
===== v3.1 Porteus new style FVWM =====

These ISO can be booted from ECS LIVA PC.

1. 32 bit
Porteus-aFVWM-v3.1-i486.iso (154M)

http://www.mediafire.com/download/4v5b9 ... 1-i486.iso

md5sum: 864330d10c11024722b93013a802d2e3 Porteus-aFVWM-v3.1-i486.iso

Porteus-aFVWM-LXDE-v3.1-i486.iso (229M)

http://www.mediafire.com/download/ps9dl ... 1-i486.iso

md5sum: 1cee4ad63ed61409af03e294914823f3 Porteus-aFVWM-LXDE-v3.1-i486.iso

Porteus-aFVWM-LXDE-skype-v3.1-i486.iso (294M)

http://www.mediafire.com/download/8rb55 ... 1-i486.iso

md5sum: 09bcb5c71a5495f2a444f81ad03baa3a Porteus-aFVWM-LXDE-skype-v3.1-i486.iso

2. 64 bit
Porteus-aFVWM-v3.1-x86_64.iso (161M)

http://www.mediafire.com/download/3d51g ... x86_64.iso

md5sum: e8b7f61d9bcd75f92f7f1819de9d0519 Porteus-aFVWM-v3.1-x86_64.iso

Porteus-aFVWM-LXDE-v3.1-x86_64.iso (250M)

http://www.mediafire.com/download/j08th ... x86_64.iso

md5sum: 892cecb905b84c6777fdfa207dcb02d6 Porteus-aFVWM-LXDE-v3.1-x86_64.iso

Porteus-aFVWM-LXDE-skype-v3.1-x86_64.iso (317M)

http://www.mediafire.com/download/0q8hp ... x86_64.iso

md5sum: d0f763d5738e0c714b779ead9cfed32b Porteus-aFVWM-LXDE-skype-v3.1-x86_64.iso

3. minimum modules
mini.xzm.tar (92M)

http://www.mediafire.com/download/odl7d ... ni.xzm.tar

md5sum: 2cb32722a043232810d22fb16e92dcd4 mini.xzm.tar

4. Porteus-aFVWM
is constructed with following packages.

ISO@/porteus/base/000-kernel.xzm ... modified kernel for UEFI PC with eMMC
ISO@/porteus/base/001-core.xzm ... v3.1 original
ISO@/porteus/base/002-xorg.xzm ... v3.1 original
ISO@/porteus/base/003-afvwm.xzm (13M/15M)... new style FVWM
ISO@/porteus/base/04-opera.xzm (20M/21M)... opera including gecko-mediaplayer and flashplayer


ISO@/porteus/optional/005-locale_ja-skk2.xzm (4M)... Japanese locale including SCIM-SKK input method
ISO@/porteus/optional/009-persist4.xzm ... simple persistent method

(1) new style FVWM
is ported from 'austrumi' style, and
includes the following applications.

terminal: lxterminal
file manager: pcmanfm
editor: geany
text-based browser: w3m
picture viewer: gpicview
multimedia: mplayer,winff
task monitor: lxtask
system service: hardinfo,scrot
(font: Japanese font, Thai font)

5. Porteus-aFVWM-LXDE
is constructed with following packages.

ISO@/porteus/base/000-kernel.xzm ... modified kernel for UEFI PC with eMMC
ISO@/porteus/base/001-core.xzm ... v3.1 original
ISO@/porteus/base/002-xorg.xzm ... v3.1 original
ISO@/porteus/base/003-afvwm.xzm (13M/15M)... new style FVWM
ISO@/porteus/base/003-lxde4fvwm.xzm (11M/10M)... basic LXDE
ISO@/porteus/base/04-google-chrome.xzm (53M)... google chrome browser

ISO@/porteus/modules/003-apl.xzm (31M/47M)... additional applications

ISO@/porteus/optional/003-lxde_ja.xzm ... Japanese LXDE locale
ISO@/porteus/optional/005-locale_ja-skk2.xzm (4M)... Japanese locale including SCIM-SKK input method
ISO@/porteus/optional/009-persist4.xzm ... simple persistent method

(1) basic LXDE
is a core part of LXDE, and
includes the following applications.

graphic: mtpaint
security: gnome-keyring
system tool: gparted,grsync,tigervnc
miscellaneous: galculator,parcellite

(2) additional applications
include the following applications.

packaged file manager: file-roller
PDF viewer: evince
office: abiword,gnumeric
mailer: sylpheed
network: transmission
multimedia: audacious
game: gtk-sudoku etc.,

6. Porteus-aFVWM-LXDE-skype
is constructed with following packages.

ISO@/porteus/base/000-kernel.xzm ... modified kernel for UEFI PC with eMMC
ISO@/porteus/base/001-core.xzm ... v3.1 original
ISO@/porteus/base/002-xorg.xzm ... v3.1 original
ISO@/porteus/base/003-afvwm.xzm (13M/15M)... new style FVWM
ISO@/porteus/base/003-lxde4fvwm.xzm (11M/10M)... basic LXDE
ISO@/porteus/base/04-google-chrome.xzm (53M)... google chrome browser

ISO@/porteus/modules/003-apl.xzm (31M/47M)... additional applications
ISO@/porteus/modules/08-skype.xzm (46M/47M)

ISO@/porteus/optional/003-apl_ja.xzm (2M)... Japanese applications
ISO@/porteus/optional/003-lxde_ja.xzm ... Japanese LXDE locale
ISO@/porteus/optional/005-locale_ja-8.xzm (15M)... Japanese locale including SCIM-ANTHY input method
ISO@/porteus/optional/009-persist4.xzm ... simple persistent method

(2) Japanese applications
include the following applications.

2ch browser: jd

7. mini.xzm.tar
is a tar file, and
includes minimum modules for both 32bit and 64bit.


(1) 002-xorg-mini.xzm (38M/39M)
is created by reducing following packages from original 002-xorg.xzm .

asunder,avahi,ffmpeg,gftp,isomaster,pburn,pidgin,uget, and xterm.

(2) 003-afvwm-mini.xzm (7.3M/8.2M)
is ported from 'austrumi' style, and
includes the following applications.

terminal: lxterminal
file manager: pcmanfm
editor: leafpad
text-based browser: w3m

8. Cheatcodes
(1) "fvwm" : for Porteus-aFVWM-LXDE, Porteus-aFVWM-LXDE-skype
Switch to FVWM boot.
Otherwise, boot from a original window manager(LXDE).

(2) "load=_ja"
Change to Japanese version.
Otherwise, English version.

(3) "load=persist" or "load=_ja;persist"
Enables a simple persistent method.
If "/live/porteus/persist" directory exists in any ext4 FS partition,
that directory will be persistence area of both "/home" and "/etc/NetworkManager".

9. Tool of creating a live USB for UEFI PC.
ISO@/boot/EFIPorteus-installer-for-Linux_ja.sh (Japanese version)

For UEFI PC, these tools create a live USB that includes a simple persistent area.

[How to use]
Insert USB memory stick.
Set EFIPorteus-installer-for-Linux.sh and one of these released ISOs in work directory.
Execute this shell in the work directory by root user mode.


Statistics: Posted by neko — 27 Feb 2015, 16:01

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