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Josef "Pipa" Vítek was born in Prague, Czech Republic and joined Warhorse Studios team in the beginning of this year, in march 2016. He is a Marketing Manager and therefore his job is to take care of the merchandise, physical items, design adaptation, event organisation and print products.
Do you have any additional questions regarding him and/or his work? Just ask here!
1) How did you hear about Warhorse? How/When did you join?
I’ve always been a gamer and a fan of the industry so I knew a bit about Warhorse Studios before I started working here in early 2016. In late 2015, I was introduced to Tobi, our PR manager, in a pub by mutual friends. Half a year later, I decided to apply for the job, went to the interview a few days later and voilà, here I am. And I haven´t regretted this great experience ever since.
2) Describe your position. What is it about being a Marketing Manager?
Being a Marketing Manager at Warhorse is pretty much a universal job and it includes many different, yet cool responsibilities. I cooperate closely with my PR and my production colleagues to plan and implement various communication campaigns to let the world know about our game. I’ve gotten to participate in the production of design materials and advertisements, in cooperation with our creative and artwork team. We design and manage our trade fair exhibitions, conferences and other events, including a few interesting medieval festivities quite frequently. The job also involves the production of the physical content of the game's special editions, as well as the backer rewards which include hand-made swords, production of merchandise, etc. Working here at Warhorse Studios is a wild ride with many little obstacles on the road, but also with many cool and enjoyable moments on the way to our goal next year.
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3) Have you ever work on Videogames before? What have you worked on previously?
Until earlier this year, I had been involved in the advertising field for nearly 15 years, typically working as an account manager on a variety of advertising or communication campaigns for different clients. I’ve always preferred an environment rich with different open-minded personalities and creative ideas. This is what I see with our game studio. Among other things, both an advertising agency and a game studio have to work with design, production, and online marketing campaigns.
4) What are you currently working on?
I´m getting ready for the Game Developers Session conference (You can see the pictures about it here) and I have to prepare for our presentation.
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5) What do you like the most about Kingdom Come: Deliverance?
Regarding KC:D, I really like the historical accuracy we strive for. I feel our game could prove that a RPG game doesn't have to involve any fantasy or sci-fi elements to be a thrilling adventure, especially if you have such an inventive game design team like we have. My personal favorite part in any open world RPG is the discovery/adventure and our game will be full of it. As a Warhorsian, I am proud of our entire team. They are all working hard on their tasks to put the project together in the best possible way. I feel the people here work with their hearts which is the best possible motivation for any such project.
6) How, when and with what game did you first get acquainted with videogames?
My first gaming computer was an old Atari back in the mid 80´s (when I was a kid). Back then my favorite titles were probably either Lode Runner or River Raid - games with simple controls but engaging in quick decisions. But the real gaming for me started with the early 90´s PC games (although I dreamt of Amiga back then).
7) Which class, gender, or type do you usually pick?
I usually pick a very average human male knight with neutral attitude. But sooner or later in the games, I may regret that straightforward decision, finding out that more specialized characters have better survivability. Either way, I still make the same choice every time. That's why I like our main character Henry, an ordinary guy headed for a great adventure.
8) Which videogame character are you?
That would probably be either Nathan Drake from the Uncharted series or Gordon Freeman from Half-Life. Yes, I´m talking to you, Valve!
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9) Your favorite music playlist
I listen to many genres, but it depends on my mood. My favorites this month are Nick Cave or Leonard Cohen´s latest pleasantly darker albums. On the other hand, during the office hours I've enjoyed the new albums from Tycho or Warpaint for background music. This year's overall favorite of mine was the last album from David Bowie – Blackstar. Rest in peace, David. Anyways, I´m always seeking new music - it's my life-long hobby.
10) Your favorite books or movies?
I´m a fan of science fiction, but I feel like this last decade, unfortunately, belongs only to Marvel and DC (please don't tell my wife). I miss the action heroes of the 80´s and the “R-rated” sci-fi movies as well. I think the 80´s movies had just about the best soundtracks of all time. From the technical point of view, I admire how filmmakers had to deal with many technical difficulties and yet still had to be inventive even when there was no CGI back then. Among many others, my favorites are James Cameron´s Aliens and Ridley Scott´s Blade Runner (wish there were movies like these every month). Regarding books, I´ve always been a fan of Phillip K. Dick.
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11) How do you like living in the Czech Republic?
I love my homeland! We've got the best beer, tasty cuisine, beautiful women, a pretty countryside and so many medieval castles like nowhere else. On the other hand, what I don´t like here is an excessive state bureaucracy that suffocates both companies and citizens alike. But if can live with that, this country is just great.
12) If you could say something to the fans of Kingdom Come: Deliverance, what would it be?
First of all, many thanks to all of you supporting our game. The project wouldn't have been possible without your support. We hope to deliver a great game next year for all of you to enjoy, whether if you're a fan of medieval times or if you're simply an RPG lover like myself. And don´t forget to kill more monsters to get cool loot!
Do you have any additional questions to Josef "Pipa" Vítek? Just ask here!