
re:  David Cassidy:
Guess who got arrested ... again?!?!?

Just a few weeks after our public David Cassidy appeal for good judgement piece ...

http://forgottenhits60s.blogspot.com/2015/09/david-cassidy.html ... word comes out that Cassidy was arrested again for erratic driving, hit and run and leaving the scene of an accident.  (Apparently, although this is just first coming to light now, this actually happened just a few days prior to his now infamous British TV interview that made headlines around the world.)
Sounds like this time around he sideswiped another car on the highway and then, in what at first looked like he was stopping at the scene to check on the other driver, he instead made an effort to cover up his license plates so as not to get caught and then drove off!  For some crazy reason, despite repeated DUI citations, a drug and alcohol test was not performed at the police station.

The boy CLEARLY needs help ... and at this point it's almost impossible to turn a sympathetic ear ... he's going to hurt somebody.  The results of this incident could have been DRASTICALLY different had the driver of the other car been seriously injured or worse, killed.  (All of this relates EXACTLY to what I wrote a few weeks ago ... see link above.  I cannot help but wonder what his fan club, his publicist, his website, etc., feel is left worth promoting!!!  He truly has become a one-man Menace To Society!!!  For God sake, man, GET SOME HELP!!!) kk

Vintage Vinyl News tells the whole story here:

David Cassidy's legal and personal woes just got a whole lot worse.

On September 9, Cassidy allegedly sideswiped a car while changing lanes on Interstate 595 in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. According to England's Daily Mail, he initially stopped at the scene but it turned out it was only to hide his license plate, at which point he drove away even though his car was damaged and had a flat tire. The man driving the other car was treated by paramedics before being transported to the hospital for further examination.

The Daily Mail goes on to say that police tracked the singer down at Cleveland Clinic in Weston, FL later that day and, when they questioned him on the incident, told the officers that he had exchanged information with the driver of the truck and was at the facility for an unrelated appointment.Cassidy was charged with leaving the scene of an accident, making an improper lane change, operating a vehicle with a suspended license and operating a vehicle with an expired registration. He was not tested for alcohol or drugs.The singer has the potential of receiving 60 days in jail, six months probation and a $500 fine. The chances of him receiving the upper end of that sentence is higher as he has two DUI charges from the past two years, one in upstate New York in 2013 and another in California last year. He has also recently gone through a divorce and a personal bankruptcy.Two days after the incident, Cassidy made his now famous appearance on British television where he was combative with the hosts who were asking about some personal matters.
Cassidy is due back in court on October 27.

re:  Lifeforce:
In what seems to be a never-ending cycle here late of 12 and 14 hour days, I had to miss the Lifeforce concert at The Genesee Theatre this past Thursday night, something I was very much looking forward to.

We were, however, able to send a few Forgotten Hits Readers to the show, thanks to a generous ticket give-away offer courtesy of the Genesee Theatre and Colleen Rogalski ... so we asked a couple of those folks to share their reviews with the rest of our readers.

Here ya go ...

Hey Kent,

Regarding the Lifeforce concert, you missed a great one!!!

First, thank you so much for the tickets.  We loved it.  Very different from Peterik's usual concert material, but wonderful.

Jim Peterik has put together another classy band, including World Stage and Pride of Lions musicians. Mike on guitar, Clem on bass, Ed on drums, and Steve on sax and percussion.  Colin Peterik, his son, did background vocals and rocked the house with his original song.  Also on background and lead vocals was Yvonne, who partnered with Peterik on a unique version of The Search is Over.  Another highlight was a slow-downed version of Survivor's Is This Love. They had the crowd on their feet. Next up was  Mindi Abair on sax.  Wow!  She played her music and songs she wrote with Jim.  It was fabulous.  The only complaint we had was the concert was too short at an hour and forty minutes.  We could have sat there all night.

If you have a chance to see Lifeforce, don't miss it.  You won't be disappointed.  Peterik, as always, delivers!

Thanks again,

Gary and Janet

Thanks for the tickets. The show was great. Peterik was clearly enjoying himself, as he always does. Mindi Abair on sax was hot, in more ways than one. I'll be picking up her CDs to hear more of her. It was sad to see the show only drew 300-400 people. The Genesee is really a nice room.

Ken Voss

It is, without question, one of the most beautiful theaters around ... wish we could have been there to see it ... I'm not sure Lifeforce even has any other gigs scheduled right now at this time, but we'll keep checking.  I've heard nothing but good reviews when it comes to Mindi Abair ... she is certainly quite impressive in the video shown above.  Frannie says she has also worked with David Pack, formerly of Ambrosia, who has done some gigs with Peterik as well.  (You can catch all three performing together in the video below)

Here are some great action photos from the Genesee show, courtesy of Jean Mikota ... gotta check these guys out next time around!

Check out Jim Peterik's Lifeforce here:  http://jimpeterikslifeforce.com/blog/

And watch this very cool video (featuring Mindi Abair, who headlined Thursday Night's Show ...

More great local, Chicago Rock news, which also features Jim Peterik ...

re:  The Cornerstones of Chicago Rock / Soundstage Concert Special:

I think it is great that Jim Peterik and others have helped put this long needed show together with WTTW.


Too bad Bob Sirott or Bob Stroud OR Carl Bonafede could not have emceed this one.  My passion for these bands has only increased as the decades pass.  Jim Pilster has long hoped for such an event, as well.

I often think of the BIG 6 when thinking of Chicago's greatest 60's Top 40 bands and for once, all will be there in some form.  I have done some work for CDs by all:  Cryan Shames, Ides, NC6, American Breed, Shadows of Knight and Buckinghams.  They all are unique and helped create what is the Chicago Sound.  These six bands have been the TRUE cornerstones of the city's 60's Top 40 musical shape.  The fact that ALL of the original (and other important) lead singers of each band will be singing is especially pleasing!  I hope more members will be able to attend or play also.  I wish the Mob could perform with this group.

It is great to know there will be a memorandum segment for Chase and others.  It is sad that many of our beloved top 40 60's faves have passed, but will always be remembered.  Jimy Rogers, Jeff Boyan, Isaac Guillory, Jon Paulos, Dave Purple, Ray Herr, Joe Kelley, Dee Robb, Bill Chase, Mitch Aliotta and John Jeremiah, Minnie Ripperton, and many others should be remembered at this time.

50 years have passed since most of these bands formed and became household names in Chicago homes that had teens tuning their ears towards WLS and WCFL for the newest bands from the Windy City.  I wish you all a great time reliving what we fans have always embraced as the best times of our lives!

Clark Besch

Well said, Clark!  (kk)

Well said, Clark. They will all be missed.  And remembered. Jimbo

I'm going.  As soon as I heard the announcement I went online and got tix.


Wish I could be there for this but we had already bought Stevie Wonder tickets for the same night.  (Actually our original plan was to go see Leon Russell at The Arcada, another artist I've always wanted to see ... but Stevie's live performance of his "Songs In The Key Of Life" album ended up trumping those plans ... plus Frannie's never seen him live before ... and we're both big Stevie fans.)

We were able to give our Leon Russell tickets away to another Forgotten Hits Reader ... and he's even a bigger Russell buff than I am ... so it's a win/win for everybody.

Meanwhile, I'm hoping to be able to attend the rehearsals ... and bring some great photos and updates to all of our readers prior to the actual taping and airing of the show.  (This one's a keeper ... guess I'll finally have to learn how to use my DVR!!!)  kk

Hi Kent -
Thank you so much for the latest news on the upcoming Channel 11 Concert of all the Chicago Groups. Please let us know when it will air!
So sorry to hear about Frankie Ford passing. I saw him perform  during the taping of one of the Do Wop shows in Pittsburgh for Channel ll.
He sounded great and I had the opportunity to meet him and have my picture taken with him. He was a great keyboard player, too.
Cant wait to find out about the tickets giveaway for Brian Wilson's upcoming concert in November!!!
Your Fan!!
Hoping to have something up on the site next week regarding the Brian Wilson show.  We've only got a few tickets to give away for this ... so we're going to make you earn them!  Stay tuned.
As for the Cornerstones of Chicago Rock concert, no official date has been released yet ... but I'm hearing November is a good possibility.  (I have to miss the actual taping because we've got tickets to see Stevie Wonder that night ... hoping to make it to at least one of the rehearsals.)
By the way, I got the official word last week (from Skip Haynes himself) that Skip WILL be there for the taping and the performance of "Lake Shore Drive" by all of the artists for the grand finale.  All I can say to that is "As It Should Be"!!!  This will be a momentous occasion.  (kk)

Hey Kent,

Skip Haynes here. FYI, I'll be coming into Chicago for the "Cornerstones of Rock" special because Lake Shore Drive is the finale of the show. Apparently, everyone will be singing it so they asked me to lead the song - as kind of a tribute to Mitch and John. Maybe we can hook up for coffee.

Best regards


re:  The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame:

Boy, I’m on the edge of my chair anticipating the R&R HOF Induction of MOBY!!!!!!!!! LOL


Greetings from AZ Kent!

Just read this year's annual rant about the HOF. Of course you're correct in your assessment but also of course our opinions don't matter to them.

I'm sure you'll get lots of mail reminding you of your failure to mention other worthy ones but I think the HOF's single biggest exclusion has to be Connie Francis. She certainly was the lead female singer in the first decade of rock and roll and to exclude her because her songs weren't hip enough is just plain wrong.

Steve Davidson

I've given up all hope of any of the rock and roll "originals" making the cut beyond this point.  Connie came in #1, #2 or #3 in all of our early polls, too, as being one of the most worthy, deserving and denied artists.  Brenda Lee got in YEARS ago.  But the bulk of the responses I got indicated that putting Connie in now simply because Brenda Lee is in would be a HUGE mistake ... as Brenda probably didn't deserve to get in in the first place.  (Huh??? That's true ... she's no Bonnie Raitt!!!)

Early influences like Pat Boone (who make rock and roll acceptable for whitebread mid-America), Chubby Checker, Freddy Cannon and so many others from that early era have been snubbed and forgotten about ... heck, even some of the best of the remaining '60's artists have been completely ignored.  (What about Glen Campbell, who not only crossed over in a big way between rock, popular and country music ... but was a member of The Wrecking Crew and played on literally HUNDREDS of hit records ... heck, he even went out on the road as a Beach Boys for a short period of time!!!  How 'bout Billy Preston or Nicky Hopkins as sidemen?  In addition to sharing label credit with The Beatles, Billy had his own successful solo career and played with big name artists dating all the way back to the Little Richard days.  How the heck do you ignore THIS guy?!?!)
And how about finally recognizing Ed Sullivan??? HE's the guy who brought rock and roll right into our living rooms every Sunday night.  How is it even possible that he has never been so much as nominated.

Without question, The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has gotten it wrong ... in a VERY big way ... and I will NEVER understand or be able to justify in my mind how the majority of the artists inducted these past ten years can POSSIBILY deserve in ANYBODY's mind to stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder, with the likes of the Rock And Roll Pioneers who turned three chords into an artform now 60-some years old.  My point is simply that with such slim pickings available this year, NOW would be the time to take advantage of this situation, save some face, and FINALLY induct some of those HUGE names you've passed over so many times in the past.  Will they do it?  I doubt it ... but if there was ever going to be a time to do so, that time would be now.  (kk)

The Rock 'N Roll Hall of fame lacks one significant component - credibility. As you pointed out, the notion that Hole - a totally nondescript band - would have a plaque in the same building with the
Stones and Beatles isn't just bad its pathetic. Chicago, Tommy James and Paul Revere should have gone in years ago.
One salient point: where the hell is Ed Sullivan? His long running, prime-time Sunday night show literally "made" groups over night.  Chances are Jann Wenner, the clueless editor at Rolling Stone mag, has no idea what Sullivan's impact was on rock 'n roll.
Until further notice, the Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame in good old Cleveland, Ohio, is just another tee-shirt shop.
Chet Coppock
Host: Notre Dame football on WLS
Author: Buffone - Monster of the Midway

We've pointed it out before and we need to point it out again ... the Museum in Cleveland has absolutely NOTHING to do with the nomination and balloting process of who gets in ... SEVERAL members of the Museum (including some of the highest higher ups) have told me off the record that they are just as mystified as the rest of the world when they see the names of some of the most obsucre, off-the-wall choices on the nominees ballot each year ... and they, too, believe that the institution known as The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame has lost ALL credibility (and sight of their original purpose) YEARS ago.  They are embarrassed by these actions.

That being said, they still manage to house a BEAUTIFUL museum that pays tributes to ALL brands of rock and roll, past, present and future.

Incredibly, we've still never been ... so let's make a pact right now ... somehow, someway, we're going to do a Forgotten Hits Trip to The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Museum in Cleveland, Ohio, next spring. We're going to have readers from all over the country (hey, maybe all over the world!) come in and convene for this event.  We need to pick a "road trip" weekend ... probably more like a 3 or 4 day event as I believe the museum itself will take two days to thoroughly go through and enjoy, plus a travel day on either side of that.  We want HUNDREDS of you to participate ... so let's start a sign-up sheet now ... narrow down a couple of dates for March or April ... and then all commit to making this happen.  Whether you've been there a dozen times before or never even been, we want to make this a Forgotten Hits pilgrimage to The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Museum.  Bring friends and family, I don't care ... just join us.  (Once we have a head count I'll contact the museum to see what, if anything, they can do for us in the way of housing and group rates.)

Who's with me on this?  Let us hear from you and we'll get the ball rolling!  (kk)

re:  Ronnie Milsap:

I don't get overly excited over country music of the late 70's and 80's, but Ronnie Milsap was one whose music I truly loved.  I first heard him on the jukebox at our local tavern I visited often in my post-college drinking days.  The song was "Daydreams About Night Things."  I loved it and started to hear him as he crossed over to pop charts and every song was great.  He even did a great pop song with great video for "She Loves My Car."  Obviously, it was funny, since he is blind.  He does cameo spots in the video, but this song SHOULDA been a pop hit.  If Huey Lewis or ELO had recorded it, it could have been top 10.

That said, Ronnie's country hits were all just awesome.  Faves likely are "It Was Almost Like a Song" and "In No Time At All" besides the one above that got it started for me.  Of course, he also had a hand in Los Lonely Boys' success years back, too.

Clark Besch

Ronnie was definitely in the zone there during the late '70's and early '80's ... I was listening to a fair amount of country at that time and it seemed like everything he released was outstanding. (The fact that he collected 40 #1 Hits kinda proves my point!)

"She Loves My Car" is as '80's sounding and looking as it can possibly be.  Not a big hit (#84 in Billboard ... the other side, "Prisoner Of The Highway" is the song that charted country), it's still a fun (if somewhat dated) track.  Pay close attention and you'll see a very young Mariska Hargitay as the hottie behind the wheel.  (kk)

re:  This And That:

Imagine finding a rare, live Beatles recording from 1962 ... one of only FIVE known to be in existence ... in your desk drawer.

Well, that's exactly what happened ... and now this incredibly rare disc is going up for auction.

You can read all of the details here:


Hi Kent -
Spent the last weekend catching the Beach Boys in concert.

My pal Bruce Johnston invited me and friends on stage to sing Barbara Ann with them. What a thrill.

Here we are with Johnny Titlotson.

Ron Dante

Talk about interesting concerts, check out the details on this one.  (I asked if they might be taking this show on the road and was told that that is the ultimate goal ... but for right now, this is just the premier performance ... what a line-up of great singers!!!)  kk

Music Legends Unite!

The Rock Pack Feat. Mickey Thomas of STARSHIP, Bobby Kimball, original lead singer of TOTO, Steve Walsh formerly of KANSAS, Robin Zander of CHEAP TRICK, Fee Waybill of THE TUBES, and John Payne formerly of ASIA!

The Rock Pack To Perform At The Germain Arena, Ft Myers, FL. Nov 19, 2015

Fort Myers, FL -  November 19th sees the arrival of THE ROCK PACK at The Germain Arena, Ft. Myers, FL.

John Payne, former ASIA lead vocalist and co-creator of the #1 Vegas musical “Raiding the Rock Vault,” has created a unique new event. THE ROCK PACK concert is an incredible 80s rock extravaganza featuring the vocalists and the hits from six major classic rock bands.

The cast of stellar star singers includes Mickey Thomas of STARSHIP, Bobby Kimball original lead singer of TOTO, Steve Walsh formerly of KANSAS, Robin Zander of CHEAP TRICK, Fee Waybill of THE TUBES, and John Payne formerly of ASIA.
This stunning show features the classic hit songs sung by the original singers; Dust in the Wind, I Want You to Want Me, We Built This City, Africa, Surrender, Beauty, The Flame, Rosanna, White Punks on Dope, Carry on My Wayward Son, Dream Police, Hold the Line, Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now and more.

Ringmaster Payne also extracts interesting stories from the cast of classic rock artists as well as pertinent visuals on huge screens. Throughout the show he sings the ASIA classics Heat Of The Moment, Only Time Will Tell, Sole Survivor, and Time Again.

Prepare yourself for an unprecedented evening of superlative music, enthralling stories and visuals.

THE ROCK PACK, Presented by KDIM Entertainment as part of The Classic Rock Series.

Who: The Rock Pack

When: November 19, 2015

Where: Germain Arena, Ft. Myers, FL

Tickets: http://www.ticketmaster.com/classic-rock-series-the-rock-pack-estero-florida-11-19-2015/event/0D004F23AAF679AC?artistid=1475086&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=1

For more information:





Micky Dolenz's new album "A Little Bit Broadway; A Little Bit Rock & Roll" (Broadway Records) was officially released last Friday. Last Thursday night he sat in with The Roots on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.

Backstage at the Jimmy Fallon taping, he ran into NSYNC's Lance Bass who was in the building taping another show.  Here are photos of Micky Dolenz with Lance Bass and Micky with PR-man David Salidor.  Thanks for sending, David!

Aww, what the heck ... here's one of ME and Micky, too!!!

Hey Kent.
The Zombies are on our shores, and they have a new album out October 9, which is really quite good.
The group is still led by Rod Argent and Colin Blunstone. Seems their longevity might have been helped by the dissolution of the band in 1968, which probably reduced some wear and tear. Remarkably, they're still in peak form.
What's really amazing is that they never performed songs from Odessey and Oracle, since they broke up before it was released. Only recently they have learned to play these songs live.
I had a great chat with Colin where he talked about their career and told the stories behind some of those amazing Zombies tunes. We also talked about the Alan Parsons Project song "Old and Wise," a great tune in which he lent his voice.
And here's my interview with Colin:
Clips from the new album are on iTunes here:
Be Well,
Carl Wiser

Speaking of The Zombies, here's a recent piece courtesy of Tom Cuddy ...


The Zombies start their U.S. tour today on Cape Cod, and I can confirm for any FH readers that if the tour comes to their area, it’s well worth the investment of time and money.  I have seen them several times and they are simply: TERRIFIC.

Here’s a link to a new interview from Pollstar:


-- Tom Cuddy

The Zombies’ upcoming shows:

Oct. 3 – Provincetown, Mass., Provincetown Town Hall
Oct. 6 – Boston, Mass., The Wilbur
Oct. 8 – Washington, D.C., Lincoln Theatre
Oct. 9 – New York, N.Y., The Concert Hall At The New York Society for Ethical Culture
Oct. 10 – Cranston, R.I., RI Center for the Arts at Park Theatre
Oct. 11 – Glenside, Pa., Keswick Theatre
Oct. 13 – Ridgefield, Conn., Ridgefield Playhouse
Oct. 14 – Munhall, Pa., Carnegie Library Music Hall Of Homestead
Oct. 15 – Kent, Ohio, The Kent Stage
Oct. 16 – Merrillville, Ind., Star Plaza Theatre
Oct. 17 – South Milwaukee, Wis., South Milwaukee Performing Arts Center
Oct. 19 – Denver, Colo., Paramount Theatre
Oct. 21 – Seattle, Wash., Benaroya Hall
Oct. 22 – Portland, Ore., Revolution Hall
Oct. 24 – Beverly Hills, Calif., Saban Theatre
Oct. 25 – Sacramento, Calif., Crest Theatre
Oct. 26 – Redding, Calif., Cascade Theatre
Oct. 27 – San Francisco, Calif., The Fillmore   <

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