
COB RTC David Miscavige has destroyed the management structure of the Church of Scientology.

The inaugural post new Milestone Two Independent Scientology Third Dynamic Engrams blog:

Abolishing management

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By Lana M.

Though many parishioners would be unaware of changes in Scientology Management, there will be staff members at all echelons that will have noticed significant changes in management functions, priorities and activities in the last 20 years. We are not just talking about the Ideal Org Program, or the Golden Age of Tech (I or II), but about actual functions and roles.

LRH ED 339R is a vital issue that lays out key management functions (hats) that LRH wore when he was in charge of Scientology worldwide. In this issue he lays out the functions that are vital to expansion in an org.


“What does it take to make an org run?

“1. ESTABLISHMENT. This also includes legal and defence, not just more hatted staff. This is Div 7 and HCO. And staff correction and enhancement in Qual.

“2. BOOKS, CASSETTES. This is Div 2 and many other outletsincluding mail order.

“3. MARKETING. This is Div 7, Div 2, anything that gets books, cassettes services and products known to and in public and Scn field hands.

“4. AN ACTIVE FIELD. This is Div 6, field auditors, missions, WISE, and any other activity outside the org including the furthest reaches of possible publics.

“5. AN INFLUX OF PUBLIC. This is Div 6 in all its divisions and activities.

“6. GROSS INCOME. Without money and an exchange with the society, you cannot operate at all. This includes the reges in Div 2, Div 6. It includes a continual keep up and work of Central Files and Addresso. It includes the Treasury Div–Div 3. And it is overseen by the FBO NW.

“7. SERVICES. This means any and all services the org offers, major and minor. Without good and meaningful services to exchange, an org cannot long exist. Training and Processing have similar importance: you and the world need auditors who are trained. A processed person cannot go all the way without being trained.

“8. QUALITY. Services anywhere in an org or field have to be kept up to high quality; otherwise you lose ground. And the quality of executive and staff member performance must be enhanced for expansion to occur. This is Div 5.

“9. CALL IN. People must be called in for services fully or partially paid for, must be scheduled, recovered when fallen off lines and put into the pc chair or course rooms. This, in orgs, is the tech services department.

“10. FILMS. For both training and public, films, properly used, can play a vital role. This is a visual communications age.

“11. COORDINATION. An org or management body with all its different functions, with all its executives with different spheres of interest, as per the recent HCO PL 1 Jul 82

“MANAGEMENT COORDINATION, must be smoothly coordinated. If not they impede one another. Coordination comes from the CO or ED and the Executive and Advisory Councils and in Divisional and staff meetings.

“The above actions are VITAL FUNCTIONS of an org. (Actually they are vital functions in any service organization if it is to persist.)

“At this moment there is a SENIOR EXEC STRATA COMMITTEE at Flag and it has an executive in charge of each one of those functions.” LRH, LRH ED 339R INT

As detailed by LRH, each of the above functions were covered by a Scientology executive, and they were all big names and experts in their field and function. Headed by ED International, and also including an Evaluator Corps of experts trained in the Data Series, the International Executive Strata was to wear LRH’s hat of management for International Scientology.

Through the provision of simple 339R programs that could be used by orgs as a tool to get in functions at ground level, the Int Executive Strata was to be an open line to orgs, providing advice, assistance and accurate evaluations to help orgs expand and achieve their purpose.

But where are they?

Where is ED International? Where are the Exec Ints? Where are the 339R programs? Where is the Universe Corps that is promised in the same ED?

Starting in the mid-1990’s, this vital international management structure was cross-ordered, musical chaired, suspended, and then finally dissolved, by David Miscavige, the Chairman of the Board RTC. Now we can argue if this was a premeditated and well organised campaign, or simply the result of a bumbling idiot who could not manage his way out of paper bag or establish anything Scientological using standard policy and tech. But regardless, the result has been the same. With the removal of these executives and the cross order of LRH’s Birthday Game program by the “Ideal Org” strategy, key functions that are vital to expansion at ground level have evaporated.

An org cannot be built from broken straws — and it cannot be build with brick and mortar.

A Scientology org requires key functions to be performed so that it can service the field and achieve its valuable final products (VFPs). This cannot be short cut with shiny AV systems that spurt out glowing successes to new people, or by demanding that parishioners spend their hard won money on funding expensive buildings instead of becoming competent auditors.

It is now 2014 — a full 20 years since the unmock of the Exec Strata.

The ‘management’ of Scientology organisations around the world is now micromanaged by alternate channels and Sea Org missions established by Miscavige himself. The Senior Danger condition has been applied for years (bypassing those responsible) and statistics will continue to go down and down till the condition of Non-Existence is achieved.

Having worked at the Int base and working in RTC in the mid-1990’s, I can testify that every executive that was worth his salt was overtly attacked, undermined, invalidated, introverted and stopped, one by one, by Miscavige. After an initial attack on specific individuals, the focus went onto the entire management structure, which was eventually imprisoned in “The Hole”, and each Int Executive was declared a Suppressive Person by Miscavige and removed from the lines. The only ones that are active on ‘management’ lines now, are those that have gotten back into favour by propitiation (and doing his bidding to others), and these lines are micro-managed by Dave personally.

From the view of a group engram — this has been a significant one on a chain of many, so if you have information/knowledge regarding this, or regarding the impact of this at org/Flag levels, please do add them below. This blog posting will become a key archive of information for all who need to know what occurred to Int Management.

So, what can we do now?

Well for starters, we can take LRH ED 339R Int, and start to apply it in local delivery in the field. Whether you are a field auditor, a supervisor, or a group, these key functions must be expressed on the org board and need to be performed. Providing high quality service and delivering what has been promised, is the backbone to what LRH’s Scientology is actually about.

Please take the time to reread the full LRH ED again, in a new unit of time, and work out how you can follow LRH’s instructions.

You can find the full bulletin here, and by clicking on LRHED’s28.doc.

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