (s'ok), and beginning to remember that I really don't care for romance without sci-fi. When you remove the vamps and wolves, etc, for me it just lacks something. Not that the smut isn't fun, but I'm finding vampire smut (and non-smut) holds my interest better. What about you?
Sarah - I sympathize about the extra married girl pounds. Men need more calories than we do, which creates problems. I recommend fruit, soup, and salad. It might be a good excuse for marital activity I sympathize about the screen name too ... I never thought I'd be typing it so much or making others type it! I'm Brenda, a 43 y o psychologist in Arizona, married with 4 kids and working FT as of the last few months. I spend most of my time trying to keep up with my life and enjoy the things that make it worthwhile; fun times with family, friends, and ogling Robert Pattinson. Glad to hear you'll be joining us in that last activity. A common reaction here is to tilt the head, gaze soulfully/lustfully, and sigh. Also common is swooning and DAMN HE'S HOT! Bravo to your hubby to joining you for the marathon! He might enjoy it a little ... and if he doesn't like the movies, he can watch you.
Sean - Sparkling apple juice and regular OJ makes great virgin mimosas, better than champagne I think. If you have access to blood oranges, even better - the sweet and tart blend really well. I have been really glad to hear from you that you've been happier lately ... sometimes a little activity and cash makes a big difference.
Susie - Thank goodness my oldest can babysit sometimes now. Otherwise we would be trapped at home. I envy you your garden veggies, my garden was a total fail this year. How are Sonny Boy and Daughter Dear? And ... there's somebody else ... hm ... oh, that's right, how's your hubby?!
Tracy - I don't know how I do it either, really. Part of it is that some part of the house is always messy ... usually my desk. Ever since the girls were born, I've been telling people, "I wake up, I work hard all day, I go to bed. Repeat." It is easier now ... I have time to Lex and catch up on sleep a bit.
Hello to anyone I missed, and hello to Caryn in anticipation of her return ... after she wakes from well-deserved rest that won't start til tomorrow.
Statistics: Posted by smitten_by_twilight — Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:45 am