just a hint. I would check (at least) the 4 free POPUP-Mod's, linked below, to find out, how and where they did 'what', to make the popup to pop up!
Then, I would find 'similar' or 'equal' lines of code, related to the popup-thing, used in your template set. This way,
you would possibly be able to 'locate' and 'solve' your matter, be removing such 'popup'-related content.
There may be more:
Looking at your 'Product' Website Page 'Source', you find some details on, how it's been 'done' and 'placed'. Use this to find 'content-related' sections in your Shop-Files. (may be hard to understand, as it's written, I agree. I'm not english...)
Good luck!
PS: just my way, finding solutions, not beeing a Programmer,
just by comparing, in many different forms & ways. Most of the time, it works...
If you cannot, then you'll have to contact the THEME supplier
Statistics: Posted by IP_CAM — Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:45 am