
James L wrote:

My comic series "Mercenary Gu" https://tapastic.com/episode/264595 features a ton of lore, most of which I'll explain through the series some of which can only be answered through posts or Q&A. But here are most of the alien races I've created and some brief descriptions of each. All of them will appear in it eventually but I want to know which you are excited to see appear(or if you have any suggestions to make a character based on one of these alien races):

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Dovens: Dovens are a friendly race who are driving enthusiasts, they can typically be found driving sky buses or trains, and have adventurous spirits. They are proud supporters of the intergalactic Union.

Gagerns: impartial allies to both humans and Rakans, the Gagern home planet is made of swamps or red slime. Gagerns are always alert and on edge, some Gagern colonies are guilty of donating splice(able) DNA to BrightFutech and also Aggrocept inc(mentioned before Aggrocept inc is a mulitgalactic coporation with large power [even BrightFutech is a small competitor to them]). Gagerns are great diplomats.

Pengotes/Hogneps: Pegotes are simple folk having close relationships with Stoomons. Pengotes are relatively harmless. Hogneps on the other hand are one in every 5 Pengotes, Hogneps are stronger and more violent, more clever too. When a Hognep is born they are immediately exiled from the Pengotes family to live with other Hogneps, this is bad because it's building an increasingly powerful Hognep community.

Luws: rare and mysterious the Luw are essentially adorable and indestructible. As cute as they are simple minded they roll around to get to places and never cause any problems. Scaigans once tried using Luws as armor but a non cooperative Luw is a bit like trying to wrestle a boa constrictor so it didn't work out.

Braps: Braps are a semi-humanoid amphibian race who share a planet with a race called Eelentals (pretty much eel people) both clame to be the primary race of the planet but both keep their distances since the planet is peanut shaped (if you are on the correct sides of the planet by looking to the sky or to the horizon you can see an above view of the ground of the other part of the planet. Braps are pretty agile despite have a large gut, Braps have toad like variants and frog like variants and rare salamander like variants. Brap women are actually considered very attractive while Brap men are considered very ugly. Braps may have green skin like Hyvens and slightly similar pupils but they should look noticeably different. Hyvens hate being confused with Braps.

Seedles are the sworn enemy of Heans. The Heans once sent some deep sea fuel drilling equipment to the Seedle home planet since the Heans themselves were not able to swim deep enough to realize there was an entire civilization in the deepest depths of this ocean planet, the Heans continued drilling which wreaked havoc on the Seedles' environment. Seedles are considering allying with the Scaigans if it means the destruction of the Heans. Seedles mostly are stealthy and philosophical people.

Love leeches: these are a malevolent race whom feed off of emotions of sadness and love, they warp their heads to look approachable and pleasant, currently they are sporting humanoid faces with heart shaped heads. They like to sneak aboard ships and cause emotional turmoil. If their tendrils stick on a person they'll fill them with chemicals to make the person feel an overwhelming feeling of falling in love along with other exaggerated emotional effects. When this effect causes strange dramas and romance the Love Leech watches as the issues unfold as if it's a tv drama, while there are so many distractions happening Love leeches will free load there. Love leeches are extremely calming to listen to and will try to lull anyone to come near it so they can poison them. Fortunately for Gu, Gu is incapable of being effected by such poisons. Love Leech toxins are a very valuable black market drug(since it can be used as a "love potion". Politicians with scandalous love affairs can use "a love leech ended up in my house" as a scapegoat.

Dotarians: dotarians are a very small race of people who are unnecessarily brave. Surprisingly not too weak for their size they've defeated invading aliens many times however they still haven't received the recognition or respect they deserve. They are chivalrous and strong willed, however often overlooked and bullied by other races. While they possess some space fairing and high technology they are mostly similar to mideval Europe. One might hire Gu later.

Destops: destops used to be a very intellectual race with lots of great editions to the technological world, however in the midst of a war they tried to create a super bomb that would scramble their enemies brains...it back fired leaving them all insane. All Destops now think they were the last Destop leader King Gabil the III, their entire planet is a mess now because of this. A lot of Destops are committed to Aggrocept facilities for the mentally diseased. All members of this facility are deemed as Broken minds, broken minds have to wear a restricting metal barrel around their upper body, and shackles on their legs, disturbing research is being done on this facility.

Slasts: they come from a Icey planet, seen as great hunters and fishermen, they've made themselves a good reputation. Generally rough and tough they still have a soft spot. They are a very masculine focused race, but the wives in Slast families can bring a Slast man to his knees. Yes they have feet they just wear baggy pants.

Mellins: 3ft tall humanoids Mellins are pretty similar to modern humans.

Trovesses: plant people with 3 eyes, they literally believe they are one with their planet. Patient wise and resistant to corruption the Trovess call for galactic peace. Very spiritual they believe their entire race has reached the best point in evolutionary enlightenment. They hope other races denounce desire and temptation in hopes of achieving peace like their planet has. Some Trovess don't adopt this life style though and pursue more freedom.

Gorlons: They use mounted laser rifles back and their brute strength to rip apart their enemies. It's surprising that the Gorlons use such technology due to they are even more primitive and aggressive than Scaigans yet they are proficient traders and have duped various planets into giving them expensive metals to help create laser guns.

Oxiots: are the most technologically advanced under Scaigan Empire rule yet of course they don't dare oppose the Scaigan empire they are quite subservient to them despite claiming they are independent freelance slavers, Oxiots also use automatic laser guns, but they use their unique acidic whip. In this universe both lasers and bullets are commonly used, lasers are a bit more resource intensive so are not as common as bullets. Also many races use varieties are armor piercing stabbing projectiles like arrows and darts.

Scaigans: The Scaigans are very serious aggressive aliens whom seem to get insulted over everything on a personal level, Scaigans often infight but are blindly loyal to their superiors. A Scaigan warriors worth in not meassured by their skills but rather their natural gifts such as how deadly their mandibles, antlers or tale weapon is (all scaigans have varrieties of these things). Scaigans are orange and red, they unlike the stoomons do have a lower jaw however it's not very visible at all (you can only see their jaw from a behind view). Scaigans use guns that shoot arrows and of course their natural weapons too. Scaigan commanders use an ornate serrated broad sword, Scaigan commanders also have killed all their nerves in their body so they feel no pain. Scaigans aren't evil but they are the most brutal of the 3 warring empires.

Hyvens: Hyvens are very humble humanoids, so simular to humans that they call humans cold brothers (reference to Earth being reletively colder than Hyva). Most human nations would like to help Hyva but they don't want to be involved in the Scaigan-Hyven-Rakan war. Also humans disagree with the concept of all of Hyva being one united nation. Humans are more inclined to be a part of the intergalactic union.

Rakans: Rakans come in many colors and skin types. Rakans can fly for short distances like to live in high places. Rakans find it socially acceptable to deceive others, in Rakan culture, if one has been tricked it's always the tricked persons fault for being naive. Because of this people are weary of doing bussiness with Rakans and the Rakan Empire. Rakans are keen experts at not being taken advantage of. The planet Raka is a huge jungle planet with oceans of shallow water.

Jakers (Trunks and Jackers): Jakers are a big a durable race, mostly found doing muscle work as construction workers or bouncers. But Jakers are more famous for their automobile hijacking activities. While most Jakers are the same as any other race (not inherently bad) the gangs give them a bad rep. The two famous Jaker gangs are the Trunks and the Jackers. Trunks hijack most vehicles mid-flight and stow the drivers in the trunk, they drive off to hideouts then try holding the driver ransom money, the best way out of a situation with them is just to offer bank info while they are hijacking. Jackers are different, their hijacking goal is more chaotic, they hijack the vehicles and recklessly crash them into stuff, usually coming out of it unscathed due to their durable biology, the love the thrill of causing crashes. You know your in a bad part of a city if you see one of those two gangs. Those gangs don't operate in Teded though, since Teded is too dense for any flying vehicles to work, most people take the rail system in Teded.

Super Computer-vessel: That is one of the super-computers that employs Gu for the android story arc. They look like a hunched torso with a head arms but no lower body, they hover about.

Seezer Chen Kazar (Rakan leader): Seezer Chen Kazar is the proud leader of the Rakan Empire, through quick and precise judgments he was able to win the hearts of the people, the former Seezer took notice to this and handed the title of Emperor to Chen Kazar and also handing over the serum of longevity (a secretive formula that seems to extend a Rakan's life-span 300 fold. Seezer Chen Kazar has been leader for 3,000 years, an abnormally longer life span than what's expected for a Rakan, even for one given the longevity serum. Chen Kazar has been increasingly secretive and making increasingly quixotic decisions. Never the less he barely makes a public appearance, and has his grand ritual master and warlord Nerotox to handle most diplomatic affairs which is strange given that Nerotox isn't even a Rakan and is a man obsessed with strange displays of opulence.

Alenky: I have no clue who Alenky is but he disturbs me, we'll find out who he is later....much later.

Bologies: This race are famous for meat trading across the galaxy, genuinely peace-loving people. They like turning garbage into handy-crafts. It wouldn't be wise to get into a fight with one though, looks like they got a mean left...and right.

Muns: Muns are a very mathematically inclined race, interested in equations and theories, they are typically accountants and scientists. Muns can't vocalize, they communicate to each other through different scents they eemit in the air, but to others they just write things down. They get blamed for polluting the planets through their scents but that's a myth.

Nerotox: The Grand Ritual Master and Grand General of the Rakan Empire, Nerotox loves to be the focus in war, grabbing as much media attention as he can, challenging great swordsman to fights across the galaxy, not much is known about why a non-Rakan is in such a high Position in the Rakan Empire but Nerotox doesn't accept any criticisms. Nerotox has a bloody meanstreak not to be trifled with. Nerotox also serves as an enforcer to keep the Rakan Empire stable, newly joined planets or planets trying to release itself from the grip of the Rakan Empire are sure to get a visit from Nerotox and his Rakan-Elite.

Lord Hysha: Lord Hysha is the Supreme King of Planet Hyva and the Hyven Empire. Although born to the royal family, Lord Hysha had a rough life to reach where he is now, his father and brothers were involved in a power-abuse scandal that had his family executed, Lord Hysha had to avoid asociation with his family by intentionally violating the royal code in order to have him exiled. When his family finally got caught he went back to the capital claiming to change the face of Hyven Empire and be more fair to the non-Hyva Hyven Empire planets, too bad the Hyven Empire is already in midst of the Rakan-Scaigan-Hyven war, he reluctantly continues the war. Lord Hysha uses a strange sword like weapon. It's an orb he holds in his hand, three blades hover around the orb and can be telepathically manipulated to launch out or be used as a versatile sword like weapon. Lord Hysha is a virtuous man with a heavy burden.

Hyven Elite: These are the main troopers for the Hyven Army doning a shroud that covers their face and legs, the idea is that if their fellow man falls in battle they won;t be able to tell who has died inorder keep morale up so no personal relationships or friendships make them lose focus of the fight. Also the uniform keeps the hot rays from the suns of Hyva off their skin.

Heans: Heans are bright, fashionable, and love fancy tech, while they are an aquatic race they've got some nice techology that allows them to breathe above water. Clever and dexterous, these guys like to be managers or police. Yes those are wheels on their feet. Sometimes they come off as douchey.

Enghks: Usually seen as beggars or homeless these guys have good street smarts, letting one crash overnight at ones house either has one of two outcomes...you're robbed blind or they leave behind a nicely cooked meal for you leaving early in the morning before everyone wakes up, sometimes both. Give them a scap of food, they'll do almost anything.

Agests: Looking like a small head with teeth and wings, Agests just want to fit into society normally. An Agest by himself is fine and calm, but when more than 3 Agests are in a closed space together they turn into a ravenous chaotic hive-mind. Bars have an Agest limit.

The Vehicle Salesman: This guy is everywhere, constantly having hilarious commercials that convince people to buy his cars, flying cars, hover crafts, space vessels, you name it. With a smile like that you can't go wrong. He later asks Gu to return some stolen merchandise to him. This guy never frowns and laughs off or smooth talks his way out of any negative confrontations. Are his prices that low? Can they be? That's crazy low prices! Crazy PRICES! AHHHHHHH!

Manles: Insectoids who do mercenary work. Sometimes they create weird devices they try to sell to

Emperor Madalazar: Despite most Scaigan's nature, Madalazar is calm relaxed and charismatic, qualities most Scaigans lack. He has fought his way to the top and his mandables, antlers, and tail weapon are one of the most impressive ones in Scaigan history. He likes to appear in the front lines in the war to show off his "immortality". Though Madalazar is a level headed Scaigan most people disagree with his absurd Scaigan economics system. The Scaigan Slab is litterally a plastic blue card with a simple symbol printed on it. It's easily counterfeited and Scaigans pay no attention to their actual real wealth. trying to enforce this system on Scaigan conquered planets has lead to many problems. Muns beg to revise the Scaigan's economic system, but the Scaigans are too proud to let non-Scaigans to change.

Trugoss: The Trugoss are allies to the Rakans and do most of the heavy lifting. Trugoss are rather simple but very effective infiltration men for the Rakan army. When a Trugosses pinchers latch on they won't let go.

Menanuzenamu: The likeable TV show host of a dangerous reality show that Gu will be forced to participate. While always being caught in Scandals his charisma and cash always gets him out. Making cringe-inducing jokes and puns at the contestants expense, Menanuzenamu is just rather nutty and will always change the rules of the show to ensure the participant with the highest ratings gets to win, and the ones he doesn't like...well they die(it makes for great ratings).

Dr.Bal: Menanuzenamu's co-host, Dr.Bal is always making wacky death-traps for the show, and loves explaining how they work. Coincidentally Dr.Bal also used to bee the scientist who created Sitta and preformed sadistic experiments on her.

Moss-Zombies: Moss-zombies are those infected with Down-moss which is a zombie like disease that causes the infected to grow fungus, roots, vines, algae, and moss all over their body driving them insane, it also can animate corpses. So the purpose of this species of moss is to keep spreading through whichever means of transport possible.

BountyHunter-Hunter (BHH): mysterious entity hired by only the richest in the intergalactic space to exterminate potential assassins and mercenaries. Bounty-Hunter Hunter has a 100% success rate so far, but this time Aggrocept Inc hires him to dispose of Gu. BHH doesn't show much personality just pure professionalism. He mostly uses throwing needles and silenced weapons to avoid causing a scene.

Mogulis Bon: a grotesquely large slimey alien who requests Gu to kidnap someone to be his queen, preferably just to convince them to be with him rather than by force. Mogulis is the last of his race, he spent years in an underground shelter to avoid being bombed at and when he got out he realized his entire planet was destroyed no survivors. If the potentially "Queen" won't cooperate he requests Gu to inject her with his race's DNA. Gu's a bit conflicted whether to sell this DNA instead, carry out this kind of unappealing mission, or to listen to whomever his companion is at the time who'd probably object to the whole deal. Will Mogulis Bon find true love? Or will he have to take horrifying measures.

BristleSnout: It's the apex predator on planet Rakan. Very large in size they are a pest in Rakan communities, war BristleSnouts are rare, but the Rakans can use them to take out Hyven tanks or Gorlons.

Scaigan Deert: Scaigans use these as jets, they are incredibly fast and aerodynamic the object of the Deer pilot is to skewer and puncture enemies and enemy vessels. A successful Deert pilot should be able to infiltrate enemy warships by ramming(impaling) their way inside.

Heavenly Rakan: A heavenly Rakan is actually just a Rakan soldier who has elected to take as many medical experiments as possible to become a "superior" soldier, this often causes them to explode within 70 hrs though. A heavenly Rakan has mighty strength speed endurance and intelligence. But are highly prone to just randomly blowing up.

IGU soldier: A common soldier of the Intergalactic Union. These guys are there to keep the peace and catch convicts. Not to be confused with Aggrocept Inc's private army. IGU soldiers are pretty normal in terms of soldiers, but have the largest amount of ammunition as compared to the Rakan, Scaigan, or Hyven empire.
They often get bullied out of "corporate affairs" when Aggrocept Inc's private army tells them they are out of their jurisdiction.

Talans: Talans are a very xenophobic race, trying to establish their own empire but failing every time they actually got pretty intimidating technology. They once were in a huge war with Oxiots until they allied with Scaigans, ever since then the Talans don't dare to attack Oxiots.

Zup: Zup is a captain of a Hengil outlaw gang. Hengils have a long gelatinous crocodile like mouth protruding from their left cheek. Zup is particularly nasty and thinks he can send his men to rough Gu up. Zup has no manners or morals, just a rotten slob who's going to get whats coming to him.

Bossaems: The Bossaems are an intellectual diplomatic race that enjoys dabbling in the finer things in life. Known for impressive space fleets Bossaems are barely tangled with, however currently they have territory disputes with the Hyven Empire.

TV-6: TV-6 was originally supposed to be a simple communications arts media robot, preforming tasks such as camera man, gaffer, mic operator, make-up, and interviews. Due to lazy programing in his personality matrix there existed a non-specific line of code which made him have a coincidental personality quirk that
after 555 days his occupation would be an assassin. On the 555th day of his work he appeared to have gone insane and started shooting up the place. Now considered a rouge robot he is wanted for quite the hefty bounty. TV-6 still speaks and acts like he's doing normal media tasks even though he's actually doing some dirty work.

Periths(male and female): Periths are a insectoid/humanoid/arachnoid race that relies on a matriarchy society. Male Periths are feeble and obidient, female Periths are dominant in the society and have a bit of a superiority complex. Periths poorly intergrate in intergalactic society due to the female's superiority complex and the males inferiority complex. Though many are enthralled and interested in their society and culture not many foreigners have made it out of their homeworld alive. IGU suspects Periths are devouring many who visit there, but Periths claim this is just an excuse IGU is using for imperialism. Perith silk is their main export. The Perith government claims its homeworld is a safe haven for all females of every race to escape mistreatment. Is it a reality or is it a web of lies? We'll find out.

Dorphiums: They are a tribal race that relies are customization of oneself as a basis for their philosophy. "A life uncustomized, isn't a life at all". All Dorphiums don masks (all of which are unique), and usually replace a limb for a customized robotic one.

Aopans: The Aopan are a race of squid people, though aquatic they can survive without a water tank for 6 days. Otherwise all their ships are equipped with water tanks. Aopans have a lifespan of 320 years, relatively long for most races, and especially long to their Earth counter part the squid and octopus. Aopans are considered peaceful and reasonable.

Nms: The Nm are a humanoid race with the distinguished feature of duel noses and an enlongated chin and large ears. Nm are mostly farmers, they are even lower-tech than modern day humans.

Flofs: Flofs are centaur like in body structure but rather unearthly looking all together. Flofs are stern and stoic.

Galeets: One notable Galeet is Hathgo(of the Gurral comic). Galeets are a rich race of aliens who mostly dabble in business consultation and accounting. Some Galeets are well known for being crimelords or gamblers. Hathgo was a big-time gambler who made his fame by betting on arena fights, unfortunately for Hathgo he once bet too high against some very important figures and refused to pay up, fearing for his life he tried to leave without paying only to meet his fate at the end of Mercenary Gu. Galeets are good allies with Freedians, so it's not uncommon to see Galeets and Freedians travel together.

Lellows: Lellows are figity and hyperactive sheep like creatures. They're known for culinary excellence but nothing else is really significant about them.

Freedians: One notable Freedian is Shreld(of the Gurral comic). Freedians are good allies with Galeets. Freedians generally dabble in "beast growing" which is the art of synthesizing creatures for entertainment fighting or war purposes. Freedians are generally seen as milk toast, but their bite is venomous.

Loaboo: An absolutely heinous character, he's a space sheriff who is also a serial killer. Operating within IGU space as an "official" sheriff, he stalks and preys upon people and gets them to cooperate by faking an arrest or interrogation. Loaboo is plantoid, almost literally a sentient carrot. An absolute sadistic psychopath he's the jack the ripper of IGU space, worse part is he's got a badge and ways of covering himself up. Will somebody subdue this blood thirsty turnip?

Rayapins(female [fullbody] and male [just head] are shown): Rayapins look a bit like a Japanese painting. Almost everything about Rayapin are long and stretched. Rayapins are mystic and profound, they speak in beautiful words of wisdom. However Rayapin are often very emotionally fragile and shy, and to top that off, often socially awkward. Rayapins standing fully upright should be about 17ft tall.

Rathus: Rathus is a Hyven brought back to life after some sort of cybernetics experiment. Rathus holds hatred for the Hyven Empire and works for the Rakans. Rathus's rotted face is covered by a shroud. Rathus has two energy blade that shoot from his arms(similar to Baraka). Rathus is a dark and powerful being capable of manipulating fluids like water or blood with his mind. Rathus wants nothing more then to kill Lord Hysha. What reason? Why is he like this? We'll find out.

Melani: Her race is technically aquatic, her race is humanoid/feline/and fish like. The best description for their race is that they are a cross between a person a cat and a coifish. Most of their body is covered in fish scales. Their tails have a glowing lure at the end. Melani's seriousness is often overlooked due to her unweildly hands which cannot operate weapons or controls very well. Many people accross the galaxy do not take this race seriously. Melani and her race dress in an assortment of seaweed/coral and seashells.

Foshmuns: Foshmuns are hulking silent fish like aliens whom are known to quite ignorant to their surroundings. Without care or fear Foshmuns skulk around not meaning any trouble or harm until somebody tries to shoo them away or engage in some sort of conflict, this usually end in the Foshmun butchering the person. Foshmuns only walk outside when it is damp, foggy, or rainy, this has spawned many myths about them, but it's just that they don't thrive well in dry climates.

Xeets: The Xeet are a common race. Simular to humans except they hate humans and and other insectoids like Zeeteranians.

TseaSlave: A TseaSlave is a new "type" of slave Oxiot scientists have created. Using advanced DNA altering technology, the slaver shaves of a patch of a persons head(to remove hair), then places the Tsea patch on the bare spot of head. It renders the user into a weak-willed, weak-minded, weak in strength and passion individual that's easy to manipulate and not retaliate. TseaSlaves look the same as they did previously to the Tsea patch's installment except their skinn has turned greenish brown, they become emaciated, and shrived/bumpy(not wrinkly) looking. The Scaigan technologies supervisor thought this to be a failure of technology since it diminishes the person's strength in trade for controlability. The Oxiots responsible for this technology feeling scorned sold it off to Megamelms.

Gohst: Gohst is a big boned (human[?]) woman in possession of a reality shard. She has blind looking eyes and white skin. Her abilities include being able to stretch her arms out, a inhuman amount of endurance and a wildly precise shot with a sniper rifle. She seems to be a strong willed person with a no nonsense attitude.

Megamelms: The Megamelm is another race who makes their main GDP from slave trading. Usually in competition with Oxiots the Megamelms just got a huge advantage from receiving new slaving tech from a group of ex-Scaigan empire employed Oxiots. Megamelms in the slaving industry are greedy and gluttonous. But many virtuous Megamelms exist as well, it's just that many of those Megamelms don't leave the homeworld.

Dorlores: the Dorlore are uncommon race, not much is known about them besides they attach shades or umbrellas to their backs.

Haimptis: Another uncommon race, they can be found in lower Teded stealing food from others and fighting with Enghks.

Androids: This is an example of a middle-class android. It was supposed to be the android girl but I was displeased with the design result I made.

Lallorvs: an almost Pinocchio like nose and floppy or pointy ears is what distinguishes this race. Generally seen as the elegant and fair, Lallorvs are artists, designers, trend setters, and sales people. Aggrocept Inc's C.E.O.'s secretary is a Lallorv.

Dazshur: A master mind criminal and life long nemesis to Nalex. Dazshur robs mostly to split the profit with Janus. Dashzur is a cheater and liar, and will charm his way out of sticky situations. His star like eyes are almost literally like stars as they can emit a blinding flash.

Havatuskenns: Big slimy worm like beings who are filled with parasites, they need the parasites in their body to survive outside of their planet. They are typically unwelcomed because of this. Humans have brief skimishes with them.

Zeeteranians: are a race of insectoids whom are allies to the Hyvens, Zeeteranians are pretty normal.

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