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"Yoga encourages the body to stretch, unwind and expand," writes Molly Sims in The Everyday Supermodel. In fact, the "supermomma" swears by the psychological, spiritual, professional and personal benefits she gets from yoga. And it turns out, it’s also a great way to have an easier pregnancy and post-preg recovery, says Fit Pregnancy advisory board member Erica Ziel, founder of Knocked-Up Fitness. "Yoga can help mama maintain good body alignment and awareness while both stretching and strengthening," Ziel says. Sold? Try these 13 do-anywhere poses from Sims’ book, holding each for five to ten deep breaths.

Adapted from The Everyday Supermodel. © 2015 by Molly Sims. Excerpted with permission from Dey St., an imprint of William Morrow Publishers.

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The Everyday Supermodel Yoga Workout

SEO Title:

Molly Sims Yoga Workout

Photo credit:

Gia Canali



Stretches hips, inner thighs, hamstrings, shoulders, chest and spine.
With legs in Warrior II position (spread wide with left foot turned slightly in and right foot pointing forward; hips opening out to left side), straighten right leg and reach right arm toward front of the room, then bring right arm down to the floor, your shin, or a block. Extend left arm up and bring your gaze up toward the sky. After a few breaths, switch sides.

Prenatal/postnatal modifications: Shorten your stance slightly if you feel more comfortable—only stretch to a range that feels good, not painful.

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Triangle Pose

SEO Title:

Molly Sims Triangle Pose

Photo credit:

Gia Canali



Strengthens quadriceps and stretches inner thighs, spine and shoulders.
Begin in Warrior II position, left foot back and right foot forward. Lower right arm so forearm rests on right thigh, and raise left arm up toward the ceiling, then bring over your head, turning head to face the ceiling. To deepen the stretch, bring right hand to inside of right foot or to a block.

Prenatal/postnatal modifications: Shorten your stance slightly if you feel more comfortable—only stretch to a range that feels good, not painful.

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Side Angle Pose

SEO Title:

Molly Sims Side Angle Pose

Photo credit:

Gia Canali



Improves balance and concentration, strengthens legs and stretches inner thighs, chest and shoulders.
Begin in Mountain Pose, then shift weight to right foot and lift left knee. Reach down to grab left ankle, and place foot against upper inner right thigh. Place hands on hips, and when you have your balance, raise them above your head. After a few breaths, switch sides.

Prenatal/postnatal modifications: Rest one or both hands on a chair or wall if you need help with balance. Place foot against ankle if you need further help. (Never place foot against inside of knee.)

Image Title:

Tree Pose

Photo credit:

Gia Canali



Stretches shoulders and hamstrings, engages abdominals and helps improve balance and posture.
Begin in Mountain Pose, bend right leg slightly and step left foot back 2-3 feet behind you, keeping right toes facing forward and weight in right foot. Engage core and lift left leg as you tilt torso forward. Keeping hips square, extend and raise left leg as high as possible. (It’s ok to keep a slight bend in right knee, but extend right leg if you can.) Reach arms ahead of you as you breathe and balance. After a few breaths, switch sides.

Prenatal/postnatal modifications: Rest one or both hands on a chair or wall if you need help with balance.

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Photo credit:

Gia Canali



Stretches the shoulders, chest, abdomen and thighs and improves balance and focus.
Begin in Mountain Pose, shift weight to right foot and bend knee of left leg (bringing left foot toward butt). Grab left ankle with left hand and lift left hand and left foot toward sky. Extend right arm forward for balance. After a few breaths, switch sides.

Prenatal/postnatal modifications: Rest one or both hands on a chair or wall if you need help with balance; or perform pose with right side-body leaning against wall (then left, when you switch sides).

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Photo credit:

Gia Canali



Stretches the hamstrings, low back and spine and stimulates internal organs.
Kneel on left knee and place right leg extended in front of you. Keeping back straight, hinge forward at hips and bring hands to floor for balance. After a few breaths, switch sides.

Prenatal/postnatal modifications: If your kneeling knee feels uncomfortable, place a towel underneath it, or fold up your yoga mat an extra time or two for cushioning.

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Runner's Stretch

Photo credit:

Gia Canali



Stretches the thighs, psoas (muscle that stabilizes the spine and allows spine and hips to rotate), groin, chest and shoulders.
Kneel on left knee and bring right leg in front of you, bent at knee with knee directly over ankle. Reach back with left hand to grab left foot, and pull it toward butt, placing right forearm on right thigh for balance. Keep chest facing forward. After a few breaths, switch sides.

Prenatal/postnatal modifications: If your kneeling knee feels uncomfortable, place a towel underneath it, or fold up your yoga mat an extra time or two for cushioning.

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Low Lunge with Thigh Stretch

Photo credit:

Gia Canali



Stimulates the mind, stretches the front of the body and strengthens back.
Kneel upright with knees hip-distance apart. Rest hands on lower back with fingers pointing toward floor. Lean back as far as you are comfortable. To deepen, reach back with hands and hold onto heels.

Prenatal/postnatal modifications: If the stretch is too intense or you have diastasis recti, stick with a slight backbend with hands on lower back.

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Photo credit:

Gia Canali



Stretches thighs, chest, neck and spine. Helps calm the mind and expands abdominal muscles and lungs.
Lie on back, bend knees and place feet hip-width apart, just far enough from your butt that you can barely brush heels with fingertips. Press feet into floor and lift hips up without letting knees splay apart. Work shoulders underneath you to clasp hands together. After a few breaths, unclasp hands, then slowly roll back down.

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Bridge Pose

Photo credit:

Gia Canali



Gently stretches hips, thighs and ankles. Calms nervous system and helps relieve stress.
Begin on all fours, then lower hips to heels, folding over your thighs and bringing forehead toward floor. Reach arms out in front of you and rest them on the floor. Breathe and hold for one minute if possible.

Prenatal modification: Widen knees to accommodate your bump.

Image Title:

Child’s Pose

Photo credit:

Gia Canali



Stretches hamstrings, inner thighs and spine. Calms the mind and improves digestion.
Sit upright with legs spread wide, then bend left knee to bring left foot toward the center of your body. Bring arms overhead and stretch toward ceiling, then bend toward right side, bringing left arm above your head and right arm to right ankle. After a few breaths, switch sides.

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Revolved Head to Knee Pose

Photo credit:

Gia Canali



Stretches inner thighs, outer hips and spine.
Sit upright and bring feet together, pulling them toward you. Grasp feet with hands and, keeping back straight, lean forward.

Image Title:

Butterfly Stretch

Photo credit:

Gia Canali



Relaxes the body and calms the mind.
Lie on your back, feet splaying apart, hands relaxed, open and facing ceiling, shoulders relaxed and eyes closed. Breathe and unwind for five minutes.

Prenatal/postnatal modifications: During third trimester, rest on your side instead of your back. If resting on back and your lower back feels tender, rest with feet on floor, wide, and knees resting against each other.

Image Title:

Corpse Pose

Photo credit:

Gia Canali



Learn more about Molly's new book at The Everyday Supermodel and at MollySims.com.

Photo credit:


In The Everyday Supermodel, Molly Sims shares her beauty, fashion and wellness secrets, including this yoga workout for boths moms and moms-to-be.

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Issue Name:

Feb/March 2015: Web Extras--Molly Sims The Everyday Supermodel Book Excerpt


By Anna Maltby

Follow @amalt


Yoga Poses


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