
Hello Fitlifers!

Welcome to another exciting Saturday Strategy!

In this week’s Saturday Strategy, we are fortunate to have Dr. Jonny Bowden, a renowned speaker, doctor, and creator of the New You in 22 Program. Even though his beliefs in nutrition is different from what the mainstream media is telling us, he was featured by USA today, CNN, Fox News, and The Dr. Oz Show to name a few.

New You in 22 is an amazing new program that is launching today! My good friend Jonny Bowden aka The Rogue Nutritionist along with a couple other buddies created this program to abolish some very common myths that a lot of “fad” diet programs totally have wrong!

Check out some of the key points of the program here:

The goal of New You in 22 is to change the way your body uses nutrition for energy.

Specifically, we want to change you from a “sugar burner” to a “fat burner”.

Burning off sugars for energy comes in bursts, meaning it never lasts too long, so you start to crave more sugars just to try and get through the day.

A lot of people have become sugar burners because they consume too many starchy and processed carbohydrates in their diet. Carbohydrates break down into simple sugars in our bodies and are then burned for energy.

Huge myth #1 – Eating fat makes you fat

This is a very inaccurate and often destructive myth. Healthy fats actually give you longer lasting energy than sugars and help your metabolism fire to burn fat. “You have to eat fat to lose fat.” With New You in 22, your body will switch to become a “fat burner” meaning you will burn fat for energy, causing you to not only have amazing energy all day long, but you’ll lose fat at the same time!

The Hormonal Symphony

Huge myth #2 – It’s all about using more calories than you take in

This one gets me all riled-up too. Listen, let’s say you naturally use about 2000 calories a day. Now let’s say your diet consists of eating 1900 calories worth of cotton candy everyday. You tell me…Do you think you’ll lose weight?

Maybe you will. But it will not be healthy weight loss in any sort of way. As your insulin spikes, you will just be storing fat with every calorie you eat. So you may shed a pound or two at first, but you’ll be gaining fat with every bite you take. And forget exercise, you won’t have the energy for it.

Your body is an incredible machine that flows and is governed by your hormones. The real success comes from working with your hormones and giving them what they need to flourish (or maybe keep in check). Insulin, leptin, cortisol…these and many more are explained in this program so you can have the edge against weight gain.

The 5 Pathways

Huge myth #3 – Diet and Exercise are all you need to focus on

These are absolutely key, but they are only part of the picture. Diet and Exercise make up 2 pathways in your health. The other 3 pathways are:




All 5 of these pathways are key in balancing and controlling your hormones. If you become too stressed out, your cortisol will become out of whack and you will gain more fat. Similar results will be if you don’t sleep enough. Also, if your body is filled with toxins, many of your hormones will be inhibited and will not be able to function properly.

So yes, diet and exercise are key, but make sure you are also getting plenty of sleep, keeping your stress levels low, and detoxing your body to ensure you run as efficiently as you were meant to.

If you’re not quite there with any of these pathways, don’t worry! The New You in 22 system is designed to help you with every pathway so you can see the best success in your transformation and in your life.

For this week’s recipe, we’ll be needing : 1 cucumber, 1 romaine lettuce, 6 stalks celery, 2 tomatoes, 1 red bell pepper, 2 lemons, Parsley, 2 red onions, avocado.


Cucumbers are good for digestion and weight loss. Cucumbers are low calorie and have a high water content; so drinking cucumber juice is a great way to keep full and satisfied.


Romaine Lettuce

Romaine lettuce has more nutrient content than looseleaf, butterhead and iceberg. Also, the darker the lettuce, the higher concentration of nutrients.


Celery contains apigenin. Apigenin is a flavonoid that may help stop tumor growth. It’s also under study for its anti-inflammatory effects.



Tomatoes make your skin look great. Beta-carotene, also found in carrots and sweet potatoes, helps protect skin against sun damage.

Red bell pepper

According to research, bell peppers contain substances that have been shown to prevent blood clot formation which reduces chances of heart attack and stroke.


Lemons help stimulate your liver and helps flush out toxins like uric acid.  Also, it liquefies the bile. This is part of the reason why lemons are used as a great cleanser.


Parsley is beneficial for your adrenal glands. When we become stressed out and aren’t taking in the right foods, our adrenal glands also get “fatigued.” Symptoms of adrenal fatigue include feeling sluggish, lack of energy, and lack of sleep. Parsley helps “rejuvenate” your adrenal glands.

Red Onion

Onions contain a compound called allylpropyl disulphide (APDS) which creates the powerful lowering of blood sugar levels.


Avocados are the fruit with the highest level of Vitamin E.  Vitamin E is an essential vitamin and helps to maintain overall health. Vitamin E have positive effects on heart disease, stroke, cancer prevention, and development of cataracts.

Here’s this week’s recipe that can help you boost your energy!

With juicing, you get a lot of health benefits such as longevity, focus and mental clarity to name a few.  If you’re interested in more premium videos like this where we dive into transformation as a whole, click on Juice With Drew to learn about the system that sets you up for success.

The winner of this week’s juicer is:

Fitlifers, if you want to grab the chance of winning the juicer next week like Chokyi Dawa, make sure you leave a comment on the blog to register. Tell us how juicing has transformed you, or how it can transform your life! We want to hear from you!

I hope you enjoyed this week’s Saturday Strategy. Make sure to share it with your family and friends! Also, you can follow me in Twitter with the link in my name below!

Remember, we’re in this together…

Drew Canole



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If you’re ready to take the first step, begin your transformation by clicking the transformations below!

Disclaimer: The techniques, strategies, and suggestions expressed here are intended to be used for educational purposes only. The author, Drew Canole, and the associated www.fitlife.tv are not rendering medical advice, nor to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, condition, illness, or injury.

It is imperative that before beginning any nutrition or exercise program you receive full medical clearance from a licensed physician.

Drew Canole and Fitlife.tv claim no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the material presented here.

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