Hi Everyone,
Matthias and I are VERY proud to announce the release of PirateBox 1.0 and our shiny new PirateBox.cc website! Please take the site for a spin and check out our new pages, tutorials and PirateBox media (photos, videos, press, audio).
New PirateBox Features
PirateBox 1.0 has been rebuilt from the ground up. New features include a responsive UI for easy viewing, chatting, and file sharing on phones and tablets and a built-in UPnP media server which automatically streams uploaded video and audio files to all PirateBox users on the local network.
PirateBox 1.0 also now comes standard with an Image and Message Board similar to 4chan. And of course, it still offers a chat room for anonymous communications and a browser-based file sharing system.
Box Installer
Perhaps most excitingly, PirateBox 1.0 comes with a brand new “box-installer” which radically simplifies the process of building or updating your PirateBox. In most cases, you should be able to build and start using your new PirateBox in only a few short steps. Special props to Matthias who has worked tirelessly on this version of PirateBox!
You can start building or upgrading a new PirateBox 1.0 by following this tutorial.
PirateBox on Android
Also a special shout out to Jochen Ruehl who has just launched the PirateBox Android app on Google Play.
PirateBox Camp 2014
Lastly, you are all cordially invited to join us July 12-13 in Lille, France for PirateBox Camp 2014. PirateBox Camp brings together the PirateBox community of developers, contributors and users for a free (as in beer and freedom) weekend of hacking, learning and networking.
This is the second annual PirateBox Camp - PirateBox Camp 2013 was held in Berlin July 20-21 2013 at NYU’s Berlin Academic Center in Prenzlauer Berg. The camp brought together developers, contributors, and artists from seven countries. Participants gave presentations, shared forks of the project and worked on the PirateBox project face-to-face over two productive days.
Be sure to check out GuGuss’ amazing video of PirateBox Camp 2013!
And learn more about this year’s camp by following @pirateboxcamp. If you’d like to join us, please drop us a line at camp[at]piratebox.cc