
Just going to run through the changelog and give my thoughts on how this affects the economy/you and how I would approach these changes from a profit-maximization perspective. Feel free to criticize/give your input/let me know if I missed out on anything.

Added Bags these work just like Chest without blueprints but cost 0 to open and are untradable!
Added a Daily Goal streak with a Bag reward after 7 days

Assuming the range of item drops is the same as a chest but without the BPs, an influx of flawlesses/epics/legendaries/mythicals and quest resources into the economy is to be expected. Not sure if the impact is enough to warrant trying to quickly sell epics/legs/myths on hand; especially since we have no information on the drop rates on this thing. I'd just see how it goes and make any necessary decisions post-patch.

Dynamic Quest Revamp:

Heroes now all bring back artifacts (removed additional loot option)
Added a special loot roll after the artifacts/raid items are given
Removed the chest prompt and added those to the special loot roll
Other rewards from special loot roll include gold, bags, double XP, repair all, heal all, blueprint fragments and keys
Reworked Scavenger to increase only minimum artifact/raid items looted
Reworked Treasure Hunter to increase maximum artifact/raid items looted

Rebalanced all artifacts minimum and maximum quantity in quests (Removed all 0 drop quantities)

Impact varies depending on the exact numbers on this change. Many other possible impacts arising from the 'special loot roll' (e.g. the Gold Digger uproar) and exactly what the rescaling of loot minimum and maximum amounts exactly means, numbers-wise, but pointless to discuss until numbers are known/released. Changes that will have a significant impact regardless of the numbers - (a) all heroes now bring back artifacts; and (b) Scavenger changed to increase minimum artifacts looted, and Treasure Hunter now increases maximum artifacts looted.

(a) Detect Secrets doubled in effectiveness. No longer necessary to think about hero order in the party from left to right (in terms of min-maxing loot returns). Better returns now on stacking scavenger/treasure hunter across all 6 heroes instead of focusing on first 3 slots.

(b) Unknown at the moment if Treasure Hunter keeps the 10-20-50% scaling or if it is going to be changed to Scavenger scaling (1-2-3 items); if it retains percentage scaling the impact will be minimal, if shifted to Scavenger scaling, will be superior to Scavenger since it has the same impact on potential returns, but isn't subject to a cap. Treasure Hunter items/associated precrafts should see increase in demand/price.

Added Upgraded Quest Slots (Heroes automatically rest when quest timer is expired) (We'll post pricing soon)

Situational buff to healer-focused builds in comparison to energetic-focused builds; assuming you are human and have actual things to do IRL, this negates the impact of not being able to get back to the game as soon as your quests are done. Still has a marginal benefit to energetic-focused builds in that your dead people start recovering sooner.

Added Upgraded Trade Slots (50 offer, 100 request, no cancel penalty) (Prices soon!)

Limit the amount of Gold that you can trade for in the Trade House with your Networth
Changed to FIFO for Trades in Trade House (both offers and requests)

Upgraded trade slots in conjunction with the FIFO system - if you're looking to flip keys, log in ASAP after the patch, upgrade your slots and request as many as you can afford. I.e. save up gold now and get ready to throw 900 iron key requests the moment the servers go up. At the same time, key flipping may have been murdered with amount of gold tradeable being limited by NW - noobs won't be able to get 20m on iron keys. Plan of action here would differ depending on (a) whether noobs can just fill an iron key request regardless of the value of the request; then just have it scaled down to their personal limit, and (b) whether noobs still decide to flip their gems for gold via keys. You might want to hedge your bets on key flipping; nobody knows how this is going to turn out.

Added Extra Fusion Slots (up to 3 more, accessible from the cauldron)

For those using the cauldron to make profits feeding flawless precraft requests; your profits will only increase relative to how many more cauldron slots you have over other flawless-feeders. You'll probably be making more money off increased sale volume despite reduced sale price, and your profit margin will decrease as more people get 4-slotted cauldrons so no point taking your time on getting whatever cauldron slots you intend to get. The increase in supply of the precrafts should drop the request price of the precrafts significantly. Largest benefit is to higher-levelled players - much easier now to clear extremely annoying BPs and/or farm stuff like myth elvens.

Rebalanced City Raid tier difficulties

Weekend quest artifact inflation should exist for a longer period of time for materials under sun tear; everything higher seems to be sufficiently deflated by innspam farmers who will in any case still clear the raid without an issue, unless the difficulty increase was massive.

Statistics: Posted by teren41 — Thu Mar 17, 2016 6:01 am

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