Happy Monday friends! I hope you guys all had a great weekend. Ours was pretty darn busy. Friday night I had a girls’ night at a friend’s house, Saturday was errands and a birthday party, and yesterday was a baby shower! WHEW. Now we are in the TEENS of days until we move so there is a lot to do around the house. I will be spending a majority of this week getting ready for our yard sale on Sunday. Amidst all that I hit 30 weeks pregnant!
What is baby up to at 30 weeks?
Baby is the size of a a large cabbage – or about 15.7 inches and 3 pounds
Her eye sight is continuing to develop
She is strong enough to grasp a finger!
How is mama feeling?
Weight Gain: Up a pound from last week bringing my total to 16 pounds so far. I believe she went through a growth spurt this last week because I was STARVING! I did bring up my weight gain to my OB this week since it is so much less than with Emmalyne. He assured me that since my belly is measuring right on track that I have nothing to be concerned about. Maybe I will just have a smaller baby this time? (Em was 8lb 14oz at 9 days early)
Fitness: I had an awesome week last week! I hit my goal of getting in 3 runs, a walk most days, CrossFit, AND yoga! I am definitely going to start slowing down my pace on my runs to hold on to the hope that I will run all the way to the end of this pregnancy. My support belt is still my best friend I also started my prenatal yoga class last week and enjoyed it. You can read about all my workouts HERE.
Fatigue: One of the things I forgot about since having Emmalyne is how TIRED you get in your third trimester. WHOA. My afternoons have been lethargic and dragging and my sleep at night pretty hit or miss. I am in bed most nights by 9PM with lights out by 10PM. I get up a couple of times to use the bathroom and my dreams have made sleep a little fretful. I also seem to forget all the time that taking a nap makes me feel 1000x worse so I just got to power through it
OB Appointment: I had my 30-week check-up on Thursday last week and everything is looking good! I do not have gestational diabetes (WEE!) and my blood pressure was perfect. The belly measured right on track and there was nothing exciting to report except that ….
The baby is breech. UGH. My OB has zero concerns about this and assured me that most babies flip sometime between 32-36 weeks gestation. I know for a fact that B has been head down at one point or another because of the HARD kicks to my ribs. He did an ultrasound and during the less than 3 minutes we were looking she moved from having her head on the right side, to completely transverse across my entire stomach, to laying the other way. He showed me how much room there is in my uterus and really did a lot to ease my concern. I honestly have no idea when Em flipped head down but I don’t think it was until 32-34 weeks-ish. Regardless, I have spent some time on spinningbabies.com and have been upside down a bit
Things I Miss:
Sleeping soundly. I guess I will be missing this for awhile though.
Having shaving my legs NOT be like an Olympic sport.
Being comfortable
I am officially at the point in my pregnancy where I am pretty uncomfortable most of the day. On the ultrasound the OB noted that B’s legs are REALLY long (he was actually an ultrasound tech before going to med school so I kind of trust him haha). It doesn’t surprise me since Em was pretty dang long and is still tall. The amount of space this one seems to be taking up proves him right too. I feel a lot of pressure in my pelvis AND my ribs which is not pleasant. I don’t think I was this uncomfortable at 30 weeks last time so that makes me a little nervous about the next 7-11 weeks.
Well that’s all I have for now! I have my next appointment next week Have a great day!
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