
Are you getting all ready for Christmas! It’s almost time to start decorating!

Ok, I’ll confess I’ve already started. With Thanksgiving so late this year, I just wanted to get a little more time with the house decorated. So I’ve been sneaking in some things here and there. Like this new hoop I finished last week!

This Merry Christmas Chalk Hoop is similar to my Chalk Hoop Ornaments – I just love that stitched “chalk” look! It’s so fun to do.

It looks like a lot of stitching but it really goes pretty fast – and it’s all basic stitches too! Just back stitches and some sketchy fill stitching. I promise anyone can do it!

I just love those little snowflakes.

Here’s your materials list:

10″ square of black fabric

8″ embroidery hoop

DMC embroidery floss colors: white, red (326), green (703)

Tracing Paper – I like this type from Amazon

Embroidery Needle

1 yard red pom poms

Hot glue/felt for finishing back

Merry Christmas Hoop Art pattern – for personal use only


Transfer your design onto the black fabric.

Stitch all outlines as the photo shows with a back stitch. Reference the photo for color choice. Use 3 strands of floss for all stitches.

Fill letters with a sketchy looking satin stitch, leaving some spaces to give it that “chalk” look.

Scatter french knots around the design for a few snowflakes.

Finish hoop by trimming fabric on back side to 1/2″. Hot glue fabric to the back inside of the hoop. Glue pom pom trim around the back edge of the hoop so the pom poms stand out from the hoop. Glue a piece of felt over the back of the hoop to finish off.

Wouldn’t this be a great gift too?!

I’ve partnered with some friends for more great Handmade Holiday Gift Ideas!

Here are links to all the projects:

Cookie Dough Printable

Disney Princess Quiet Book

Merry Christmas Chalk Hoop Art – You’re here! :)

Felted Wool Dryer Balls

Christmas Sugar Cookie Bars

Have fun checking all those out!

The post Merry Christmas Chalk Hoop Art appeared first on Flamingo Toes.

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