Arapaho & Roosevelt NFs - On 11/2, an LEO assisted Colorado Division of Parks & Wildlife Officers in conducting hunting patrols on the Clear Creek RD. The LEO contacted four hunters, found two of them were smoking marijuana, and issued violation notices them for being in possession of marijuana. The officer also issued a violation notice to an individual who was smoking marijuana while operating a vehicle. The individual was in possession of hash as well. The passenger of the vehicle was violating conditions of his parole which prohibited him from possessing or consuming controlled substances. The Wildlife Officers placed the passenger under arrest and transported him to jail.
On 11/10, an LEO on the Clear Creek RD traveled via snowmobile to transport and replace windows that were broken by heavy winds at the Squaw Mountain Fire Lookout.
On 11/21, an LEO on the Clear Creek RD was requested by Colorado HP to assist in reopening Interstate 70 through NFS lands. The LEO assisted the Trooper in “pacing” vehicles for the purpose of maintaining a consistent rate of speed. Pacing is frequently utilized on Interstate 70 during extremely heavy traffic conditions.
Bighorn NF - On 12/6, LEOs were first at the scene of a two vehicle accident on an icy interstate highway during extreme winter conditions including subzero temperatures. A pick-up truck had spun-out, crossed the median of the roadway, and struck a passenger vehicle. The LEOs determined no one was reportedly injured. The officer secured the scene until the arrival of Wyoming HP personnel.
Black Hills NF - On 11/10, a PC followed-up with a local county deputy who responded to an ATV accident at 12:30 a.m. that morning. The operator of the ATV reportedly left a party he was attending in order to ride his ATV in the forest. Apparently, while traveling at approximately 50 mph the ATV struck a berm on a two-track road causing the rear axle of the ATV to break off. The operator landed approximately 72 feet away from his ATV and suffered a broken neck. He was transported via ambulance to a nearby hospital. Two friends of the man, a male and a female, soon arrived at the scene. The deputy placed the man and the woman under arrest for DUI, and later charged the ATV operator with DUI as well.
On 11/25, a PC followed-up with a county deputy who responded to the scene where a bow hunter suffered a possible pelvic fracture when he fell off a 25-foot steep incline. SAR personnel responded to the scene as well and carried the man out of the area. The man was transported via ambulance to a hospital.
Gunnison NF - On 11/3, an LEO on the Gunnison RD contacted an outfitter accompanying two clients near Los Pinos Creek. The LEO conducted further investigation of the incident during the following weeks. On 12/7, the LEO issued four mandatory court appearance violation notices to the outfitter for driving off-route; two violation notices for providing a service on NFS lands without authorization; and one violation notice for operating a motor vehicle while driver’s license expired.
On 11/26, an LEO contacted approximately 40 individuals during snowmobile registration compliance checks at Kebler Trailhead on the Gunnison RD. The LEO issued violation notices to three individuals for failing to register their snowmobiles with the Colorado Division of Parks & Wildlife.
On 11/26, an LEO contacted the driver of a truck towing a trailer loaded with logs and determined the timber was removed from the Cochetopa area on the Gunnison RD. The man was in possession of seven load tickets that had not been validated. The LEO determined three of the load tickets had been issued to an individual not present at that time. The officer seized the man’s permit along with the seven load tickets and issued a violation notice to him for fuelwood permit non-compliance.
On 12/8, an LEO and a BLM LEO conducted multiple snowmobile registration compliance checks at Kebler Trailhead on the Gunnison RD. The LEO issued violation notices to two individuals who had not registered their snowmobiles with the Colorado Division of Parks & Wildlife.
White River - On 11/13, an LEO investigated damage to natural resources on the Blanco RD. A group of 16 hunters allegedly caused extensive resource damage when they rode ATVs through a creek bottom in order to gather firewood for their campsite. The LEO issued several violation notices to the individuals for driving off-road, and causing resource damage.
Apache-Sitgreaves NF - On 12/13, an LEO investigated vandalism to a contractor’s vehicle on the Black Mesa RD. A Navajo County SD deputy is assisting with the ongoing investigation.
Carson NF -On 12/8, an LEO contacted the drivers of two pick-up trucks hauling timber on the Tres Piedras RD. Both drivers admitted the timber was that of a large ponderosa pine tree they illegally cut and removed from NFS lands. The LEO issued violation notices to them for fuelwood permit non-compliance. The officer also issued violation notices to one of the individuals for no valid driver’s license, and no vehicle insurance.
On 12/11, an LEO attended court proceedings in Taos Magistrate Court regarding a man the officer placed under arrest for Aggravated DWI. A breathalyzer test at the time of the man’s arrest indicated he had a BAC of .220. The man pleaded guilty to charges resulting from his arrest.
On 12/13, an LEO conducted foot patrol along New Mexico Highway 150 through the Questa RD where individuals were reportedly residing on NFS lands. The LEO located a large unoccupied camouflaged bunker at a campsite. A Taos County SD deputy responded to assist the LEO. The deputy and the LEO contacted two men walking towards the campsite. After further investigation, the LEO issued violation notices to the men for residing on NFS lands. The officers remained at the site while the men dismantled their camp and vacated the area.
On 12/14, an LEO conducted multiple Christmas tree permit compliance checks on the Camino Real RD and issued a violation notice for removing timber without authorization.
On 12/14, an LEO was requested by Taos County SD to assist at the scene of a domestic violence incident at a residence in Questa, NM adjacent to the Questa RD.An individual was reportedly using an ax in an attempt to chop through the front door to gain access to the residence. The individual fled as the officers approached the scene. The officers searched the area but were unable to locate the individual.
Cibola NF -On 12/8, an LEO on the Sandia RD assisted in moving multiple vehicles stuck along the Sandia Crest Highway near the Sandia Ski Area. One of the vehicles slid off the roadway and landed in a ravine but no one was injured. Due to the fact the Capulin Snow Play Area is closed, many sledding enthusiasts were recreating at various trailhead parking areas. The Crest Highway corridor was jammed with vehicles including convertibles not equipped for snowy/icy conditions. The LEO issued multiple violation notices to individuals for blocking a roadway.
On 12/8-10, an LEO conducted a patrol in the Zuni Mountains on the Mt. Taylor RD. The LEO conducted multiple permit compliance checks and issued a warning for not properly validating a fuelwood permit. The officer responded to a report from the District Fire crew who contacted a man hauling fuelwood without a permit. The LEO contacted the man in Zuni Canyon and issued violation notices to him for removing fuelwood without authorization, and no vehicle registration.
On 12/14, an LEO on the Mt. Taylor RD contacted the driver of a vehicle hauling a freshly cut Christmas tree without an attached permit. The front seat passenger claimed they purchased the permit at the local visitor center but were not aware of requirements to tag the tree. The LEO issued a warning notice to the individuals for permit non-compliance. The officer also issued a violation notice to the driver for expired vehicle registration.
Coconino NF - On 12/7, an LEO on the Mogollon Rim RD conducted a fuelwood compliance check on three individuals in a vehicle. The LEO determined the driver had three arrest warrants, and a passenger in the vehicle had one outstanding warrant. A Coconino County SD deputy responded, placed the two individuals under arrest and transported them to the county detention facility. The LEO issued a violation notice to the third individual for fuelwood permit non-compliance.
On 12/7, an LEO on the Flagstaff RD conducted a patrol in the Snow Bowl Ski Area and along an NFS road adjacent to the area. The LEO issued multiple violation notices to individuals for various traffic offenses. Later that day, two LEOs and Coconino County SD attempted to locate a motorist whose vehicle reportedly became stuck at a location over eight miles from Highway 89 on the Flagstaff RD. The officers were eventually forced to turn around and return to the highway due to deep snow. Coconino County SAR personnel later located the vehicle and assisted the occupants from the area.
On 12/7-8, an LEO on the Mogollon Rim RD contacted 12 groups of individuals removing Christmas trees from NFS lands. The LEO determined two of the groups did not have a permit and issued violation notices to the chainsaw operators for cutting/removing trees without authorization.
On 12/8, an LEO conducted patrols in snow play recreation areas on the Flagstaff RD. While at the Wing Mountain Sledding Area, the LEO was contacted by a woman who was injured in a sledding collision with another individual. At the woman’s request, EMS responded to the scene and assessed her condition. The woman suffered a large bump to her head but opted to be transported by her husband to a hospital.
On 12/16, FS Timber employees on the Flagstaff RD closed gates to NFS roads closed to motor vehicle use during the current winter season. The employees contacted a man living in a trailer along one of the roads and informed him of the closure. The man vehemently refused to vacate the site. Shortly thereafter, an LEO responded to diffuse the situation. The LEO placed the man under arrest after he continued to be non-compliant. The man was charged with residing on NFS lands, interfering with a federal officer, and being on a closed road.
Coronado NF -On 12/7, an LEO conducted a follow-up investigation with Graham County SD deputies who responded to a report of a non-responsive man in the Stockton Pass area on the Safford RD. The man was with a group of individuals camping in the area when he reportedly decided to drive home. After the man’s brother refused to let him leave, the two brothers began to fight at a location out of view from their companions. Witnesses reported the man’s brother had blood on his hands and clothing when he returned to their campsite. The witnesses then checked on the man, found his face was bleeding, and determined he was not breathing. One of the individuals administered CPR to the man until EMS and deputies arrived at the scene. EMS personnel pronounced the man as deceased on scene. The Graham County SD is continuing the investigation.
During the night on 12/8-9, LEOs conducted a reconnaissance in Rucker Canyon on the Douglas RD in response to several incidents involving undocumented immigrants and narcotics smugglers allegedly breaking into FS cabins in the area. The investigation continues.
On 12/11, an LEO/K9 team responded to assist USBP Douglas Station personnel in their attempt to contact a group of suspected narcotic smugglers near Price Canyon on the Douglas RD. The LEO/K9 team assisted in the seizure of 7 bundles of marijuana with a total weight of 316.4 pounds. One of the narcotic smugglers was apprehended and placed under arrest.
On 12/14, an LEO conducted a patrol along an NFS road in the Stockton Pass Area on the Safford RD. The LEO extinguished an unattended campfire and later issued a violation notice to the alleged responsible individual for leaving a campfire unattended.
Gila NF - On 12/9 an LEO assisted Grant County SD with the investigation of human skeletal remains on the Silver City RD. An FS contracted archeologist located the remains while conducting a survey for a watershed restoration project. Investigators determined the body was that of a male subject who had been reported as missing. Further investigation determined the individual had been deceased for approximately two years.
On 12/14, LEOs on the Silver City RD responded to a request for assistance from New Mexico Game & Fish regarding an anonymous tip received by Operation Game Thief. The tip provided information regarding a man allegedly in possession of a Gila monster, a federally listed threatened species. Due to the fact the man is currently on parole resulting from an armed robbery conviction, FS and G&F Officers coordinated with New Mexico Adult Probation & Parole and USMS personnelto contact the man at his residence. The officers successfully recovered the Gila monster from the man. USFWS personnel are assisting with the ongoing investigation.
On 12/14, LEOs on the Silver City RD received an ‘attempt to locate’ request from Silver City PD for a pick-up truck involved in a domestic violence incident in progress. Two minutes later, the LEOs located the pick-up truck traveling north on Highway 15 near Pinos Altos and observed what appeared to be an altercation in the cab of the truck. The LEOs initiated a traffic stop, but the driver made a U-turn and began to flee. The officers then conducted a felony traffic stop on the vehicle and detained the male driver. The man’s face was scratched and bloody. The female passenger reported the man had taken her against her will and was gouging her eyes while he was driving the truck. Silver City PD officers arrived on scene and placed the man under arrest for false imprisonment, battery on a household member, and reckless driving.
Kaibab NF -On 12/8, an LEO conducted patrols in several areas on the Tusayan RD in response to reports of illegal woodcutting. The LEO issued several violation notices and written warnings for fuelwood and traffic related violations.
On 12/9, an LEO on the Williams RD assisted Coconino County SD deputies in the arrest of a parole absconder from Connecticut who was residing in an area adjacent to NFS lands. The man had been a fugitive from justice since 1989.
On 12/9, an LEO met with the Lands and Minerals Specialist from the Williams RD and a representative from a construction company that had been issued a permit to expand a paved forest road to 30-feet wide. However, the road had been widened in sections to approximately 90 feet, and approximately 10 trees were damaged during the process. The company representative admitted their employees had exceeded the scope of their permit and damaged NFS lands. The representative accepted a violation notice from the LEO on behalf of the company.
After sunset on 12/12, an LEO conducted a patrol in a developed campground designated as day use only during winter months on the Williams RD. The LEO contacted two men in the area and issued a violation notice along with a written warning to them.
Lincoln NF -On 12/9, an LEO and FS Range Specialists located stray trespass cattle in the Tucson Mountains on the Smokey Bear RD. Heavy winter hair covering the cattle brands resulted in difficulty identifying the owner. An investigation is continuing.
On 12/15, LEOs conducted a compliance check on the driver of a vehicle hauling fuelwood on the Sacramento RD.The LEOs determined the driver was using a fuelwood permit issued to an individual not present at that time. Upon further investigation, the LEOs issued violation notices to the driver for possession of marijuana, removing timber without authorization, no proof of insurance, expired vehicle registration, and providing false information to an officer. The LEOs seized the fuelwood and arranged to have the vehicle towed from the area.
Prescott NF -On 12/8, an LEO on the Bradshaw RD observed a vehicle towing a trailer loaded with fuelwood while traveling at an unsafe speed on a snow-packed roadway. Shortly thereafter, the vehicle slid off the road. The LEO contacted the driver who reported he was not injured. The officer determined the wood did not have attached forest products removal tags and issued a violation notice to the driver for fuelwood permit non-compliance. The LEO also issued a written warning to the man for driving at a rate of speed too fast for road conditions.
On 12/12, an LEO on the Chino Valley RD conducted a traffic stop on a pick-up truck after observing the driver fail to obey a stop sign. The LEO observed several pieces of cut flagstone, often used as decorative rock, in the bed of the truck. The driver claimed he worked at a local flagstone quarry and was transporting the rock home but did not intend to sell it. The LEO issued a violation notice to the driver for removing natural resources (flagstone) from NFS lands without authorization. and directed him to unload it from the pick-up truck.
Tonto NF - On 12/9, an LEO investigated a report from FS Range staff regarding a permittee who did not comply with an order to remove his cattle from an area on the Globe RD. The case is pending further investigation and coordination with Range staff.
On 12/10, an LEO investigated a report of unauthorized digging of archaeological sites within the Globe RD. The LEO located branches covering two large holes dug in the ground within the site. The investigation is ongoing.
On 12/10, while driving along a U.S. Highway adjacent to the Globe RD an LEO witnessed a female jump off a bridge and fall to the creek bed several hundred feet below. The LEO secured the scene, directed traffic, and assisted Pinal County SD personnel who responded to the scene. The initial death investigation indicated the female jumped off the bridge in order to commit suicide.
On 12/13, an LEO responded to a report of individuals cutting/removing very large juniper trees near Colcord Road on the Payson RD. The LEO conducted a traffic stop on the individuals’ vehicle as they were leaving the area. The officer identified one of the individuals as a contract holder for a thinning project and determined he did not have proper documentation for removal of the juniper trees. The LEO issued a violation notice to the man and seized the trees from the individuals.
On 12/13, an LEO assisted surveyors while they placed signage at a site in the Beaver Valley area on the Payson RD. A landowner had confronted the surveyors the previous week while they were completing surveys for an upcoming timber project. It was determined the landowner was trespassing on NFS lands and had removed FS signs from the area. After being contacted by the LEO, the landowner waded into a nearby creek, recovered the FS signs, and returned them as requested.
On 12/14, an LEO responded to a report that individuals had cut the top off a 30-foot tree on the Pleasant Valley RD. A Gila County SD deputy stopped the individuals as they were leaving the area and found they were hauling a tree approximately 18 feet in length, in violation of tree length limitations. The LEO issued a violation notice to the driver of the vehicle for Christmas tree permit non-compliance.
On 12/14, an LEO contacted three individuals cutting timber on the Globe RD and issued a warning notice to them for using a fuelwood permit issued to an individual not present at that time. After further investigation, the LEO determined one of the individuals had a felony warrant for a charge related to child custody. The officer detained the man until a Pinal County SD deputy arrived to place him under arrest. The LEO also issued a violation notice to the man for driving on a revoked license.
Ashley NF -On 11/17, an LEO worked in conjunction with Wyoming Game & Fish personnel during a Burbot (also known as Ling) Fishing Tournament sponsored by Daggett County. The tournament occurs on Flaming Gorge Reservoir for several months. A total of 125 individuals caught over 620 Burbot during the weekend.
Bridger-Teton NF -On8/5, an LEO contacted individuals gathered at a site for the purpose of having a party on the Greys River RD. The LEO determined heavy equipment had been used to clear vegetation from the site. The officer issued violation notices to the individuals for damaging natural resources. A Lincoln County SD deputy responded to assist in addressing several issues with the individuals including being in possession of controlled substances, being a minor in possession of alcohol, and evading a law enforcement officer.
On 8/31, an LEO on the Pinedale RD located an unattended campfire and requested an FS Engine crew to extinguish it. The LEO determined the group of individuals responsible for the campfire had backpacked into the Wind River Range. Another LEO later contacted the group as they returned to the trailhead and issued a violation notice to them.
On 9/1, anLEO assisted FPOs from the Jackson RD in contacting a large group of intoxicated individuals floating the Snake River. The number of individuals in the group exceeded the allowed group limitation of 15 individuals unless otherwise authorized by a special use permit. A violation notice was issued to the group.
On 10/6, an LEO and a Wyoming Game & Fish Warden rode horses to a site where carcasses of horses were reportedly being used as bear bait. The officers found the horses had been fatally shot and then strung by the head in trees to use as bait. Unknown individuals apparently hunted over the “bait” the previous spring. The investigation is ongoing.
On 10/12, an LEO on the Jackson RD assisted Teton County SD and Wyoming Game & Fish personnel during the investigation of a reported poaching incident. County deputies conducted a traffic stop on the reported vehicle and found the occupants were in possession of three Mule deer bucks that had been harvested out of season. Further investigation determined the individuals were not legally authorized to be present in the U.S. The investigation continues.
On 10/29, LEOs and a Game Warden investigated a trapper’s report of two dead horses on the Blackrock RD. The LEOs and the Warden located a mare and a jenny that had been shot in the head and abandoned at the scene. Bear(s) had partially eaten/covered the carcasses. The officers cut and removed sections of hide marked with what appeared to be brands on the horses. The LEO utilized clippers to shave the hair off the two sections of hide and identified the same clear brand on both of them. It was determined the brand was not registered in Wyoming but similar brands are registered in neighboring states. The investigation is ongoing.
On 11/1, an LEO on the Jackson RD conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle that had been reported by a Wyoming State Trails employee as off-road on the Greys River RD several months prior. The state employee took photos of the vehicle while it was off-road. After the LEO displayed the photos to the driver, he admitted to operating a vehicle off-road. The LEO issued a violation notice to him.
Caribou-Targhee NF -On 10/25, an LEO on the Dubois RD was requested by Clark County SD to assist in a SAR for two individuals. Both individuals were found shortly thereafter. The officers placed one of them under arrest for DUI. The other individual was found at the scene where his Jeep slid part-way down a cliff above a ravine. After the vehicle was pulled to safety, the LEO issued violation notices to both individuals for operating a vehicle off-road and littering. In addition, the carcass of a doe deer that had been shot and abandoned was found within a quarter-mile from the scene. The investigation is continuing.
Fishlake NF -On 9/11, an LEO and the Forest Supervisor met with a monitor from the Paiute Tribe regarding procedures pertaining to artifacts found on NFS lands. Protocols and sensitive issues related to the Red Butte and Sigurd Powerline Project were discussed as well.
On 9/14, an LEO and officers from Sevier, Piute, Wayne, and Garfield Counties participated in the annual “Shop with a Cop” event for 100 children. Ronald McDonald provided breakfast for the children. Officers then accompanied the children as they each used a $100 donation to shop for gifts and clothing at a local Walmart store.
Humboldt-Toiyabe NF - On 12/15, an LEO/K9 team conducted multiple Christmas tree permit compliance checks in the Saw Mill Canyon area on the Ely RD. The team also assisted several members of the public whose vehicles were stuck in the snow.
On 12/15, the Spring Mountains NRA was heavily impacted by individuals traveling to and recreating in a snow play area in Lee Canyon. An LEO conducted 20 separate traffic stops of vehicles traveling 15 mph or more over the posted speed limit. The LEO addressed numerous violations throughout the day.
Uinta-Wasatch-Cache NF - During the night on 12/8, LEOs on the Salt Lake RD responded to a report of individuals illegally cutting/removing Christmas trees. The LEOs conducted a traffic stop on a moving vehicle without illuminated headlights. After further investigation, the LEOs determined the driver was in possession of methamphetamine, marijuana, and drug paraphernalia. The officers placed the driver under arrest and transported him to the county jail.
Inyo NF - On 12/14, LEOs and a PC joined local law enforcement agencies to spread holiday cheer at the third annual “Shop with a Cop” event. The officers, along with the Mono County SD, Mammoth Lakes PD, Bishop PD, Inyo County SD, Inyo County Probation, California HP, Bishop Tribal Police, California Department of Fish & Wildlife, California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation, and countless volunteers sponsored 40 children to assist them in providing holiday cheer for their families. The LEOs and PC sponsored three of the children for the event.
Sequoia NF - On 12/14, an LEO and an LEO/K9 team conducted foot patrol at Remington Hotsprings on the Kern River RD. The LEOs contacted a man who drove his vehicle into a closed area and issued a violation notice to him for damaging natural resources. After the K9 alerted to the odor of narcotics in the vehicle, the LEOs determined the man was in possession of methamphetamine paraphernalia. The officers issued State Notices to Appear in Court to the man for driving without a license and possession of drug paraphernalia. The man’s girlfriend then arrived on scene. The LEOs determined the woman had two state warrants for narcotics related charges. The officers cited the woman for the warrants and released her on scene. The vehicle was towed from the area.
Sierra NF - In 2013, law enforcement personnel eradicated 19 marijuana grow sites containing a total of approximately 105,000 plants from the Forest, and arrested 8 individuals for related charges. A total of 21 grow sites on the Sierra NF and 3 sites on the Sequoia NF were cleaned-up. Extremely large quantities of debris including 30 net-loads weighing a total of 12,900 pounds were removed from the sites. An estimated 33,100 feet (6.5 miles) of irrigation line utilized by the growers was removed from the sites as well.
On 12/12, a Fire Prevention Technician (FPT) on the Bass Lake RD observed a truck in an area closed to motor vehicle use. The FPT found the chain on the gate closing the road was cut and a private lock was attached to it. The truck left the area before the FPT was able to make contact with the driver. The following day, an LEO and the FTP returned to the area and determined that 12 cedar trees, ranging from 12-30 inches in diameter, had been cut and removed without authorization. The investigation is ongoing.
Stanislaus NF - On 12/1, an LEO conducted a patrol along Highway 108 on the Summit RD. The LEO observed individuals in a pick-up truck hauling a Christmas tree. The driver of the truck immediately turned onto a road in the adjacent town of Cold Springs in an apparent attempt to elude the officer. Soon thereafter, the LEO contacted the individuals who then admitted to stealing the tree from a location along Crabtree Road. The LEO issued a violation notice to them for cutting/removing timber without authorization.
On 12/5, an LEO and an SA investigated a report of an unauthorized water catch system on the Miwok RD. The LEO and SA found multiple hose lines and water catch spots in an area that burned during the Rim Fire. One of the sites had apparently contained several thousand marijuana plants. The investigation continues.
On 12/7, an LEO on the Miwok RD stopped to assist the driver of a vehicle that had slid off the snow-covered and icy roadway of Highway 108. Several other vehicles slid off the roadway while the LEO was on scene. The LEO assisted California HP in closing down the highway for several hours due to the number of vehicles blocking the roadway. The officers also assisted the occupants of approximately 35 vehicles that slid off the roadway between the Confidence and Mi-Wuk areas. No serious injuries were reported.
Chattahoochee-Oconee NF -On 10/8, an LEO on the Blue Ridge RD attended proceedings in state court regarding three methamphetamine cases initiated in 2010. Three individuals pleaded guilty to felony possession of methamphetamine; two of them also pleaded guilty to misdemeanor possession of marijuana. The individuals were each sentenced to pay a fine and serve five years’ probation.
Daniel Boone NF -On 12/5, LEOs on the Cumberland RD provided backup to a Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Officer who was conducting a traffic stop on a vehicle along Highway 599 at Clack Mountain. The officers determined that arrest warrants with a nationwide extradition status had been issued for the occupants of the vehicle. The LEOs assisted the Wildlife Officer in arresting the individuals and transporting them to the Rowan County Detention Center.
George Washington & Jefferson NF -On 11/25, LEOs observed a vehicle approach their location on Chrisman Hollow Road on the Lee RD. The driver then immediately turned the vehicle around and drove back down the road out of view from the officers. The LEOs conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle as it again approached their location several minutes later. After further investigation, the LEOs determined the driver had been charged with a weapons violation the prior day. The officers observed the male passenger of the vehicle appeared to be under the influence. The LEOs determined the driver hid a marijuana pipe under leaves when he drove back down the road out of view from the officers. After further investigation, the LEOs issued a violation notice to the passenger for being in possession of marijuana.
On 11/29, an LEO on the Glenwood/Pedlar RDs approached a man and a woman at a dispersed campsite alongside the Coal Road. The LEO observed the two individuals run to the driver’s side of their vehicle. The officer contacted the individuals at the vehicle and observed marijuana along with paraphernalia on the front seat and two beers on the floorboard of the vehicle. The LEO issued violation notices to the individuals for being in possession of alcohol in a prohibited area, and possession of marijuana.
On 12/5, an LEO from the North River RD and an SA attended proceedings in U.S. District Court, Harrisonburg, VA regarding a case initiated in July 2013 when more than 6,000 marijuana plants were found growing on NFS lands within Highland County. Investigators had entered the area during the night, found the suspects sleeping in a tent surrounded by multiple plots containing thousands of plants, and placed the individuals under arrest. The individuals were found guilty of conspiracy to distribute marijuana and distribution of marijuana. They were also found guilty of re-entering the country without authorization after being deported. Sentencing for the individuals is scheduled to occur in March. Both face sentences of up to life in prison.
NFs in Alabama - On 11/18, an LEO on the Bankhead RD responded to a report from Winston County SD Dispatch of an individual possibly in duress. Hunters called 911 to report the sound of three shots fired at segmented times in the Hickory Grove Church area. The LEO determined the “sounds of shots” were from a propane canon set-up on private property in order to deter potential trespassers. The officer requested the property owner to change the pattern of shots in order to prevent unnecessary dispatching of SAR resources to the area.
On 12/2, an LEO on the Bankhead RD found that an NFS road had been heavily damaged by vehicular traffic and individuals dumping trash along the roadway. The LEO is coordinating with District staff to protect the area from further damage. Later that day, the LEO was contacted by a member of the public regarding illegal baiting of wildlife in the Sipsey Wilderness Area. Before contacting the LEO, the reporting party photographed and recorded GPS coordinates of the feeder while it was still strapped to a tree near a wilderness trail. The individual then removed the homemade corn feeder from the area for the purpose of following “leave no trace” practices. The investigation continues.
On 12/5, an LEO on the Bankhead RD conducted a preliminary investigation regarding approximately 30 unmarked trees cut during an active timber sale. The LEO is coordinating with District staff to resolve the issue and prevent similar violations in the future.
NFs in Florida -On 12/6, LEOs from the Seminole and Lake George RDs responded to information provided by a Marion County SD deputy that teenagers were reportedly planning to have a party at a sand pit closed to motor vehicle use. Prior to their arrival at the party site, the LEOs contacted three teenagers driving along an illegal road. A majority of the other teenagers apparently left the area after the three drivers notified them via cell phone of the officers’ presence. The LEOs issued a total of nine violation notices to individuals for operating motor vehicles off a designated route, being in possession of an open container of alcohol, possession of marijuana, and failing to stop when directed to do so by an FS officer.
NF in North Carolina - On 12/6, a man was sentenced as a result of his plea of guilty to one count of violating the Lacey Act within the Pisgah NF. The charge stemmed from an investigation, named “Operation Something Bruin”, conducted by the FS and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. The man was seen killing a black bear and then using his brother-in-law’s tags to check it in with authorities. During the take-down phase of the investigation, FS personnel placed the man under arrest without incident. He was sentenced to pay a $1,000 fine along with $25 special assessment, and serve 30 days in jail followed by one year of supervised probation. In addition, the man was ordered to surrender his hunting and fishing license.