
My Daily Twitter Digest for 2014-06-11 http://t.co/oHQOViARAN 22:35:12, 2014-06-11

Ex-border agents: Immigrant flood ‘orchestrated’ http://t.co/sJSOAM7o3M 20:43:40, 2014-06-11

RT @TheRickWilson: "Iraqi Drama Catches U.S. Off Guard" This headline is so sad and so inevitable and so typical. 20:05:15, 2014-06-11

RT @thegoldfarb: Amazing quote from senior admin official on Iraq: "It is possible we are victims of our own leadership." http://t.co/AQ6lv… 19:58:26, 2014-06-11

RT @HumanEvents: Military bases: Obama's new illegal alien dumping grounds @michellemalkin: http://t.co/7aHruiaip5 13:37:47, 2014-06-11

Yeah, you are RT @jimgeraghty: Am I cynical for thinking most Republicans find McCarthy, Sessions, Hensarling & Brady indistinguishable? 13:27:47, 2014-06-11

RT @BresPolitico: June 19 leadership elections! 13:26:41, 2014-06-11

RT @jbendery: Pete Sessions talking like he's already Majority Leader: "I'm going to focus on the border," I'm going to fix it and we'll sa… 12:15:57, 2014-06-11

RT @ByronYork: WaPo: In 2006, Bowe Bergdahl was discharged from Coast Guard for psychological reasons 26 days into basic training. http://t… 12:15:19, 2014-06-11

RT @JackKingston: DoD Secy Chuck Hagel, reportedly in charge of #Bergdahl exchange, claimed he "doesn't know…" today via @FreeBeacon http… 12:15:01, 2014-06-11

@LizMair Malfeasance is not even the beginning of Obama's and Holder's problems here. in reply to LizMair 11:58:04, 2014-06-11

@LizMair The DOJ is not enforcing current law and that really is an impeachable offense. in reply to LizMair 11:56:19, 2014-06-11

RT @burgessev: In one of several different realities people are living in after Cantor loss, Dems say immigration reform isn't dead http://… 11:33:53, 2014-06-11

RT @JimPethokoukis: Can the courts now order schools to implement Common Core? http://t.co/KkVA6yJQe0 11:32:21, 2014-06-11

RT @daveweigel: One factor arguing for making Kevin McCarthy the new majority leader: He has no challenger this year. He can RINO up a stor… 11:31:57, 2014-06-11

RT @costareports: The question remains: will Jeb Hensarling jump in? His friends say two month window gives him time to get there w/ votes,… 11:20:35, 2014-06-11

RT @ChadPergram: If McCarthy wins ML job, there would be race for whip. Told Scalise and Roskam are running. Roskam: "We'll discuss that af… 11:20:13, 2014-06-11

RT @ChadPergram: Contenders for #Cantor Majority Ldr job would be Kevin McCarthy, Cathy McMorris Rodgers & Pete Sessions. "It's Kevin's to … 11:19:37, 2014-06-11

RT @vplus: CNN BREAKING: 500,000 flee for their lives in Iraq..militants make gains in Tikrit..Mosul taken over http://t.co/B7TqOivxQZ 11:19:13, 2014-06-11

LOL ..RT @kausmickey: Politico on Monday: "IMMIGRATION HAS LITTLE IMPACT ON PRIMARIES" http://t.co/rcoeXw8zgJ via @POLITICO 11:18:59, 2014-06-11

Laughable RT @ThePlumLineGS: Sen @SenSchumer today: "Cantor was never the solution on immigration. He was always the problem." Yup. 11:14:24, 2014-06-11

Just say No to Kevin McCarthy as GOP Majority leader – sheesh he is as bad as Boehner and Cantor #TCOT 11:13:43, 2014-06-11

RT @SecretsBedard: After taking Cantor down, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham turn their guns on Miss Sen. Cochran. http://t.co/sY2GjBLaxM via @D… 11:10:06, 2014-06-11

Good. Now for Boehner = he can go too. RT @weeklystandard: Cantor to Step Down as Majority Leader http://t.co/0thCJSDVuJ 11:09:28, 2014-06-11

@LizMair Interdiction works for me. Giving them free legal counsel doesn't . in reply to LizMair 10:30:40, 2014-06-11

@LizMair Certainly the Obama Administration has suspended enforcement of US immigration laws lately —> mass exodus of illegal children in reply to LizMair 09:51:37, 2014-06-11

@LizMair I have heard very little from the GOP Pols on the Central American children border crossings that are costing taxpayers millions. in reply to LizMair 09:27:34, 2014-06-11

@LizMair Rand Paul is getting a little too cozy with Norquist and Big Business Chamber of Commerce types for my tastes, Liz . in reply to LizMair 09:24:00, 2014-06-11

RT @costareports: Ryan adds that he will still be going to Utah this week to get together w/ Romney and donors – a sign eye on 16, not runn… 09:17:18, 2014-06-11

RT @MelissaTweets: Yep RT @RickSheridan: @MelissaTweets The least discussed and biggest foreign policy failure of Mr Obama : Iraq. He simpl… 09:10:47, 2014-06-11

RT @costareports: Here comes the jockeying: big House-wide mtg for Rs planned for this afternoon at 4pm, votes start at 1pm 09:07:42, 2014-06-11

RT @BretBaier: Iraqi security officials tell AP that the Levant, an Al Qaeda-aligned militant group, has taken control of the northern city… 09:07:30, 2014-06-11

RT @DavidMDrucker: Growing consensus among GOP members: #Cantor needs to step down: http://t.co/rA3I5M0kdl 09:07:11, 2014-06-11

Flap’s California Blog @ Flap Twitter Digest for 2014-06-10 http://t.co/9Fa2R6kb7q 04:03:45, 2014-06-11

Very true! But, loss sends BIG message RT @ByronYork: Immigration reform was dead before Cantor lost. http://t.co/2iH5ldfU49

#tcot 03:34:50, 2014-06-11

RT @MarkHalperin: WHY @EricCantor lost is interesting but totally dwarfed by impact on talk radio influence, House leadership fights, legis… 03:33:34, 2014-06-11

Or, in other words… | Eric Cantor's Pollster Tries to Explain Why His Survey Showed Cantor Up 34 Points http://t.co/3gTwzyD2zf 03:32:40, 2014-06-11

Good Morning!

Today's quote is for Eric Cantor.

"We have, I fear, confused power with greatness."

-Stewart Udall

Have a great day! #tcot 03:27:27, 2014-06-11

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