
Need a little help getting your tomatoes preserved this season? Check out the freshTECH HarvestPro Sauce Maker from Ball Canning!

We are in the midst of tomato season here in the Philly area and I’ve been in something of a canning frenzy trying to get as many put up as I can before I hit the road again. I find that there is a huge flavor difference between home canned tomatoes and grocery store ones, and so I know that I’m going to be said come January if I don’t take action now.

I used to do most of my tomatoes whole and peeled, packed in water. However, these days I find that I like to do a fifty-fifty split of whole tomatoes and tomato puree. I started doing a lot more tomato puree a few years ago, in large part because an electric tomato press came into my life.

There are a few different brands of these handy machines on the market, and this year, our friends at Ball Canning added one called the HarvestPro to their freshTECH line of appliances.

Having used a number of different tools for pressing tomatoes into sauce, this HarvestPro Sauce Maker is by far the easiest to set up, run, and clean up when you’re all done. It doesn’t splatter like my previous electric press, and the motor base plants itself solidly on your countertop. I’m a huge fan and will be making permanent space for this in my kitchen (or, more realistically, in my coat closet).

Right now, all the freshTECH appliances are 15% off on the Fresh Preserving website (I’m also a really big fan of the Electric Water Bath Canner). If you want to see it in action, I’ll be streaming on Facebook Live tomorrow night (Tuesday, August 23) at 9 pm eastern time for about a half hour to show you how it works.

I also have one of these handy machines to give away this week. Use the widget below for your chance to enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: Ball Canning sent me the HarvestPro you see pictured here for review purposes and they are providing the giveaway unit. What’s more, I am also a paid brand partner. However, this post is outside our paid agreement. I just really liked this particular machine and so asked if I could share it with my readers. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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