
Welcome to the Coffee clan

Here is a new English/International/Australian based clan that is pushing/war/farming. The goal for this clan is to be very unique from the other clans and have a serious war team. The clan will be unique from all other clans because of our new competition system (Cheek the promotions section to learn more about this). We are also working on having a powerful war team to rank up the clan level, gain loot and to have a bit of fun.

We are currently taking TH 7+ non-rushed players that are farming, pushing or wanting to war (Please cheek these using the subtitles below)

Please read the whole form and consider us when choosing a clan. There are subtitles for every thing you will need to know.

Things needed to be done for the clan:

-New clan description

-War director

-Rank the clan up to level 10

-Get 30 people to join the clan




Clan Competitions:

Here we want the clan to be unique as possible. The clan will be holding competitions monthly to boost the clan’s reputation and make it a fun place. If you are a winner of one of these competitions your name will be put on the clan description and will boost your chances of being promoted. Some of these competitions could include:

-Most donations in a season

-Most war stars

-Who can get the most people to join in an hour

Things like this. Also if you have a suggestion for a competition don't be scared to give us suggestions we will be more than happy to take peoples ideas and thoughts.


We have not entered our first war due to not enough players to start. We are currently taking anyone with a little war experience to help the clan. Also we are in need of war directors to give out war plans (A war schedule will be put in place until war directors are in place but for now we are warring when clan mates what to war)

-100+ war stars

-Decent level troupes for your TH

-Must stay in the clan for at least 24 hours to participate in war to show that you are dedicated to the clan


The clan at this point is currently doing both pushing and farming. (An update could occur on when we push and when we farm please cheek the clan description for information on the latest updates)

-There are no requirements for farming or pushing at the moment.


Promotions are things that will come in time. Promotions here are something that will not come but you will need to dedicate a lot for a promotion especially CO. Here promotions will show that you have been in the clan for a while and are a dedicated clasher that has taken part in this clan.

Elder- This rank will show you are a series clasher and is a-part of this clan.

-2,500 donations per season

-Be active on the game

-Be active on the clan chat

-Participate in clan competitions

-Be trust worthy

-Be in the clan for at least 4 months

CO- Co leader is something that will take a lot of work and dedication.

-Need Elder rank

-Need 5,000 donations per season

-Be very active in the chat

-Play a part in the clan such as help organize things

-Be trust worthy

-Be active on the game

-Win a clan competition

-Finish friends in need achievement

-Be in the clan for 12 months

Note- these rules may change please cheek clan description for the latest update.

How to join our clan:

If you have made it this far thank you. We have assumed that you have read the whole form and are now interested in try the clan out.


-Search #YJYJLOUU in the search clan tab (Our clan is called Coffee)

-Type TH11 for our password and type why you want to join and how you will be a help to the clan

-You’re in :)

(The clan might be open for a bit so people can join low level noobs will be kicked when the clan gets on there feet)

We are very sorry if you don't make the cut maybe next time :(

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