Smoothies are great refreshments, packed with energy and big smiles not to mention that all of them come with a delicious taste. Being so great for your health (smoothies are the best after-work-out snack) they should also contain proteins. Here are some easy ways to make the most out of your smoothie.
Yogurt-Smoothie or Milky Smoothie
Half a cup of Greek low fat yogurt can replace three pieces of low-fat meat. Check your “Greek” yogurt for live active cultures and milk, as there are many companies which advertise regular yogurt as being “Greek”.
A cup of low fat milk can also help enrich the smoothie. And you probably already use milk, without even knowing about its protein content.
Add almonds
A spoon of almond butter can keep the protein level high and the fat low. A study proved that almonds can limit the quantity of fat absorbed by the body, so they are great to add to a diet smoothie. To vary things a bit, use almond milk. This is made of crushed almonds and water and it’s level of proteins is a bit lower than those of almonds, but it will add value to your smoothie.
Oats equals protein
Oats are not only carbs, but they are also rich in protein and can keep away obesity, heart attacks and diabetes.
Half of avocado will make your smoothie delicious and rich in proteins, as this fruit is a source of good fat.
Add 2 oz of tofu to your smoothie to add some proteins and to keep away cancer. Recent studies reveal soybean can inhibit the cancerous cells growth.
Chia seeds
If you want a mix of proteins, antioxidants, fibers and Omega 3 fatty acids to add to your smoothie, here you have it. Chia seeds are some kind of wonder-food.
Cottage cheese
Add cottage cheese to your smoothie to make it a full meal. Choose a low fat type of cheese if you don’t want to add some weight along with the proteins.
Go green and add kale
A green smoothie might not look too good, but it is healthy. Kale is full of vitamins C and K and fibers, apart from proteins. And it also tastes good.
Smoothies are great as healthy snacks and are easy to take along, not to mention to prepare on the spot. And another thing everyone loves is that they are highly customizable, so you can add whatever you wants to make it delicious, fun and high-protein valuable.