
Hey guys and gals of the chorus line!

As the title say, this is an old news that the people of Ad Block Plus didn't support Pale Moon as they didn't wanted to support a custom and hobbyist browser. Hence our team of coders needed to fork the beast and create Ad Block Latitude. Hey hey! Guess what? Now Ad Block Plus team had released a custom and hobbyist browser too!!!

Introducing Ad block browser for Android now in beta. And before you jump off your seat please see the meat of the news release:

Adblock Plus for Android got kicked out of Google Play along with other ad-blocking apps in March 2013 because Google’s developer distribution agreement states apps cannot interfere with the functionality of other apps. Williams thus believes Adblock Browser “should be fine” as it only blocks ads that are shown as you browse the Web.

Adblock Browser is based on Firefox 37 for Android, and Williams said the team plans to keep it updated as Mozilla releases new versions. The browser ships with a basic filter list (EasyList and Acceptable Ads), just like Adblock Plus on other platforms.

EasyList can’t be customized in Adblock Browser right now, unlike in Adblock Plus. Acceptable Ads, the company’s initiative to allow certain ads in the hopes of moving the Internet toward more digestible forms of online advertising, can be disabled.

Adblock Plus says its app is the first mobile browser to offer users ad blocking as an integrated, out-of-the-box feature. More people are using ad blockers, according to the company, and so moving to the mobile space automatic ad blocking at the browser level is a natural extension.

There is people, now we have a new browser that is just a Firefox rebranded; that doesn't offer any other advantage than decide what kind of ads you should see, and what kind of ads you cannot see... err then whole idea is like an aquarium with a small hole, I guess. Now let the games start, and the web flood you with all these nice text ads!


Adblock Plus launches Adblock Browser: Firefox for Android with built-in ad blocking

Take care!

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