
Ok, genuinely interested in hearing from folks who may have faced similar.

My wife carries, loves shooting our rifles, and enjoys our time together at the range.

But she's got a weird hangup where the kids are concerned. Despite them being 13 and 16 (boy/girl) and very responsible/well-behaved, she's determined to not let them be 'exposed' to our guns. She won't tell them we even have any (16 year old knows - she caught me 'printing' a few times, 13 year old maybe doesn't...) Do I feel like it's long-overdue and even "my fault" for not pushing it sooner? Yes. But water under the bridge.

Recently, I've pushed to 'inform and train' the kids. She's maybe open to that, but no breakthrough yet.

Specifically, I'd like to get them both involved in the 'junior rifle' program at our club: start with .22 rifles.

I also consider it a safety issue. We're -rigorous- about keeping the guns either CC on us OR locked up in the safe at home. But mistakes happen and I worry that ONE slip and one kid finds an unsecured gun... they have no idea how to handle it. Not to mention I'm FUCKING SICK of the anti-2nd crap they're being exposed to by our oh-so-PC public schools and would like to be able to ensure they get the other side of the story. Actually, they already have, but being 'hands-on' would help cement it, I think.

How hard should I push? What can I say? Do I just do what I gotta do and 'ask forgiveness rather than permission'? You married guys know how well THAT is likely to turn out...

Your thoughtful advice is much desired...

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