
Last updated – 16 Oct. 2016
The pictures hanging in our ‘ROGUES GALLERY’ are of  SOME
of  those who promoted artificial water fluoridation in the
knowledge that it was an expensive dangerous fraud.
Some of these people did, or intended to do, other
great things, but failed to resist or intentionally
$upported The Nefarious Fluoridation Hoax.

OUR HALL OF SHAME (not comprehensive)
The continued promotion of artificial water fluoridation in the face
of mounting adverse evidence and criticism requires some evaluation:

“It seems that the proponents hit upon an idea years ago which appealed to them, and which they felt was sound. As their claims for safety are progressively discredited, rather than acknowledge this, they persist in condoning the original evidence. At the same time they are still lending their prestige to such equivocation. Certainly the proponents of fluoridation are not intent upon poisoning or harming anyone, however, the dilemma of prestige is still a very difficult matter for them to resolve.” The tide of fluoridated water is ebbing fast and many may be stranded on The lonely beach of despair.

Fluoridation: A Horror Story
↓  By Wade Frazier  ↓
→  www.ahealedplanet.net/fluoride.htm  ←

→  The University of Rochester  ←
Rochester Uni. infamous for research at the time of
the Manhattan Project  secretly injected people
with plutonium without their knowledge, –
using them as experimental guinea pigs.
It still promotes fluoridation –
which is experimental.

The author of the 1944 CNS research proposal was
Harold C. Hodge, chief of fluoride toxicology studies for the
University of Rochester’s division of the Manhattan Project.
Much of the proof of fluoride’s alleged safety in low doses rests on the

postwar work done at the University of Rochester

in anticipation of lawsuits against the bomb

program for human injury.

Edward Bernays
”  Engineering of Consent  ”
He was an Austrian-American pioneer
in the field of  public relations and propaganda,
named one of the 100 most influential Americans of the
20th century by Life magazine. He believed in a sort of
“enlightened despotism” ideology.
Bernays also pioneered the PR industry’s use of psychology
and other social sciences to design his public persuasion campaigns.
He played a key role in selling fluoride to New Yorkers in the 1960′s.
Much more →→  According to Bernays:  ←← includes full book.
❝ If New Yorkers will accept fluoride, other cities will follow. ❞
See New York letters below at the time 1963↓
The peasants are revolting!


Expert for Hire – He lied under oath on fluoridation and cancer.
Sir Richard Doll, received millions of dollars in consulting fees

from chemical companies, asbestos companies, and other
industries whichcreate carcinogenic materials.

Fluoride: Lies, Brown Envelopes, Subterfuge and Corruption
Among other retainers he received $1000 a day (rising to $1500 a day) for over thirty years from Monsanto. Yet in scientific publications, as an expert witness,

and before government authorities he often defended these chemicals against evidence they caused cancer. According to the UK based group injurywatch.co.uk in a sidebar entitled – “Sir Richard Doll: the industry man?” They note: In 1976, in spite of well-documented concerns on the risks of fluoridation of drinking water with industrial wastes,  Doll declared that it was “unethical” not to do so.”

Thus fluoride may have been the first suspected carcinogen that Doll protected.

He defended water fluoridation in $cientific papers, public statements,

and court testimony.

Former president of the International Association for

Dental Research, University of  Rochester

Rockefeller Dental Fellow 1930 / Dean Tufts University

School of Dental Medicine.

Director Eastman Dental Centre 1947-1970.

He is credited with demonstrating fluoride would prevent caries.

( To his credit he researched the use of adhesive plastics for restorative dentistry. )


He is therefore the main link between the US nuclear weapons

industry and the Fluoridation of Australia.



He was→ →  the architect of fluoridation in Australia  ← ←

He argued that breast-fed children should be given
fluoride supplements
because they are ‘deprived’ of fluoride.

Fluoridation is Chaetiferous

The processing of phosphate fertilizer results in smoke stack emissions of silicofluorides and other contaminants, which are significant environmental pollutants?  The US EPA and other governmental agencies require these pollutants to be “scrubbed” from the chimneys to protect the environment people, flora, fauna, farm animals and crops from damage. However, this unprocessed liquid scrubbing mixture, called hydrofluorosilicic acid, is sold to municipalities as a sauce of  ‘fluoride’ to be added to otherwise clean safe drinking water.

Please tell your colleagues.

AMA Dictates Policy

UNESCO – Legal Instruments –
Universal Declaration on Bioethics
and Human Rights – 19 October 2005


1. Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information.The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice. 21… ❞

An affirmation by Jeannette Young 15 January 2013

Fluoride is essential for dental health according to the Chief Health Officer:

” Implementing fluoridisation in water is the most important way local governments can improve the dental health of their communities, according to Queensland’s Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young. The Department of Health has written to every local government in Queensland, offering to meet and discuss the health benefits of fluoridation. Several local governments have taken up the offer and Dr Young is hopeful others will follow.  –  HOWEVER:-

Recent changes to Queensland’s legislation means local governments now have the decision making power to determine if it is in the best interests of their communities to implement, continue or cease water fluoridation. Dr Young said World Health Organisation studies showed adding fluoride to water supplies was a safe and effective way of reducing tooth decay. She said fluoride was not harmful to people’s health, despite the widespread scaremongering on the issue. “In the small amounts that are used in water supplies, fluoride is not harmful,” Dr Young said. “There is no evidence to show fluoride, in the amounts used in water supplies, has any detrimental health effects. “In fact, studies have shown that people with good dental health have better overall health. “Townsville has been using fluoride in its water supplies since 1964 and it has not resulted in any health problems there. “There is no reliable evidence of any adverse health effects to communities which have already implemented fluoride in their water supplies.” Queensland’s Chief Dental Officer Dr Rhys Thomas said fluoride was proven to strengthen teeth and prevent tooth decay. “Ultimately it is up to local authorities to implement and continue fluoridation. But we hope that they are making decisions armed with all the facts,” Dr Thomas said. “Studies have shown that the use of fluoride benefits everyone regardless of their age or access to dental care. “Australian Child Dental Health surveys consistently show that Queensland children have levels of tooth decay well above the national average. https://twitter.com/qldhealthnews or https://www.facebook.com/QLDHealth “ The use of fluoride is one way of turning this around.”

Dr Jeannette Young, recently stated words to the effect:
In medicine not many things are black and white but water

fluoridation is one of those things”.

Yes we agree  –  it is  BLACK …


He has enough letters after his name to make a good serve of alphabet

soup, however his constant defence of fluoridation casts a

shadow over his knowledge and sincerity.

Just following orders didn’t work as a defense for the Nazis and it

shouldn’t work for those who poison our water either!

Dr. Rachael Dunlop is the Vice-President

of the Australian Skeptics Inc. and by association

supports water fluoridation – not good for her image.

More info  → HERE

No army can withstand the strength of an idea

whose time has come.
-Victor Hugo



Michael Foley:  … Try to avoid debates in public or on the radio or TV in which anti-fluoridationists also appear.  Disproving anti-fluoridationists claims takes considerably longer than making claims in the first place, and some degree of doubt from the original claim will often still be left. Simply holding a debate reinforces the perception that both sides have equally valid viewpoints. Don’t give them that respectability… “

Michael Foley:  … The science is very much on one side of the argument.

There are no reputable health authorities anywhere in the world that oppose water fluoridation.There are certainly individuals and sometimes smart individuals and there are certainly single issue groups, but the health groups around the world and the science groups around the world are strongly on the side of fluoridation…” – ABC TV  7.30 – 27 Feb. 2013.


Channel 7 news item on fluoride – Good Friday 2015

Mercury is know to be a associated with madness!

… Mercury levels in blood of dental professionals ranged from 0.6 to 57 ug/L …


See → Dr. Foley Fluoride Fan Club

More on Hypothyroidism and Fluorides
As a Member, Dr. Foley may need to reread
The Code of Ethics – IADR

Dr Birch said the ADAQ wanted all water in Queensland ♦

fluoridated as the health benefits were

well researched and studied.

We agree, very well researched…
FDA’s definition of – “Safe & Effective”
♦ [ Population 4.8 Million,

Do you wish to make so many enemies?
James Forrestal US Defense Secretary anti-fluoridation
30 Aust. Defence Bases Contaminated With Fluoride Chemical (PFOA)

We hope to see you on This Post one day.

Happiness is when what you think, what you say,

and what you do are in harmony – Mahatma Gandhi

They seem to be queuing up to get on our Rogues Gallery?

“ My goal is to represent and serve the members of our association

and continue building a strong membership and financial base

that provides us with a powerful lobbying platform.”
Your push for fluoridation seems to be more

of a priority than the health of the State!

However full text → HERE
Fluoride Free Dentists ↔ More ↔ More

The ADA have been repeating triceratillion times the same old

fossilised message for 50 + years:

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”


Queensland Health Water Program Director Dr. Greg Jackson,

Brisbane Dental Hospital director,  Dr. Michael Foley and

Townsville public health physician Dr. Steven Donohue.

The three pro-fluoride speakers said ” fluoride

was not a medication or a waste product
and that fluoridation was simply

about topping up the natural

levels of fluoride in water,

for optimum dental

Extracts from:‘ Science & Survival ‘ by Barry Commoner 1963

❝… Like the sorcerer’s apprentice, ♦ we are acting

upon dangerously incomplete knowledge. We are, in effect,
conducting a huge experiment on ourselves.  A generation hence-

too late to help-public health statistics may reveal what

hazards are associated with these pollutants … ❞

♦ 1940 Disney film Fantasia


Yeppoon (Qld.) dentist John Christensen believes a decision to remove

fluoride from Rockhampton region’s water supply would defy all logic. *

→  A previous resident disagreed…  ←
Fluoridation is a policy not a science.
With possible legal implications as per recent declaration by
insurance companies for promoters such as your self.
* Rockhampton is the State’s 24th council to get rid of fluoridation.

Not much progress

AMA Dictates Policy

Anna Bligh Ex-Premier of Queensland

Forced Fluoridation On Four Million Queenslanders

Letters sent to her by us and others:→  HERE  ←

ADA / Qld. Labour Party Collusion:

The Queensland Health Department, under  Anna Bligh

funded The Australian Dental Association Queensland Branch,

$220,000 as a CONtribution to its pro-fluoridation campaign.

The request for this funding was directed to the

Hon. Stephen Robertson MP. The Minister

for Health at the time, Feb. 2006.

→  FOI_qld_ADA grant  ←

Dr. M. Brown (Chief Dental Officer, Dept. of Health, Queensland),

fluoridation resulted in reduced tooth decay, with Townsville
children having the lowest prevalence of dental rot among all four

regions. ❝ Unfortunately well-meaning, but ill-informed, people
are the ones who sometimes drive the agenda rather

than listening to evidence and experts. ❞
Fluoride Intake Increasing Bone Fractures

—   Previous Australian Federal Health Minister — Tanya Plibersek.  —
You made it to this gallery not because you were the Minister for Health,

but because of your pro- fluoride outburst on ‘Q & A’ (TV) 18 Feb. 2013

(A departure from the calm poise and patience you are noted for.)

Tania please have a chat to one of your predecessors ↓ ↓
Former Federal Health Minister

Founding Director of  ARCPOH – Another slow learner !
A new direction is required, — or may be, a new Director !
May be too close to ‘Colgate’ – Compromised $cience!

Trying to defend the indefensible.

See more info on Jason Armfield  → HERE

→  Writes numerous trivial promotional out of date reports on fluoridation.
http://www.nofluoride.com/pres… ←
by Kenji Akiniwa, Tokyo, Japan ↑

Dr. $tephen Barrett

‘Quack Watch’   B – Also paid by companies to lie.

‘Quack Watch’  C – Also Paid by companies to lie.

He believes his biggest achievement on council, was the introduction

of fluoride into Yass, NSW water supply – June 1956.

❝ It was not easy persuading some of the locals of the public health benefits

fluoride. In fact, the dental professional says it was a real battle, and one where even after the vote to add fluoride to the water had been won, there was a real chance of a rescission if the balance of power on the Council shifted.  ❞

Fluoridation promoter-

Gynaecologist – Dr. William McBride was exposed for fraudulent

research. In 1979 McBride carried the fluoridation torch

for the NSW Health Dept., the AMA, ADA and

the  Sydney University Dental Health

Education & Research Foundation.

Letter from Doctors
We are not amused “ Some cause happiness wherever they go;

others, whenever they go.” – Oscar  Wilde

“It is one thing to use fluorides on the enemy in times of war, ♦

but it is quite another to use it on your own population

after the war is over in the form of fluoridation.

Is that what our soldiers went to war and died for?”

– Glen Walker –

♦ SARIN = Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl-Fluoride (nerve gas)
Sarin is also known as GB.

SOMAN = Picacolyl-Methyl-Phosphonos-Fluoride

“We have noticed over the last few years the rise

of small but extremely vocal anti-fluoride

group in Western Australia…”

He said ‘The Health Australia Party‘s opposition to
fluoride in the water supply was flawed.
Mmm – seems like he is not updating his facts…

John Day MLA


Fluoride-Testicular Injury

! Israel Has Ceased Fluoridation – Aug. 2014. !


listen ↓


↑  listen

This sound track available AGAIN!
Dr. Hambleton is talking to John Laws about fluoridation…  He says:

Fluoride is safe and has not been shown to cause any of the health

concerns that people try to ascribe to it.

Editor’s comment: If  the AMA can not get this right, it is no surprise that the public is losing confidence in this once prestigious organization …

See extract from an e-letter below sent to us from one of our readers after hearing Dr. Hambleton talking to John Laws:

❝ … I was recently forwarded an audio file of a radio interview you did with John Laws in July, [2012] and I am shocked by the misleading, inaccurate and downright untrue statements you made in that interview on the subject of water fluoridation…”

He seems a nice family man but his dental background and his

outspoken support for fluoridation for the State of Queensland

rates him a mention in this Rogues Gallery.


Principal Advisor, Ministry of Health;

Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney

Extract from her writings:

❝…However, public support for water fluoridation decreases during campaigns involving plebiscites/referendums because of the myriad of tactics and propaganda used by anti-fluoridationists’, which run the gamut of conspiracy theories to scare mongering (6). One such tactic is to call upon “experts”, some of whom might even have legitimate scientific or academic credentials, to lend credence to their claims (6), as was in this case. As a result, voters would often choose the safer option of not fluoridating because of the difficulty in sorting fact from fiction or to judge which “authorities” to believe (4,6)…❞

“Ridicule is not a part of the scientific method and the public

should not be taught that it is.” –  Dr. A.  Hynek

He said all water had some naturally occurring fluoride in it,

but most had less than what was regarded as optimal for health.
One of these sub-groups consists of people with impaired kidney

function,including subjects with nephropathic diabetes.

Chief Executive Officer,

Extract From: Submission

From The Public Health Association of Australia On

–  The Transparency Of The TGA  –
❝… All complaints about the promotion of therapeutic goods referred to

the TGA by [The] Complaint Resolution Committee (CRP), of the

Complementary Health Care Council, or handled direct

should be made publicly available as should the

action taken, the time line and the outcome.

The TGA’s ‘new’ policy on complaint

investigations only concerns

publishing the outcome of

‘certain’  investigations

into complaints about advertising

which have been referred by the CRP.  …

❝  The PHAA believes that ALL complaints referred to the TGA should be dealt with expeditiously and transparently. Alternatively, the CRP should handle all complaints and be given the power to enforce sanctions… ❞
Editor’s note:

Well said sir, we can only hope that all complaints about fluoridation

receive the your PROMPT attention in the near future. This web

site and many others can provide it (you) with all the science

to show that fluoridation is not  “complementary”

to human, animal or plant health —  therefore

please consider this web site as a complaint,

and have it dealt with expeditiously.

We are still waiting

“…The evil that men do lives after them;

And the fluoride is oft interred with our bones…”
With apologies to:
William Shakespeare ↔ Julius Caesar ↔ Act 3. Scene II

But not very convincing!

Dr. Karin Alexander was the previous Federal President of  the Australian Dental Association.

She spoke on Brisbane Radio 4BC (Feb. 2013)  She attempted to put a good spin on fluoridation

– no science quoted, but some nonsense e.g. Fluoride is only a mineral supplement
-it occurs naturally, and breaks down naturally. [?] And dismissed the interviewer’s concerns

about medicating the community without their permission. “ The ADA continues to be

dismayed with the scare mongering from fringe groups…“


The ADA have been repeating triceratillion times

the same old fossilised message for 50 + years:

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”

And more recently:

❝ The ADA continues to be dismayed with the scaremongering
from fringe groups, [see list of nobel prize winners],

that lack consideration of the scientific evidence

of the significant benefits for dental health

that occurs from the fluoridation

of  water supplies.❞

See ruling by a member of  the ‘Fringe Group’ ↓
Judge John P. Flaherty


So much cleverness, $kill and $cience, contaminated by commerce.

So many candidates for our ‘Fluoride Rogues’ Gallery’.

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive… “

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