UBM India, launched the 4th edition of Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) India-Mumbai, the two day (26th- 27th November 2015) safety show at the Bombay Exhibition Center. The show brought together internationally renowned exhibitors, consultants, business experts and key government officials on one common platform, to discuss global best practices and seek solutions to some of the most pressing challenges in workplace safety and health. The inaugural ceremony of OSH India 2015 took place in the presence of Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director, UBM India, Chief Guest Shri Jayendra M Motghare, Director – Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health, Ministry of Labour, Government of Maharashtra; Dr Avneesh Singh, Director General, Directorate General Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes (DGFASLI), Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India; Dr. Anup Rakshit, Executive Director, Indian Technical Textile Association, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India; Mr. Varun Budhiraja, Director, Euro Safety Footwear India Pvt Ltd.; Ms. Carolyn Issitt, Head of Membership Development – Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and Mr. Reinhold Eisenbarth, Regional Segment Manager, Minning, Middle East/Africa/South west Asia & Regional Marketing Manager, Drager South Africa Pty Ltd.
OSH India 2015, in addition to giving an opportunity to health and safety suppliers and service providers from across the world to showcase their innovations and knowledge amidst an industry landscape of vastly untapped India market, will feature a two day conference to drive occupational safety and health as a priority for companies, whilst reiterating the significance and business benefits of investing in health and safety of its workforce, in-turn, its own organisation and the economy at large.
Mr. Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director, UBM India Pvt. Ltd. said “The awareness around significance of occupational health & safety compliances amongst Indian organisations has seen an immense rise over the years. With consistent emphasis by governments on developing infrastructure and providing workplace safety coupled with the rise in global investments in the sector, there lies a huge opportunity for the suppliers and service providers from across the world to showcase their product and solution offerings. Through OSH India, we provide the right platform to the industry to realise this opportunity.”
The participation of leading exhibitors from across the industry re-affirmed the need and focus of OSH India as an industry event. These include Euro Safety Footwear (India) Pvt. Ltd. (also presenting partner); Acme Safetywears Limited, Acme Fabrik Plastic Co, BATA India Limited, Drager Safety India Pvt Ltd, Joseph Leslie & Co. LLP, Jayco Safety Products Pvt Ltd, Karam Industries, Kimberly Clark Hygiene Products, Lifegear Safetech Pvt Ltd, Honeywell Safety Products, Rahman Industries Ltd, Venus Safety & Health Pvt Ltd, Shree Lalita, E.I.Dupont India Pvt Ltd, Arvind Limited, Fall Arrest Systems & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Teijin India Pvt Ltd, Mallcom safety Pvt Ltd and Sure Safety as key exhibitors; and IOSH and NEBOSH as workshop partners.
Sure Safety (India) Private Limited, Vadodara-based industrial safety equipments and solutions provider and one of the leading exhibitors at OSH India 2015, embarked on an opportunity with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for its space capsule recovery experiment to build the first Indian spacesuit, technically called the Advanced Crew Escape Suit for ISRO. The company designed the space suit from scratch and the development lasted a year.
Mr. Kamal Jha, General Manager India, Honeywell Industrial Safety (PPE & Gas Detection) said, “Honeywell has been exhibiting with OSH India since inception. OSH India provides an excellent platform that helps to create awareness about the importance of health and safety and connect with new and existing customers. At OSH 2015, Honeywell will showcase its extensive range of safety portfolio and solutions with an aim to promote a safe working environment and show our commitment to building safety culture in India. We also hope to engage with end users and channel partners to understand the market trends and potential areas of growth.”
Mr. Varun Budhiraja, Director, EURO Safety Footwear (I) Pvt. Ltd. said, “With the manufacturing and construction sector becoming stronger in India we see the need for protective gear increasing. The government has also been showing more concern for regulating PPE in the industrial sectors and strengthening the norms making it mandatory for companies to use the equipment and provide their workers with safety gears. In India, safety shoe is not a very commercial product that one can sell on a website or in a shopping mall; the only way a PPE manufacturer can meet its buyer is through such an exhibition. 90% of the safety footwear being manufactured in India are exported, this has left a void In the domestic market giving manufacturers an opportunity to expand and serve the Indian market. With the need to tap the domestic market, we at Eurosafety Footwear are proud to announce the launch of our brand ‘EURO SECURITY’ in India as we pledge for a safer India.”
Speaking on the occasion Nikil Rao, Country Manager, Dräger Medical India Pvt. Ltd. Dräger Safety India Pvt. Ltd. said: “Safety is an intrinsic element towards protecting and saving human lives. India’s expanding industrial horizons have seen a sprawling rise in workforce. This has increased the need for creating awareness on safety solutions. OSH India provides a platform to discuss technological trends in safety, with people who matter and people who care for the safety of their co-workers. To further reinforce safety, Dräger in association with the National Safety Council has initiated ‘Mission Suraksha’, a road show truck travelling to the remotest parts of India creating awareness about safety.”
As demand for NEBOSH qualifications in Asia continue to grow with registrations increasing by over 27% from last year, there are now forty seven NEBOSH accredited course providers based in the country. Echoing the same, Stuart Naylor, NEBOSH International Manager said, “The continued increase in demand for NEBOSH qualifications in India was a key deciding factor in our decision to once again attend and support this year’s OSH India conference in Mumbai”.