
Vital Stats

Name: Brian Laudick
Email: Drivn2perfection...
Location: Cedar Falls, IA
Age: 26
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 265 lbs
Years Bodybuilding: 8

QHow did your bodybuilding journey begin?

I had always been a lean kid and played soccer since age 4. I excelled at sports but was small and fast. I had no confidence in my abilities and it affected other parts of my life. One night, I was lying in bed, saw a Bowflex commercial, and was intrigued. I wanted to be like the guys I saw using the machine.

The next day, I spoke with my father and told him I wanted to make a lifestyle change and start working out. I didn't have the confidence to go to the gym, so the machine taught me to weight train. I followed the guidelines in the instruction manual and gradually learned basic movements.

Four weeks later in class, my friend looked at my forearm and saw striations in my muscles. That was the turning point. I started to work out at my school gym and researched online to learn proper technique and new exercises. It quickly became a passion. Now I have a bachelor's degree in exercise science with a special interest in nutrition and am going places I never imagined were possible.

What workout regimen delivered the best results?


3 sets of 8 reps


Leg Press

3 sets of 12 reps

Leg Press Calf Raise

3 sets of 20 reps


Walking Lunges

3 sets of 12 reps each leg

Seated Calf Raise

3 sets of 20 reps



1 dropset of 100 reps


Incline Bench Press

3 sets of 8-10 reps

Dumbbell Incline Press

3 sets of 10 reps


Dumbbell Press

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Rope Push-Downs

3 sets of 12 reps


Incline Cable Flyes

2 sets of 12 reps

Cable Flyes

2 sets of 12 reps

Decline Cable Flyes (shown with dumbbells)

2 sets of 12 reps


Hanging Knee Raise

3 sets of 30 seconds


3 sets of 30 seconds

Oblique Crunches

3 sets of 30 seconds


3 sets of 6-8 reps

Barbell Shrugs

3 sets of 8-10 reps


Wide-Grip Lat Pull-Downs

3 sets of 10 reps

Lying Leg Curls

3 sets of 10-12 reps


Seated Cable Rows

3 sets of 10 reps

Seated Leg Curls

3 sets of 12 reps



3 sets to failure

Hamstring Hyperextensions

3 sets of 15 reps


Hammer Curls

3 sets of 12 reps

Skull Crushers

3 sets of 12 reps


Dumbbell Preacher Curls

3 sets of 12 reps

Cable Push-Downs

3 sets of 12 reps


Cable Curls

3 sets of 15 reps


3 sets of 15 reps

Amateurs Of The Week

Bodybuilding.com honors amateurs across all categories for their hard work, dedication, and great physiques. Learn how our featured amateurs built their bodies and hit their goals!

What nutrition plan fueled your body?

This is the diet I eat to build mass and stay around 10-11 percent body fat.

Optimum Platinum Hydrowhey

30 grams

Whole Wheat Bread

2 slices

Peanut Butter

1 serving


1 serving


3/4 cup

Liquid Egg Whites

6 ounces

Whole Wheat Bread

2 slices

Peanut Butter

1 serving

Chocolate Milk

8 ounces

Brown Rice

1 cup

Whole Wheat Turkey Sub


Optimum Platinum Hydrowhey

30 grams


12 ounces


1 banana


8 ounces

Optimum Platinum Hydrowhey

30 grams


12 ounces

Brown Rice

1 cup

Sweet Potato

1 potato

Whole Wheat Wrap

1 wrap


8 ounces

Black Beans

1 serving

Shredded Cheese

1 serving

Brown Rice

3/4 cup


8 ounces

Optimum Gold Standard 100% Casein

1 serving


10 ounces

Cottage Cheese

1 cup

Rice Cakes

3 cakes

Peanut Butter

2 tablespoons

What supplements gave you the greatest gains?

Optimum Fish Oil Softgels

Optimum Opti-Men

Optimum Platinum Hydrowhey

Universal Nutrition Animal Rage

Controlled Labs Purple Wraath

Universal Nutrition Torrent

Optimum Fish Oil Softgels

Optimum Opti-Men

Optimum Gold Standard 100% Casein

"I get bored of repetition and want to strive for new heights every day."

How did your passion for bodybuilding emerge?

My passion for bodybuilding emerged when I realized that I could use working out as an added challenge. I get bored of monotony and want to strive for new heights every day. Bodybuilding is perfect for that. It allows me to create goals, shatter them, and then add more goals. It forces my body and mind to the limit and gives a sense of accomplishment that nothing else comes close to.

What or who motivated you to be a bodybuilder?

My passion to be great is the major factor. Every day is a new day to improve an aspect of my fitness or physique. It's a constant inner struggle to become a better person than I was yesterday. I don't do it for the female attention, fame, or glory. It's a platform to become sponsored and push others to a level they never thought possible.

Where did you go for inspiration?

When I feel unmotivated to hit the gym, I tell myself that the competition isn't taking a day off. To be the best, you have to put in the most work and effort. I tell my friends and clients that there is no roadblock that can't be broken down. In the end, the only person that is stopping you is you. YouTube bodybuilding videos with music always motivate me to go to the gym.

What are your future bodybuilding plans?

I competed for the first time without a coach and wanted to take the knowledge and hard work that I put in during the last 10 years and apply it to my full potential. That made the challenge more fulfilling. I have another show in April in the Quad Cities. I will take everything I learned from the first show and apply it to win and work toward my pro card. I'd like to pursue my ultimate dream and open a health and fitness facility so I can impact lives beyond the scope of what I do now.

"You have to wake up every day with the desire to be your best and stay consistent."

What is the most important bodybuilding tip?

It's a lifestyle, not a hobby. You have to wake up every day with the desire to be your best and stay consistent. Being diligent and consistent in your workouts, diet, and sleeping habits will drive you toward your ultimate goal. It requires sacrifices to get to the top. In this industry, you don't get what you wish for. You get what you work for.

Who is your favorite bodybuilder?

My favorite bodybuilder is Kai Greene because of his mentality. Mental toughness overcomes many obstacles. Without it, you cannot succeed. Kai's philosophies and training style are unique from other bodybuilders, as is his posing style. It's more of an art form.

How did bodybuilding.com help you reach your goals?

I made a BodySpace profile in 2006 and got serious about lifting. There's an unlimited amount of information to help with training, dieting, and supplementation on Bodybuilding.com. I love the community feeling. Everyone is dedicated to motivate each other. BodySpace allowed me to track my goals, build new ones, and see into the future.

Brian's Top 5 Gym Tracks

"Breaking Through" by The Wreckage

"Forget You" by Digital Summer

"Red Warrior" by Hans Zimmer

"Heart Of Courage" by Two Steps From Hell

"Take One Last Breath" by Abandon All Ships

Contest History

NPC Northstar 2013 - Minneapolis, Minnesota


To my amazing parents. I wouldn't be the man I am today without them.

To my brother who dieted with me during my first show prep.

To my friends who traveled to watch my show and to the ones who supported my journey.

To my coworkers and people around me who put up with my short temper during contest prep.

About The Author

Amateur Bodybuilder Of The Week

Our Amateur Bodybuilder of the Week has the extraordinary qualities to endure the pain and discipline of bodybuilding. Of course, he/she also...

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