
Mulan, the hero of China, and white male centrality:




Mulan is one of many animation-to-live-action Disney movies in the works, but perhaps the most unfaithful–in sharp contrast to 2017’s live action Beauty and the Beast which will even include the original movie’s songs. Disney apparently felt it wouldn’t be possible to do a Mulan adaptation without centering it around the experiences of a white guy–even if Hua Mulan is an actual historical legend.

The Mulan spec script is now being rewritten by the scriptwriters of Jurassic World, Amanda Silver and Jick Jaffa. Their script for Jurassic World was notable for originally intending for main characters to be Chinese. Even so, Mulan is being adapted with no significant input from writers of Chinese descent, and it’s unclear if the next draft will continue to emphasize this odious white guy character.

It’s possible Disney is simply going back to the roots of their 1998 animated Mulan. In 1993, Disney was working on a short feature called “China Doll.” According to the Los Angeles Daily News, the heroine of “China Doll” was “a waifish Chinese girl who fought a losing war against tyranny until a British soldier came and swept her away. Nobody liked the character, so the writers went back to a Chinese poem [Mulan] for inspiration.”

At the time, director Barry Cook said that they were careful to not use romance to drive Mulan’s plot. “There was another story line that had her running off to war to escape a bad situation at home, either bad parents or a forced marriage. That didn’t work. Then she was driven by a romance she had with the captain of the soldiers. And that just ruined everything.”

This isn’t new. It’s a well-worn Hollywood pattern. We’re a little over half way through and the 2010s are shaping up to be the Decade of White Male centrality.

Read more: http://www.racebending.com/v4/blog/mulan-hero-china-white-male-centrality/

If you guys want Hollywood/Disney to drop this deuce fine but you can stop it maybe if you sign: this

thankfully disney has already said that draft is out: http://www.vulture.com/2016/10/fans-dont-want-a-mulan-with-a-white-male-lead.html?mid=twitter-share-vulture

but everyone stay on their asses anyway tbh

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