
xxkatxx wrote:

Hmm I really need to add some photos!!

Question for redinkers who have been in for a while: our hot water system has been really hot since we moved in with no issues. We turned the booster off as soon as we moved in in December as not required. Now that it has been dark and cloudy the booster is required so we turned it on but only getting warm water....i consider it not even hot enough to wash dishes. Our ss did say people complain the water isn't hot enough but when it's running off solar only it's definitely hot enough.

Does it sound normal or needs attention?

Hi Kat - we had all sorts of problem with our HWS, we had the chromagen plumber out twice in 6 months as we had no hot water, both times they replaced the sacrificial anode (which should last years) - we were told there was a faulty batch of them that we happened to get twice. We haven;t had any problems lately, so hopefully that was the issue, our water is very hot. I'd ask them to get a plumber out to look at it.

Statistics: Posted by ShdowKat — Apr 02, 2014 3:46 pm

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