
Personalisation creates better shopping experiences, increases sales and encourages repeat business. It’s time to get personal with personalisation.

So what is personalisation?

Personalisation is all about making your customers’ shopping experience relative to them, based on their buying or search history.

Personalisation creates better customer shopping experiences

It goes without saying that personalisation is a key element to the online (or offline) shopping experience. It is important to realise that customers who have an enjoyable online shopping experience are far more likely to return to your website.

Building customer loyalty is the goal

If you sell products online, your primary goal is not just building your customer base and increasing new sales; it’s gaining your customers’ loyalty and developing long-term relationships with them. It’s important to deliver carefully targeted communications and suggest more personalised product recommendations to build these relationships.

By providing your customers with a better shopping experience every time they visit your site, you’ll be ensuring that they continue purchasing from you in the future.

Suggestions for personalising your e-commerce website

Add product recommendations

By being creative about adding product recommendations, your customers will know that you’re paying attention to them.

For example, if a customer has purchased a tennis racquet from your online store, ensure you have recommended products relevant to tennis racquets to upsell to them, i.e. tennis balls, racquet covers and so on. 

Focus on your customers’ after-sale experience 

Don’t just focus on improving your buyers’ shopping experience, personalise the after-sales experience too by using uniquely-designed, branded packaging. 

Keep track of your customers’ buying history

Online shoppers have browsing patterns, just as they do when shopping offline. By tracking their shopping history, you’ll be able to make better product or service recommendations. 

Provide more meaningful shopping offers 

Analytical activities such as shopping surveys can help you understand your customers’ needs better, allowing you to provide them with accurate and targeted shopping offers. 

Adding those little finishing touches such as branded packaging can have a big impact on customer retention. Personalising your eCommerce shopping experience for your customer will keep them coming back and provide an overall better shopping experience. 

Do you think personalisation is important? How do you personalise your eCommerce website?

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