Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
Basic Rifle Marksmanship (BRM) Series for your AR15- Intro
A lot of great basic rifle information here.
Bleach for Survival?
Bleach (or pool shock) is a useful addition to your survival supply closet.
On negative feedback
Some different ways to think about negative feedback.
Is Electronic Hearing Protection Right for You?
I think electronic hearing protection is a “must have” for any formal firearms training classes. It makes life much easier, with no struggling to hear the instructor’s commands over the gun shots. While the high dollar muffs like the Peltor and the Sordin get most of the press, the Howard Leight is an inexpensive option that works well for the causal user.
What Do You Do When Someone “Steals” Your Amazing Idea?
Something for all of us in the firearms training industry to remember:
“People tend to believe ideas are rare things, gems to be collected and hoarded. But in fact the nature of creative work, be it corporate innovation, academic research, or artistic endeavor, tells us quite the opposite—that if a useful insight pops into your head, it’s most likely in other people’s minds as well.”
1911 magazines, in better detail
Some information about 1911 magazines that I didn’t know.
Skin That Smoke Wagon! Fundamentals of Clandestine Carry Pistol
John Mosby gives some tips for structuring your CCW training program. Read Part Two as well.
Why You Should Always Be Prepared For A Survival Situation
Modern residents of “civilized” countries are becoming complacent and forgetting basic survival skills. This article provides some justifications to keep these survival skills alive.
What is Situational Awareness?
Tips to cultivate better situational awareness.
Reality Disconnect in Firearms Training – Frontline Debriefs
Scott Reitz provides an alternate lens from which you should view any technique advocated by your instructor. Having testified as an expert witness in a couple of use of force cases, I would definitely agree with him.
His book The Art of Modern Gunfighting is a must read for anyone who carries a gun.
Printing, no one cares.
The author is generally correct, but somewhat misguided. It is true that MOST people will not notice if your weapon is printing. What the author is ignoring is the fact that SOME people will notice. I’m not worried about the soccer mom at the mall seeing my pistol. I’m worried about the career criminal predator. He WILL notice and he’s exactly who I don’t want knowing that I am carrying a gun.
The other issue is that occasionally, someone will call the police. It didn’t happen in these people’s experiment, but it does happen. I’ve responded to several such calls myself. Anytime you are dealing with the police, you are rolling the dice. You might get a cop like me who doesn’t care that you are carrying and won’t be confrontational at all. You might get the brand new rookie who is scared to death and not comfortable with his skill level. You might get the cop who barely passed the constitutional law class in the police academy and has forgotten everything since he graduated. If the new guy or the dumb guy shows up, your life might become much more complicated than you want it to be.
Keep your guns well concealed.
Self-Defense for Women: Getting to “No!”
The fear of being “not nice” is a big issue for many women. If that describes you, take Tamara’s advice:
“It’s okay to be firm with strangers if that’s what it takes to keep yourself safe. Even if it makes you feel rude or, worse, Not Nice at the time, it’s still okay. It doesn’t go in your permanent record, promise.”
If you don’t like buying targets, here are some you can print on your own.
Treasonous Leadership Decisions by Ohio Officials Have Deadly Consequences
I actually attended the 2010 training class the author mentioned in this article where the instructors spent a couple days explaining how Ohio governmental officials are linked to members of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. It caused quite a stir at the time. It didn’t seem to change any attitudes or practices though.
Partially because of these misguided practices, Ohio ends up near the top of the chart with more terrorism investigations and prosecutions than almost any other state. Did you know that Central Ohio cops have investigated more than eight separate terrorist plots or attacks?
The Armed Citizen – A Five Year Analysis
My friend Claude Werner did an analysis of all the defensive engagements reported in the NRA’s “Armed Citizen” column for five years. Take a look at what he found. This is how the majority of armed citizen defensive shootings happen.
Dry Fire Training – the 2 x 2 x 2 drill
Dave’s 2x2x2 drill is useful both fired live or done in dryfire.
3 Absolute BEST 1-6x Low Power Variable AR-15 Scopes For Under $400!
Here are a few low powered magnified optics for your AR-15 that won’t break the bank.
EMS Assessment and Treatment of Dogs and Cats Involved in Fires
This article is specifically about treating dogs and cats involved in house fires, but it gives great instruction on general pet assessment, dog and cat CPR, and taking animal pulses. It’s useful for all pet owners.
Top Five Concealed Carry Handguns.
A lot of firearms industry celebrities disseminate poor or impractical ideas. Not this one. Watch the short video. Take his advice.
Out think, out talk, and out fight them.
Glads to see that Paul is writing again. In this short article, he talks about all the things you should be improving. I don’t see many folks improving in all of these realms.
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