
Welcome to Notes & Sargam.

The Bansuri (Bamboo Flute)

You will find here Sargams (Indian notations) for many songs and tunes which may help you to play them on your instruments.  Since, I play Bansuri (Flute), I may be a little bias towards reproducing Sargam more suitable to play on Bansuri.  But, having said that, it doesn’t mean that these Sargam cannot be played on other instruments. They can be, indeed.  If Bansuri produces “Sa Re Ga Ma”, so do other instruments, irrespective of their make or type.  So, I’m pretty sure that with little improvisation, these notations will hold equally good for playing on any type of instrument.

My Journey so far

Illustrative image of a Bansuri wala

It was my childhood dream to play this wonderful instrument called Bansuri (Flute). Tried out many times but failed. Tried to find a Guru, could not find someone whom I could afford.

Few years ago, in 2012, to be precise, one fine day I saw a Bansuriwala carrying a load of Basuris on a pole and immediately went upto him and bought one Bansuri. Did not know whether the scale was right or wrong for me to start with. But I bought it.

Bansuri is my BFF!

Since I had lost my job, I had ample time to spend with my new possession. I picked up a book on how to learn Flute. But, honestly it did not help me much. Then I just happened to stumble upon Youtube and found someone playing a fantastic piece of an old Hindi song. Searched a little more, and found some good Samaritans teaching the basics of playing Bansuri. I shall always remain thankful to them.

Soon, I was able to play the Sa Re Ga Ma… fluently. Then I started devoting some serious time on youtube (which, I confess, could have got me a job instead!) in brushing up my flute practice. And, yes, it paid off. Very soon, I think may be in two months time, I was able to play some very common tunes on flute.

“When you play Bansuri don’t think that you are playing an instrument, think that you are singing!”

– Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia

My first stage performance

Then I started to look around for Notes/SARGAMs of the songs I’ve always loved. But, unfortunately, could not find them on net. In the meantime, my practice with this wonderful Bamboo stick continued and without my knowing I learned some tricks to hit the correct notes of almost all the songs I always wanted to play on flute.

It’s then that I thought of setting up a platform where I could post the Notes/SARGAMs of the tunes and songs that move me. I’m sure there are thousands of people like me with may be a similar story to tell.

Me, my flute and the tranquillity of Corbett

Although, I regret for not being able to take a formal training from a flute master, but my journey with my Bansuri continues.

I’d like to dedicate this website and my FB page to those who have desire, passion and interest for music but cannot afford formal training due to lack of time, money or preoccupation.

You can find notations in Indian format namely, SARGAM of many songs and tunes here along with Alankars, Tips and Tricks, and much more. Enjoy!

And, yes. I am not a trained musician.  I am a music lover.  Because, a musician knows A to Z of music, whereas I only know how to please myself by playing my flute the way I have taught myself. I have not got any formal training in music nor have been fortunate enough to learn Bansuri from a teacher.

Whatever I share with you through this website or my facebook page, is out of my own personal experience. I am a self-learned Flutist and I try to reproduce the Sargam (Indian notations) of the songs/tunes etc., by playing them on my flute. That’s why the sargam or notations that you get on this website or on my facebook page may differ from what a trained musician may offer. Hence, I would like to request all of you to use these notations as a reference and do not restrict yourself from doing improvisations.

Ever since my Facebook page started getting popular, I could see the expectations getting higher and higher!  What I thought was a humble beginning from my side seems to be turning out as a useful platform for music lovers like you. Thank you so much.

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