
(Excellent, Brutal, Follows the Book)

Rant:  For some reason, the Youtube video’s that are normally allowed to be “embedded” were not allowed for “The Hunger Games”.  I suspect popularity had something to do with this….For the record: I think all movies should be open for embedding. Go to Youtube to see this….



Note:  I copied this from my Book Review since the movie follows the book fairly closely.

In what was once North America, the people of the Capitol of Panem, rule the 12 Districts of Panem (#13 was completely destroyed in a rebel uprising many years ago) with an iron fist.

Starvation and fear are the norm.

As a constant reminder of the control the Capital has over the people of Panem, once a year they hold “The Hunger Games” where a boy and a girl, between the ages of 12 and 18, from each District get the honor of fighting each other to the death.

The last standing tribute wins.

“The Hunger Games” are televised to all of Panem and the Gamemakers make sure the killings continue at a regular pace and are interesting for all to see.

The 74th Hunger Games is the focus of this movie.  District 12 is a poor coal producing area located in what was once Appalachia.  Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) lives there with her mother and younger sister, Prim (Willow Shields).  She hunts (with a bow and arrows) for food, illegally, with her friend Gale (Liam Hemsworth) to help keep her family fed….and alive.

On selection day for the Hunger Games, Prim’s name is called, but, Katniss volunteers to go in her place. The District’s baker’s boy, Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson) is chosen to go with her.

The remainder of the movie builds on the characters, the love that Peeta has had for Katniss since they were children, and what happens as the tributes prepare for, then enter, the fray in the arena.

Death follows, sometimes gruesome.

Woody Harrelson is superb as Haymitch.  When he is on screen the movie crackles. Jennifer Lawrence rocks.

This movie is not for little kids, no f-words, but, includes very disturbing visuals of kids killing kids.  Sometimes the movie surpasses the book in impact.  For example, when Rue (Amandla Stenberg) was killed in the book, I read right through it, in the movie…I cried.

I decided to read “The Hunger Games” based solely on the fact that the movie was coming out in March 2012.  It is a good book, not on par with “Pendragon” or “Harry Potter”, but, an interesting, fast read, filled with brutal action, alliances, and love.  I will definitely read the next two books in this series.

Go to IMDb for more information.  We watched “The Hunger Games” at the Tracy, CA CineMark where our poster is still up!


Drive Safe!  Never Forget.

Filed under: Drive Safe!, Fun, Movies Tagged: cinemark, college scholarships, drive safe, movie review, the hunger games, Tracy CA

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