Wundert mich das es über dieses Spiel noch keinen Thread hier gibt. Ich reiche mal die Ankündigung vom Juli 2014 nach:
Welcome to OtherSide Entertainment! We’re a brand new game studio focused on rebooting classic game franchises. For our first title we’re bringing back the classic Ultima™ Underworld franchise, which we’re calling Underworld Ascension™. Our team include some of the folks who created the original franchise. When we made the original we looked to redefine the fantasy RPG genre. With the reboot we’re going right back to innovating, and our goal is to make the franchise more vital than ever. We are just getting started so little to see as yet, but rest assured, in the weeks to come we will be showing more and more. In the mean time we’d love to hear from you, because as fans you are an essential part of this franchise. Hit us up on Twitter @otherside_games and let us know what you loved about the Underworlds. Stay tuned here for updates and news.
–Paul Neurath, Founder
Weitere Infos: ultimacodex.com/2014/07/paul-n…ces-underworld-ascension/
Gamespot Artikel und Interview mit Paul Neurath: gamespot.com/articles/new-unde…nal-formula/1100-6420836/
Gestern dann gab es die ersten handfesten Infos:
-Spiel wurde von Underworld Ascension in Underworld Ascendant umbenannt
-Kickstarter Kampagne startet am 4. Februar
Ascendant was originally called Underworld Ascension, but Otherside Entertainment subsequently changed the moniker. The team is launching a Kickstarter campaign on Feb. 4, with extensive stretch goals for subsequent funding.
-Warren Spector nun auch im Team
Otherside comprises 12 people. Some of them worked on the aforementioned titles at Looking Glass, the development studio that closed in May of 2000, so there's a lot of veteran talent working on the RPG. One name in particular will draw recognition from fans of Epic Mickey, Deus Ex and Thief: Warren Spector.
He worked as a producer on the original Ultima Underworld, and championed the game from its inception. Now, he's serving as a "part-time creative advisor," Neurath says, and Spector sees potential in the project, despite its long absence from the spotlight.
-Erste Prototyp Version läuft bereits:
Neurath went on to say that Otherside already has an early prototype of Ascendant running on PC.
-Erste Gameplay Details:
Something new with this title is that there will be three factions working for control in the game. Depending on the choices you make, you can side with one of these factions. This will change the outcome of the game as you journey through the adventure. Paul did not go into too much detail but wants to keep options open.
-Concept Art & Music Preview auf der offiziellen Website
Das Ultima Underworld (mein Nummer 1 Lieblingsspiel aller Zeiten) tatsächlich einen dritten Teil und weiteren Nachfolger bekommt ist für mich natürlich das größte!
Das Electronic Arts nur die Underworld Lizenz, nicht aber die Ultima Lizenz rausrückt, war zu befürchten aber auch egal, schließlich war der erste Underworld Teil damals ursprünglich auch noch ohne Ultima-Zusatz (der erst später hinzukam) geplant.
Den Namenswechsel von Underworld Ascension auf Underworld Ascendant verstehe ich nicht so ganz. Vermutlich war Ascension in Fankreisen wohl Dank Ultima IX arg negativ vorbelastet, denke ich mal. Mir persönlich hätte Underworld Ascension besser gefallen, klingt einfach angenehmer.
Was Kickstarter angeht stellt sich für mich nicht die Frage ob ich da was zahlen werde, sondern eher wie viel ich zahlen werde.
Links zu den Artikeln:
PS: Auch noch sehr interessant: ultimacodex.com/2015/01/iamthe…set-in-the-same-universe/