
Understanding and p t going to be talking about therapeutic electricity. I will often be using the term EMF to refer to non biological chaotic electricity; EMF is an abbreviation for electromagnetic field Wholesale Jerseys , and is often used to refer to harmful manmade electricity. Manmade or artificial electricity has been used on the planet for 120 years. Apparently, with the introduction of wireless technology, artificial electricity can now be measured everywhere on earth. Ours is the first generation to be saturated with EMFS. I don ed to remind you about the pervasiveness, especially in the city of Toronto where we have more than 1,000 cell phone towers dotting our landscape. Our city boasts of having its own Wi-Fi network blanketing the downtown core. The proliferation of electricity in our lives seems to be endless. Merchandisers have started to put microchips in clothing, footwear and other goods and are doing so without our knowledge. These microchips are designed to send encoded electrical messages to data collection agencies that will track consumer habits. Researchers have already micro chipped humans and there is talk of doing so nationwide. In British schools, teachers can already give lessons using Wi-Fi white-boards, and in the near future hand-held Wi-Fi terminals will enable children to 'interact' with digital lesson. In the words of the technology's industry group, the Wi-Fi Alliance: 'Simply put, Wi-Fi is freedom.' We cannot avoid EMFs in our environment. We can however effectively safeguard our health and heal our bodies. Some of you may be wondering whether or not EMF dangers are real. After all, there are researchers and authorities who insist that EMFs are harmless. So, many people believe that the subject of EMF health hazards is controversial and needs more research. The truth is Wholesale Jerseys Cheap , thousands of scientific research papers are published every year that document the heal r, while a 2nd electrically sensitive person will express no reactions at all So, the researchers who are looking for direct cause and effect relationships conclude that symptoms in response to EMF exposure are psychosomatic-an artefact created by the power of suggestion. A large body of research comes from Sweden where they have officially recognized electromagnetic hypersensitivity or electro sensitivity as a medical condition. This is a condition where someone experiences physical or psychological symptoms that are aggravated by EMFs at levels that most people can tolerate. Most common symptoms include: headaches; tinnitus; .

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