First a brief recap of me and what I'm doing:
Hello friends, I’m DYDave82. I’ve been an aquatic enthusiast for nearly three years now. I started the hobby very humbly keeping loaches. My first 15g Top Fin quickly became the five aquariums I keep today. I have heavily planted: 20g long, 46g bow front, and a 90g all well stocked with common to very rare rainbow fish, loaches, and pleco’s. I also have a DIY nano reef tank = 12g Fluval Edge that everyone told me would be impossible to keep stable without a seriously expensive setup that’s going clean and strong for over a year now. (Proud of that one )
I have no previous experience-keeping discus. I have watched many youtube videos about Discus keeping (I luv King of DIY) and have read many posts here since recently joining the forum.
Today marks the five-week mark of the start of my newest project: the conversion of an old drilled reef tank, specifically a 92g corner bow front that I’ve sealed and cycled thoroughly. I refinished and reinforced the old oak stand; it looks new now. The glass is in great shape except for the bottom that is all scratched up from many years of live rock scraping about. It’s filled with fresh Florida well water and has been cycled with a bio wheel from a Marineland 350. It has 10 Rummy Nose Tetras and 10 Cardinals. 6 Paleatus Cory's and a little bit of white sand.
I have some nice manzanita branches that have just today sank. There not letting off much tannins but I'll watch carefully as I'm in no hurry to stock it with my Discus.
I’m running a Hydor Professional 600 Canister and a Coralife UV sterilizer connected to the return line. Why the sterilizer? It was sitting in the garage so I thought, why not.
Current parameters of 92 Corner and 40g BB Grow Out:
- Temperature is currently 84.2 - Pair of Ehiem Heaters (one each currently)
- Tank pH: 7.9
- pH of the water straight out my well: 7.9
- Ammonia reading 0ppm
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