TGIF! Today is the start of our weekend … the Army likes to give the Soldiers random 3-day weekends but I am so not complaining. This one couldn’t come at a better time! Life in our house is about get even crazier than usual. We are going to be out running errands most of the day today so I am keeping this nice and simple with some fun updates
1. WE’RE MOVING! We are in contract on a new house here that’s about 5 minutes from where we live now. If all goes according to plan we will be moving in mid-October. I am so flipping excited about this! The house we are currently renting is 3 bedrooms and we really wanted to get into a 4 bed house with the baby coming. You see, we need a dedicated guest room. When my mom or MIL come to visit they tend to come for 10 days or longer and I anticipate their visits increasing during my time in graduate school. We found a great house with tons of space and went for it! I swore I’d never move pregnant again (We moved from TX to MO when I was 36 weeks with Em) but this is worth it. This time I will be 34 weeks. A bit crazy? Probably.
2. RIP Keurig. When Em and I came back from Arizona I made the sad discovery that my beloved Keurig coffee maker had died. Chris said there were a couple of power outages while I was gone so maybe it fried? I don’t know. Either way it was devastating. Luckily, it’s new and shiny replacement has arrived and I am back to sipping half-caf and not feeling stabby in the morning.
3. RIP DSLR. Apparently technology hates me because just a week after Keurig died, so did my Canon DSLR. It did this weird thing and displayed an error message on the screen. After taking it to a repair shop we found out that it was either the shutter or the motherboard and that it would cost more than it was worth to fix. I cried. If you know me in real life, my camera is connected to me. I don’t want to miss out on any memories as Emmie and Baby B grow. Chris truly is a rockstar because unbeknownst to me he ordered me a new (to me – it’s refurbished by Canon) DSLR body and it came yesterday. Granted this is my Christmas present but I’ll take it now thank you very much!
4. Pinterest. If you follow me on Pinterest you may have noticed that I have been pinning like crazy for the new house. Since I can’t start nesting here, I am making my lists to hit the ground running there! So many organization ideas and so little time. Be still my Type-A heart.
5. Toddler Bed Update. As I said on Tuesday, we have transitioned Em to her toddler bed. So far it’s been great! She has slept every night in her bed waking up at her normal time in the morning. She quietly reads until she’s ready to get up then goes to the door and knows (heart melt) until I get her even though she can open the door. Nap time … she has slept on the floor by the door twice and in her bed 4 times. I got a couple of questions in regards to her furniture … the toddler bed is a temporary thing since Baby B is going to need the crib in December. Next month when we move we plan on getting her a full size bed. We already bought her a new dresser and bookshelf and transitioned the nursery furniture to the guest room.
Ok! We are off to tackle a long “to-do” list. We only have 5 weekends before our move and 3 of them are booked with birthday parties and events so we really need to get going on this Happy Friday!
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