
We were warned to never drink from the hot tap. But then everyone had hot water systems with an expansion-tank/cold-water-tank in the loft connected to the hot water tank. The cold water tanks were frequently not covered, often held the corpse(s) of unfortunate rat and water generally sat about for a while in this system. Not to mention the lead pipes and lead containing plumbing solder which might of been okay for moving cold water, but hot?

Some hot water systems are still like this! So the advise is perpetuated.

New pipes won't be made of lead. Lead based solder has virtually died out. Hot water systems are usually closed (pressured)...

Any remaining concerns can be dispelled when you are probably going to boil the beer anyway. As for top-up water in kits? Personally I panic if unboiled mains water finds it way into my beer - but that is probably (though perhaps not entirely) paranoia.

Statistics: Posted by PeeBee — Sat Sep 03, 2016 15:32

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