We're on the final day of 2015 and time to reflect on the year that has passed and that just to come. The 9 photos above are my most popular on Instagram. You are following me over there aren't you?! I'll also be doing a round up of my top 10 most popular recipes from the blog but you'll need to wait until next year for that. Suffice to say that both my Irn Bru Pulled Pork and Ham will be featuring. Today I'm sharing some of my favourite adventures of the past year. I was aiming for 10, but it crept up to 12 and because I was struggling with what to leave out its ended up as lucky 13. A baker's dozen seems somewhat appropriate for a food blog. Without further ado here are my favourite foodie adventures of 2015. In time honoured top of the pops fashion they come in reverse order...
13. Walter Gregor - the first Scottish Tonic Water
12. The Store - Open Farm Sunday
11. Fishing, Golf & Local produce at Forbes of Kingennie
10. #Love Fife - Chocolate, Seafood & Gin in the East Neuk
9. Foodie Treasures in Royal Deeside & The Cairngorms
8. A stress free Dinner Party with La Belle Assiette
7. #FoodFest15 The Bread Maker, FoodStory & MacBeans
6. Young Fish Pie Master at Macduff Marine Aquarium
5. A Meaty visit to Donald Russell Butchers
4. A day at BBC Good Food Show Scotland
3. Making Butteries at JG Ross for Craft Bakers Week
2. Food Playground Cookery School Singapore
1. A trip to River Cottage with Foodies 100