http://equalityonenessonearth.blogspot. ... earth.html
Now everybody has heard a story of certain things happening somewhere underground, whether it is government deep underground bases, ancient artefacts, lost civilisations, other species living underground, or some kind of "godly" happenings.
What I am going to focus on in this blog, is the historical accounts of various researchers, and share them here, then look at what the findings of these researchers means for us as a species. So the purpose of this blog is not to share fear about any of these points, but rather to look at all the points objectively and subjectively in a coherent manner, then evaluate solutions.
Now when it comes to government deep underground bases, I am fully aware of the existence of these facilities and much of what these facilities are utilised for. This is due to my grandfathers experience working in some of these facilities as one of the UKs top scientists through the 50s and 60s, as well as some of my own direct experiences. For instance in the New Forest, which is local to me and is one of the largest forests in the country, there is multiple underground government bases which connect to bases all across the country and certain other countries. In the UK government underground base locations are always protected under the official secrets act, and most will state as such on the perimeter fencing.
All developed countries in the world have their own advanced underground facilities, which connect to other parts of the country via high powered Maglev train systems. These systems will also connect to other countries depending on the relations between the wealthy elite from each country. But countries that have friction between the elite like Russia and the US since the 60s for instance, have been constantly trying to expand their underground facilities secretly from each other purely out of fear that they will fall behind the other country if they dont, like a constant comparison and Chinese wall game.
Every government in the world has different versions of the official secrets act, which is legislation that essentially states that anything the government is doing in this facility is to be kept a secret from the public. The reason that these facilities are kept so secret, is that many of the activities in these facilities are black projects. When I say black projects, that means an experiment or a set of objectives which has been funded by a black budget, which basically means money that the government has stolen or acquired in an unsavoury manner to fund projects which are not to be disclosed to the public.
These projects can vary massively in their composition but not massively in their final purpose, and each section or level of these underground facilities will be devoted to a certain aspect. The people engaging in these projects (scientists, engineers, geologists etc) will only have information on a "need to know" basis, so they may not be aware of other experiments happening on different levels of the same facility they work at.
Many of the black projects conducted in these facilities typically will involve one or a combination of these points: Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Lasers, Accelerators, Cryogenics, Eugenics, Virology, Mind Uploading, Robotics, Cybernetics, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, as well as a host of other Scientific processes and sub-divisions etc. all the projects are conducted with the intent of creating a product or a weapon that can be utilised to strengthen the position of those funding the project, used to destroy or infiltrate other groups, or that can be sold to another government or elite group in the world for a massive profit.
The results of some of these projects has been profound, in terms of something being developed that reveals a fallacy in mankind's current thinking, or something being developed that would massively improve the lives of people on the planet if it was released to the public. For instance even some of the well documented experiments of the famous Nikola Tesla over 100 years ago, clearly show that we should all have access to free energy in our homes right now. While other projects in these facilities have resulted in complete scientific abominations being created that have no use or reason for being created, other then destroying people or manipulating and deceiving people. Many super soldier, cloning, virology and zombie experiments I would suggest fall into this scientific abomination category.
There are not many scientists in the past or currently in the world that are willing to talk about the exact nature of these black projects in underground bases. The reason for this, firstly is that most elite scientists are very well paid, and so obviously do not want to jeopardise this wealth.
Secondly is the fact that anyone working on these projects has signed a non-disclosure agreement or gagging order prohibiting them from speaking to anyone in the public about the details of these projects.
If these gagging orders are found to be breached by any scientist for whatever reason, then typically the scientist would have their funding pulled, they would be removed from any current projects, their name would be blacklisted which would make it impossible to work on any similar well paying projects, some would have their current bank account funds frozen and appropriated by the government, in some cases the scientist would be placed in a mental hospital and be kept on drugs for extended periods of time or the rest of their lives, and in some extreme cases the scientist could be murdered. Although in comparison to politicians and celebrities, it takes a lot for a scientist to get themselves killed as the super wealthy elite always know that there may be a use for the scientist again in the future.
So I am highlighting that there are not many scientists you can find that will openly talk about underground bases. However, there are some Scientists that have talked, for instance some of the statements of Scientists such as: Philip Schnieder, Dr Bill Deagle, Boyd Bushman, Richard Sauder, Albert.K Bender, Micheal Barkun, and others regarding underground bases are interesting to note. Now while some of the information that these men have produced regarding the creation process, and the purpose of these underground bases has much validity to it. However, upon your own research, you will find that nearly all of these men claimed that below the man-made underground bases, there is a variety of different species, that some would call Aliens.
Now when it comes to the subject of Aliens I am no expert in anyway whatsoever, with no direct experience. Although, certain craft that has been created in government projects could trick a member of the public into thinking they are looking at an Alien craft, which goes hand in hand with certain groups desires to stage Alien invasions going back to the Nazis, as well as the fact that certain genetic recombination/gene splicing experiments has created beings that could easily trick a person into thinking they are looking at an Alien.
My grandfather like most scientists also completely believed in Aliens wholeheartedly, and was full of nothing but contempt for religion. He never spoke of any experiences with Aliens, but he mentioned many craft that look Alien in design that he worked on, like the variety of stealth aircrafts or TR-13 craft for instance.
It does seem to be a theme among many Scientists that they all tend to believe in Aliens. Now when we consider how vast the universe is, it becomes clear that the probability of other species existing in the universe is highly probable and already there has been proof of organisms and viruses that have been found on exploratory space missions.
While many find the topic of Aliens "very cool" and that Aliens must be so much more advanced and "better beings" then us, now while there could be some very advanced cool beings out in the universe, I thought that a quote from Stephen Hawking was interesting in relation to this: "We only have to look at ourselves, to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet."
Now this point from Dr Hawking is interesting, because he is implying that we humans are savage creatures and that some Aliens may be just as savage or even worse then we are. Now the problem with Scientists talking about Aliens throughout time is that it has caused too many humans to spend to much time "star gazing" instead of coming up with effective solutions to sort out the planet that we live on.
So I suggest that while we have so many problems to deal with on our own planet such as people living in extreme poverty in the world, so many economic problems, and the destruction of nature increasing, focusing on anything outside of our planet is very much pointless as this point in our history.
So the stars in the sky aside, the amount of stories throughout history of a variety of species underground on planet Earth, that are aggressive to humans yet are indigenous to this planet, are countless at this point. Some scientists and researchers have openly admitted that regardless of the man-made tunnel systems and bases underground, there is an entire network of tunnels in between and underneath the man-made tunnels which have not been made by humans, but something else. Now while some of the tiny tunnel systems can be attributed to inner earth mole type creatures, there are much larger intricate ones which have puzzled many geologists through the years.
When we look at the diversity of life in the wildlife on the surface of the planet, it is reasonable to consider that deep underground has even more diversity of indigenous species of the planet. Even on deep sea diving missions to this day there are new species of fish and underwater creatures that are found, so this has already proven that the further into the Earth we go, then there is provably new life that we we were initially unaware of.
Just as an example of one story from around the world, the Kappa in Japan is a folklore story which still to this day is taken as deadly serious by many people in Japanese villages and towns. Many of these villages will have statues of Kappa erected in the village centres, and it is custom to throw cucumbers in your local river if you move house, because it is believed that if you do not throw the cucumber as a sign of respect to the Kappa, which apparently they do eat, then it is believed that the Kappa might steal your child in the night.
The Kappa are believed to be Turtlemen that live in swamps and underground caverns in Japan, these creatures are said to enjoy eating human children above anything else. It is interesting because Kappa are some of the the basis for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle franchise, which of course was primarily sold for the entertainment of children.
Also it is believed that the Kappa had a bowl shaped top of their head, which carried water, that the Kappa needs to have full of water while it is away from water. It is said that some of the history of the bow in Japan derives from humans bowing to a Kappa when faced with one in the wild, because apparently the Kappa appreciate human manners and reverence towards them, in response to the human bow, the Kappa would bow back, which would cause the water to fall out of its bowl shaped head, this would apparently disorientate and paralyse the Kappa, allowing the person time to escape, or if the human decided to put water back the Kappas bowl head, then this Kappa would be a loyal servant to this human for the rest of its life. So the Kappa story is an interesting one, and is a story that has surprised many visitors of Japanese villages interms of how seriously the beliefs are taken.
Like I said earlier I have no direct experience of aggressive underground Aliens in anyway, I have seen an interesting creature before in the new forest at night, but nothing that I could verify as an Alien from underground, what I encountered was more likely a large cat of some kind that was released in the area which has happened before, or possibly a hybrid.
However there are four books that I was exposed to at a young age which I want to highlight here. "The Coming Race" (reprinted in later years as "Vril") is an 1871 novel written by Edward Bulwer-Lytton which is a well known book that was a favourite of Adolf Hitler and many Nazis. In this book it is claimed that an underground race of "angel like" beings called Vril-ya exist deep underground, that they have access to an endless energy supply called Vril, and they have abilities like telepathy. this race supposedly live in a network of subterranean underground caverns, and that eventually this race would run out of space underground, and then would come to the surface to claim the surface for themselves destroying humanity in the process. There is evidence to suggest that this book was a part of the creation of the Vril society, which was an occult secret society operating in Germany before and after WW2. There have also been suggestions by some, that the "angel like" Vril-ya beings underground spoken of in this book, are not angel like at all, but are a reptilian carnivorous race that like eating human children.
This concept of a carnivorous reptilian race underground was echoed by Helena Blavatsky in her 1888 book "The Secret Doctrine". Blavatsky was an well known occultist of her time, the book itself covers all kinds of esoteric and occult ideas, merging ancient eastern wisdom with modern science, as well as highlighting "Dragon men" or Nagas as they are called in Indian mythology, who supposedly are reptilian beings that had a civilisation in ancient Lemuria, and by some accounts were known to eat human children, and that humans would offer their children as sacrifices in return for rewards.
Now this concept of humans sacrificing children and adults to reptilian or reptilian/bird "gods" has been around for a very long time, nearly every major ancient culture like the Egyptians, Aztecs, Mayans, Incans, Babylonians, Mesopotamians, Sumerians, various Indian and Asian cultures all have spoken of reptilian beings underground and sacrificing people to these "gods". Huitzilopochtli, Teutates, Esus, Taranis, Tezcatlipoca, Chamunda, Moloch, Huehueteotl, Tlaloc, Kali, Toci, Chac, Inti, Viracocha and the list of Gods that demanded blood sacrifice throughout history could really go on and on at this point, even God of the Christian bible very clearly demands sacrifice in his name, and is incredibly bloodthirsty throughout the bible.
The 1864 novel "Journey to the center of the earth" by Jules Verne is also another classic book that highlights carnivorous reptilians encountered by a group of researchers travelling into the inner earth.
It has been suggested by some researchers that all Royal families from around the world have had pacts with some of these reptilian beings underground for thousands of years, where the Royal family would be provided directly with gold and precious stones from inside the Earth in return for human children.
Which is interesting because many have noticed that most royal families seem to have a huge reverence towards reptiles and birds, if you look at many Royal statues, art pieces and cotes of arm household emblems, as well as the fact that many royal families do refer to themselves as "Blue bloods" which is a term coined with the reptilian species as well. This on top of the fact that many children do genuinely go missing every year, which as I have covered in past blogs, many will be taken for the purpose of elite paedophile networks and sometimes super soldier projects, but the concept of using children as leverage with other species underground is also something to consider, but is not anything I can verify undoubtedly at this point, however in the future when society is aligned with what is best for all, then the true story will be shared with all.
The 1989 book "Gods of Eden" by William Bramley is another book that highlights aggressive Alien species underground, but also adds the interesting point that humanity was directly created by an advanced race millions of years ago that were looking for slaves to mine gold on this planet, very similarly to the works of Zecharia Sitchin. This race it is said also was responsible for creating/destroying the dinosaurs and were also of a reptilian origin.
Then when we look at the statements made from the Desteni group about ancient Atlantis as well as the history of humanity being created by the Anunnaki and others. On top of how many other people and groups have mentioned a similar story to this, it seems that other beings involvement with our race has been a part of our race since the beginning and will potentially be a part of our race for as long as we exist.
Here are some links for some of the points I have mentioned in this blog: ... -conducted ... ments.html ... perts.html ... -that.html
) ... Japan.html ... vril07.htm ... hilia.html ... iles61.htm ... F774DCA773
Now the point i really want to highlight in amongst all this, is that whether you are aware of what our Governments get up to in underground bases, or whether you believe there is a children eating reptilian species far below the government bases, or whether you believe that Aliens are directly responsible for the birth of humanity, it is all irrelevant. Because the reality is, what the government is doing underground, what any other species are doing underground, or any information about Aliens starting life on Earth - as note worthy as these topics may seem, the most important thing is that humanity is rebuilt to become the best version of itself never seen before in history.
The fact of the matter is that no matter what is happening under our feet - the most important thing is who are we inside ourselves? It is not what we know, it is who we are within what we know - because any information about any problem that exists or potentially exists in the world is pointless to know about, unless we can show to ourselves and the world that we can change and live a life that is best for all. All knowledge without application is useless, because truly if we cannot change what we accept inside ourselves, through self-will and self-corrective application to be what's best - if we cannot change our interaction with our immediate world and others to be mutually beneficial for all parties -- If we cannot do this, then we will not be able to change anything else in the world as a whole and humanity will inevitably completely destroy itself, where no knowledge will be helpful at all at that point.
So it is certain that right now the inside of this planet is entangled in complexity and abuse, just the same as what is inside each and every human on the planet.
If you agree with me that we need to do everything in our power to make this world a better place, then read what I and others have written about, visit the important website links at the top of the page, join us in taking Self-responsibility to make the world the way it is supposed to be - Heaven on Earth, both on the surface and underground, and in every way -- because as the saying goes, as above so below
Statistics: Posted by Marley Dawkins — 05 Oct 2015, 01:09