
Target: The House Rabbit Society

Goal: Inform bunny owners about Bicillin, a little-known treatment that can be used to cure rabbits of facial abscesses

Those who own rabbits as pets know well that they are friendly and fun. They are also extremely prone to illness and diseases, many of which are not curable if diagnosed too late. The leading causes of death among rabbits are teeth associated problems, and the furry victims of infected tooth roots or facial abscesses are often euthanized as these problems are often too costly or invasive to remedy. But in 2000, a medical researcher named Marcy Moore experimented with a penicillin, that she later coined Bicillin, and published a study showing that it can be used to eradicate facial abscesses in rabbits in many cases. Urge the House Rabbit Society to publish an article informing rabbit owners of this little-known remedy that could save the lives of many rabbits in the future.

Tooth infections in rabbits are a tragic occurrence and are nowadays perceived as a death sentence. Rabbit teeth never stop growing, and if they are not filed down naturally through chewing or in a veterinary clinic, these animals are at higher risk for infection. When this occurs, rabbits develop painful and slow-growing facial abscesses that eventually result in death if left untreated. Similar growths in cats and dogs can be treated by simply lancing the wound and draining the infection, but because rabbit pus is thick in consistency, it is nearly impossible to drain and therefore requires surgical intervention. Even if the pet owner opts for expensive and invasive surgery, abscesses are feisty problems that often refuse to go away.

If and when the growth returns, the infection is even more severe.

Marcy Moore discovered that every-other-day injections of Bicillin (Penicillin G Benzathine) can often penetrate the thick sack that encases the infection and transform the buildup of white blood cells into a liquid. As a result, the abscess can rupture on its own and drain freely. Bicillin is inexpensive and serves as a viable alternative to expensive and invasive surgery. As the treatment is a penicillin, it will kill internal bacteria, both good and bad, and so a Probiotic treatment should be additionally prescribed to restore good bacteria in the animal’s tract.

While this treatment may not be successful for each individual rabbit, many have already been saved by Bicillin injections. Even more can experience a longer life if pet owners, and even veterinarians, were better aware that our furry friends can be successfully treated of facial abscesses with these injections. Urge the House Rabbit Society to help spread awareness by featuring an informative article about Bicillin on their website.


Dear House Rabbit Society,

Thank you for your contribution to rabbits all over the world and for the beneficial information you give to pet owners to help them better care for their beloved animals. Because rabbits often suffer from tooth related problems, and frequently die due to the severity of these illnesses, I urge you to feature an informative article on your website that informs bunny owners about a little-known treatment for facial abscesses in rabbits. The treatment is a penicillin injection, called Bicillin, given every other day to eradicate facial abscesses by fighting infection and changing the thick consistency of rabbit pus into a drainable fluid. It does not even require surgery.

This treatment has saved the lives of many rabbits, but many rabbit owners, and even veterinarians, are unaware about Bicillin and continue to treat abscesses with expensive and invasive operations. Bicillin injections may not work for every rabbit, but it has been successful enough to be a viable alternative to surgery or euthanasia. Please help to spread awareness of this treatment in order to save the lives of rabbits in the future.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Commons.wikimedia.org

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