The 2015 Football Blogging Awards are just around the corner and vanity dictates we demand you to vote for us in the BEST ESTABLISHED FOOTBALL BLOG category.
Joking aside, if you enjoy what you see here on the website or in our quarterly magazine we would really appreciate your time in giving us a nod in the awards.
To register your vote you can tweet the following on Twitter
I’m voting for @TheFootballPink in @TheFBAs as Best #Established football blog or click this link VOTE
Or visit The Football Blogging Awards website HERE and cast your vote in the ESTABLISHED category before midnight on September 27th. If we get enough X’s in the box we might even get through to the finals.
While you’re here have a look through the website, there’s loads of interesting stuff contained herein or even pick up our printed magazine. It’s ace. Honest.